
You have attained your goal, so beware misfortune,

أدركت شأوك فاتق الأسواء

1. You have attained your goal, so beware misfortune,
For gray hair has descended with jet blackness.

١. أَدرَكتَ شَأوَكَ فاتَّقِ الأَسواءَ
فالشيبُ حَلَّ بِلِمَّةٍ سَوداءَ

2. No welcome guest pained my cheeks
When the appointed times smiled at his coming.

٢. لا حَبَّذا ضَيفٌ أَلَمَّ بعارضي
بَسَمَت لهُ الآجالُ لَمّا جاءَ

3. The wind of forgiveness blew away our ships at night
It blew in the morning, and its blowing was destruction.

٣. هَبَّت بفُلكِ جُسومنا ريحُ العفا
سَحَراً وكان هُبوبها نَكْباءَ

4. It churned the sea of affection with its gusts
It was joyous, and its harbor was the most alive.

٤. وَطَمَت بِحارُ الحين من عَصَفاتِها
فَسَرت وكان مَقَرُّها الأَحياءَ

5. Events gaped open-mouthed, as
It brought fathers and sons together with its sprinkling.

٥. ثَغَرَت لها الأَحداثُ خُلجاناً وَقد
ضَمَّ البَنونَ برَمسِها الآباءَ

6. With it the patches of ruins became like
A torrent pouring through a spacious courtyard.

٦. وغَدَت بها رُمَمُ الرُفاتِ كَأَنَّها
سِلكٌ يُفَضُّ بقاعةٍ وَعساءَ

7. Life is an arena and bodies of the world
Are its racers. Do you recognize vigor?

٧. فالعُمرُ مِضمارٌ وَأجسامُ الورى
أَنضاؤُهُ هل تَعرِفُ الإِنضاءَ

8. Our breathing wavers between our desires
Tempting dwellings morning and evening.

٨. وتَردُّدُ الأَنفاس في لَهَواتنا
يُغري المنازلَ بُكرَةً ومساءَ

9. So time scatters us one by one
Like the passing of rainclouds scattering pebbles.

٩. فالدهرُ ينثُرُنا فُرادى مثلما
مرُّ الحواصِب يَنثُرُ الحَصباءَ

10. This world shows you wonders
While its womb bore the most evil.

١٠. دُنياكَ يا هذا تُريك عجائِباً
إذ كان ظِئرُ جَنينها الأَسواءَ

11. The soul once clung to a body
Thus it did not abandon its protector out of dryness.

١١. النفس قد علِقَت بجسمٍ مرَّةً
فلذاك لم تَهجُر حِماهُ جَفاءَ

12. It grew near and its nearness earned it estrangement
So strange is a stick that seeks no adornment.

١٢. فدنت وأَكسبها النِفارَ دُنُوُّها
فاِعجَب لِعودٍ لا يريدُ لِحاءَ

13. When Eve misled, she misled Adam,
So she clothed her sons in misery and trial.

١٣. لمّا غوَت حَوّاءُ أَغوت آدماً
فكسا بنيهِ الرُزءَ والبلواءَ

14. The opposing decreed against him in his scheming
And decreed. So he deposited the fulfillment among us.

١٤. وقضى مُناهُ الضِدُّ منهُ بمَكرهِ
وَقَضى فأَودَعَ بينَنا الإِمضاءَ

15. Awaiting the arrival of the cups of our destruction,
We stay up late at their orbit in regret.

١٥. مُتَرَقِّبينَ وُرودَ كَأس حُتوفنا
فنبيتُ عند مَطافهِ نُدماءَ

16. If we are made to drink from it forcibly
We are quenched with sorrow and affliction.

١٦. وإذا تَساقينا بهِ عن إِمرَةٍ
مَحتومةٍ نُسقى بِلىً وبلاءَ

17. Our exit is compelled against our will
And its remedy casts illness upon us.

