1. God tended a garden where his meadows shone
With the tread of a God who therein did wait
١. رعى اللَه بستاناً تجلت رياضُه
بوطء إلهٍ كان فيه مُرَبَّصا
2. And prayed a prayer that He might us enfold
To Him and blot out all we had misshaped
٢. وصلَّى صلاةً ضِمنَهُ كي يَضمَّنا
إليه ويمحو ما بنا قد تخصصنا
3. And for us offered up Himself that He
Might turn us to Him and love us, healed and saved
٣. وقدَّم عنا ذاته كي يُحيلَنا
إليه ويحبونا شفاءً ومَخلَصا
4. And when He saw what from our hands would come
He grieved for what He saw, examined close
٤. ولما رأى ما سوف نأتي من الخطا
تألَّم مما قد رآه تَفحُّصا
5. And watered with tears the dust beneath His feet
Showing the weakness of the flesh, marked deep
٥. وروَّى ثرى أقدامه عرقُ الشجى
وأظهر ضَعفَ الجسم ضعفاً مشخَّصا