1. The stone encrypted in books, its secret is ours
By providence it became a child and an adult
١. لنا الحجرُ المرموزُ في الكتب سرُّهُ
وقد صار بالتدبير طفلاً وبالغا
2. We saw it tossed on roads among the people
But above the heavens it was brilliant
٢. رأيناه بين الخلق في الطُرْق مُطْرَحاً
ولكنه فوق السماكين نابغا
3. So when the holy spirit became elixir of our soul
We saw the light of the secret manifest through the secret
٣. فمذ حل روحُ القدس إكسيرَ نفسنا
رأينا ضياء السر بالسر زالغا
4. A beautiful boy, his beauty puts the sun to shame
Wise and resolute in important affairs
٤. غلاماً ربيباً يخجل الشمسَ حسنُه
رصيناً حكيماً للمهمات دامغا
5. His father is generous and his mother is chaste
Ancient yet modern, busy yet at leisure
٥. أبوه كريمٌ والبكارة أمه
قديماً حديثاً مُشغَلاً متفارغا
6. We have a cause, yet before it he was
In his hypostasis, the caused, a son rising
٦. لنا علَّةٌ لكنه كان قبلها
بأقنومه المعلول إبناً وبازغا
7. He contained one essence in essence and nature
His essence triumphed but did not err
٧. حوى جوهراً في الذات والطبع واحداً
تثلَّثَ جَوهرْهُ وما كان زائغا
8. He was an elder before becoming a youth
And became a suckling babe
٨. وقد كان شيخاً قبلَ أن صار يافعاً
وأصبح في سن الرضاعة رابغا
9. Since he died slaughtered, by his slaughter he revived
And revived a ruin that was consumed in the blaze
٩. ومذ مات مذبوحاً فأحيا بذبحه
وأحيا رميماً كان في النار واتغا
10. What a wondrous slain you are, you slew our slayer
In you, the tribe’s slain became brilliant
١٠. فيا لك مقتولاً قتلتَ قَتولَنا
وفيك قتيل القوم أصبح نابغا
11. When he died, a sacrificed servant, anguished
He rose as God, the creator of the universe
١١. وإذ مات عبداً مُبدَعاً متألماً
فقام إلهاً مبدِعَ الكون صائغا
12. With his spiritual law he reforms the corrupt
And in him opens what was closed and mature
١٢. بناموسه الروحي يصلح فاسداً
ويفتح فيه مقفلاً كان بالغا
13. He heals and revives the dead who became crumbs
And death's fang was piercing the dead
١٣. ويشفي ويُحيي ميِّتاً صار رِمَّةً
وقد كان ناب الموت للميْت ماضغا
14. He sucked from it the poison of its dragon
That marred his body while his soul it continued to bite
١٤. وقد مَصَّ منه سمَّ تنِّينِه الذي
نكى جسمَه والنفس قد كان لادغا
15. He appointed over it the hound of his law
To protect him from a prowling wolf
١٥. أقام عليه حارساً كلبَ شرعه
فيحميه من ذئبٍ أتاه مراوغا
16. So he marveled at him alive, dead, and resurrected
And his creation from Adam who erred
١٦. فأعجب به حيّاً وميْتاً ومُنشَراً
وتكوينه من آدمٍ كان رائغا
17. He attacked him in body and dignified soul
But from his progeny he always strayed
١٧. تردَّى به جسماً ونفساً عريقةً
ولكنه عن نسله كان زائغا
18. And he perfected a mind that was once lacking
And articulated a speech that was once muted
١٨. وأصلح عقلاً كان من قبل ناقصاً
وأفصح نطقاً كان من بعد لاثغا
19. The truth in him split the rock as a guide
Though not every truth could split the true rock
١٩. بدا الحق فيه يصدع الحقَّ مرشداً
وما كل حق كان للحق فادغا
20. This is the elixir, elixir of our soul
That came to us while doubts' tails clung to doubts
٢٠. فهذا هو الإكسير إكسير نفسنا
أتانا وذيل الشك للشك سابغا
21. Since he arrived, he transformed shavings then lead
Into pure gold, if you are an artisan
٢١. ومذ حل حَوَّلَ اَسْرُباً ثم آنُكاً
إلى الذهب الإبريز إن كنت صائغا
22. God has gained a meal that once deprived
And a drink that once quenched thirst
٢٢. فلله مأكولٌ به كان مُمرياً
وللَه مشروبٌ به كان سائغا
23. Whatever firm order you desire, conclude it
And whatever just rule you want, see it through
٢٣. فما شئت من إحكام أمرٍ فأبرِمَنْ
وما شئت من إنفاذ حكمٍ فبالغا
24. In him lots were divided like inheritance
As lands in the era of peacetime were divided
٢٤. فقد قسمت فيه الحظوظ موارثاً
كما قسم الأرْضون في عهدِ فالغا
25. So fear no usurper in dividing the lot
Even if he quarreled with people through evil
٢٥. فلا تخش في تقسيمه الحظَّ مارداً
ولو كان بين الناس بالشر نازغا
26. For that rock, the truth, crushed
His hopes until he evaded us
٢٦. على أن تلك الصخرة الحق رّضَّضت
أمانيه حتى ارتد عنّا مراوغا
27. And he who once stoned became stoned
With a face masked in soil during tumult's attack
٢٧. فأصبح مرجوماً وقد كان راجماً
لجبهته في هَبوة التُرب مارغا
28. He fell while his soul rose as a ray
Victorious or exaggerating as it rose
٢٨. فأسفر عن وجهٍ تدبَّغ بالثرى
لحى اللَه وجهاً جاء بالمكر دابغا
29. Until we muzzled him with our symbol’s pearl
Wisdom about her child left him
٢٩. هوى واستطارت نفسُه عندما هوى
شعاعاً وشدَّ غالباً أو مبالغا
30. And I dressed him in it and through it our features
As I was dressed in its flowing robes
٣٠. إلى أن لَجمناه بدُرَّةِ رَمزنا
له حكمةٌ عن طفلها عاد لاثغا
31. It appeared to us as a full moon then a sun matching us
The law since it wandered in it preoccupied
٣١. وألبستُه منها وفيها شكائماً
كما أنني أُلبستُ فيها السوابغا
32. It seemed a full moon so when its mansion emerged
An eagle appeared as a sun not yet rising
٣٢. تبدَّت لنا بدراً وشمساً تقارنا
هما شَرَعٌ مذ هام فيها مُناشغا
33. But he crafted through it for himself in it
Jewelry with wisdom from the symbol of unfading dye
٣٣. تراءت لنا بدراً فمذ حل بُرجَها
عُقابٌ بدت شمساً وما كان بازغا
34. Thirty years he wandered in it, managing
And after the thirty they called him artisan
٣٤. ولكنه قد صاغ منها له بها
حُلِيّاً له من عَندَم الرمز صابغا
٣٥. ثلاثين حولاً جال فيها مدبِّراً
وسَمَّوه من بعد الثلاثين صائغا