١٧. وخُروجُنا بالرَغمِ كَرهاً مُجبَرٌ
وَدَواؤُنا يُلقي إلينا الداءَ

18. Our misery leads to our illnesses
And our survival shows us pardon.

١٨. وَشَقاؤُنا يُفضي إلى أَسقامِنا
وَبقاؤُنا يُبدي لنا الإعفاءَ

19. How many nations the wilderness pardoned before you
That almost filled the desert with their entirety.

١٩. كم عَفَّتِ البَيداءُ قبلَكَ أُمَّةً
كادت تَسُدُّ بجَمعها البطحاءَ

20. Where are the resolute ones in whom
The lofty thrones became steadfast and they sought highness.

٢٠. أَينَ الأَكاسِرَةُ الَّذين تَوَطَّدَت
بهمِ الصَياصي واقتنوا الأَرجاءَ

21. Where are the rulers who scowled
At the lines of misfortunes and shook the dust.

٢١. أينَ القَياصِرَةُ الذين تجهَّموا
خُطَطَ الخُطوب وأرجَفوا الغَبراءَ

22. Where is the son of David who surpassed the world
In knowledge, wisdom, and steadfastness and nobility.

٢٢. أَينَ ابن داوُدَ الذي فاقَ الورى
عِلماً وَحَزماً سُؤدُداً وإِباءَ

23. Where is the one who ruled kings, Alexander
Whose loss the polished lament and who climbed the heights.

٢٣. أَينَ الذي ساد المُلوكَ اسكَندَرُ ال
نَدبُ الحُلاحِلُ وارتقى العَلياءَ

24. Where is the one who built the Khwaranq
Then where is the Karam, Timur, who did evil.

٢٤. أَينَ الذي شادَ الخَوَرنقَ ثُمَّ أَي
نَ القَرْمُ تيمورُ الذي قد ساءَ

25. Where is the one who gained splendor and sublime traits
Nobly and walked the path of vanity.

٢٥. أَينَ الذي حازَ النَباهَة والعُلا
شَرَفاً وسارَ السيرَةَ الخُيَلاءَ

26. Where is the one who stepped on necks arrogantly
So their sides became subservient to him.

٢٦. أَينَ الذي وَطِئَ الرِقابَ تَكَبُّراً
فَغَدَت أَعِنَّتُها لَهُ إيطاءَ

27. Where is the one whose hordes in his army
Shuddered the earth in awe and bashfulness.

٢٧. أَينَ الذي كانت تَمورُ بجيشه ال
أَرضونَ طُرّاً رَهبةً وَحَياءَ

28. Where is the one who the time forced to bow
And he was the foolish greenhorn.

٢٨. أَينَ الذي أَحى الزَمانُ رقيقَهُ
قَسراً وكانَ الغُرَّةَ الغَرّاءَ

29. Where are the kings defending their frontiers
Where are the armies raising the banner.

٢٩. أَينَ الملوك الصائنونَ ثُغورَهم
أَينَ الجُيوشُ الرافِعونَ لِواءَ

30. Where is the clashing of their swords and their spears
Against every complainer subduing the enemies.

٣٠. أَينَ اصطِكاكُ سُيوفِهِم وقسيِّهم
من كُلِّ شاكٍ يَقهَرُ الأَعداءَ

31. Like arrows in the thick of spears, seasoned,
Their heroes reached Canopus.

٣١. كالشوسِ في أَجَمِ الرماحِ رَوابضاً
قَد قارَنَت أَبطالُها الجوزاءَ

32. They see the stamping of the steeds as if it were
A revolving orbit directing them morning and evening.

٣٢. فَيَرَون صَهْواتِ الجِيادِ كأَنها
فَلَكٌ يَدورُ بهم ضُحىً ومساءَ

33. The wind of death blew upon them and they became
Corpses without their souls, mute.

٣٣. عَصَفَت بهم ريحُ المَنونِ فَأَصبَحوا
جُثَثاً بلا أَرواحِها خَرساءَ

34. The hands of fate went around them with cups
From a wine brought to you from Eve.

٣٤. طافَت بهم أَيدي الحِمامِ بأَكؤُسٍ
من خَمرَةٍ جاءَتكَ عَن حَوّاءَ

35. So they slept on the wilderness struck down intoxicated
They drank it and were in its reckoning remorseful.

٣٥. فَثوَوا على البَطحاءِ صَرعى سُدَّراً
سَكِروا فكانوا بحَسوِها نُدَماءَ

36. The hands of Saba played with them and so they scattered
Scattered so a distant one collects the remote.

٣٦. لَعِبَت بِهِم أَيدي سَبا فتَفرَّقوا
فِرَقاً يَضُمُّ قريبُها البُعداءَ

37. Their generations went over their tracks
Pursuing the remaining disgrace.

٣٧. وجَرَت على آثارِهم أَجيالُهم
يَتَداركونَ بَقِيَّةً شَنعاءَ

38. Galloping on the steeds of life in its distances,
And the starts of death flowed with them equally.

٣٨. يتَراكَضوانَ لغايةٍ حتى إِذا
ما شارفوها أَردفوا الأحياءَ

39. The belly of the earth used to envy its surface through them
And tempted to expand through them.

٣٩. فكَبَت بهم خيلُ الحياةِ بشَوطها
وَجَرَت بِهم نُجُبُ المماتِ سَواءَ

40. So time folded its envious and envied ones
Like a bracelet when it reflects things.

٤٠. قد كانَ بطنُ الأَرضِ يحسُدُ ظَهرَها
بِهِمِ ويوسعُ فيهمِ الإِغراءَ

41. You see through your eye in the position of its crime
A figure while you are within it appearing.

٤١. فَثنى الزَمانُ حَسودَهم مَحسودَهم
كَسَجَنجَلٍ إذ تَعكِسُ الأَشياءَ

42. How far the tombs are from the field
That through them appeared glorious long ago.

٤٢. فتَرى بعينِكَ في مَواقع جِرمها
شَخصاً وأَنتَ بِضِمنِها تَتَراأى

43. They became hostages to their fate when they gained
From it happiness and fulfilled.

٤٣. كيف المزارُ وقد نأَوا عن ساحةٍ
كانَت بهم تَزهو سَناً وَسناءَ

44. The book testified against them and its ledger
Death tasting while bestowed grace is stripped away.

٤٤. أَضحَوا رهائنَ دهرِهم إِذ أَحرزوا
منهُ السُرورَ وأَنجَزوا الإِمضاءَ

45. Woe to whom the collector of his debt meets
And sees him in the burden of sin so he is ruined.

٤٥. شهِدَ الكتابُ عليهمِ وسِجِلُّهُ
مَوتاً تذوقُ وتُسلَبُ الحوباءَ

46. He punishes him like the man who does evil with his deed
And destroys safety and compassion from him.

٤٦. وَيحاً لِمن وافاهُ طالبُ دَينهِ
ورآهُ في عِبءِ الخطا قد باءَ

47. Restrain yourself, O you who spend the night anxious
In a whim that does not accept perishing.

٤٧. يَجزيهِ كالرَجلِ المُسيءِ بِفِعلِهِ
ويُبيدُ منهُ الأَمنَ والإِرعاءَ

48. So you are like the owl thrashing in the darkness
Wandering expecting the daybreak.

٤٨. حَتّامَ يا هذا تبيتُ مُعَسعِساً
في مَهمَهٍ لا تَرتضيهِ فِناءَ

49. Wearing the gown of gloomy sorrow
Covered in a cloak of darkness.

٤٩. فكأنك العشواءُ تخبطُ في الدجى
مُتسكّعاً تتوقّعُ الإفضاءَ

50. Yet delegations of the imminent
Appointed times have come hastily but they were slow.

٥٠. مُتَسَربِلاً بإِهابِ دَيجورِ الأَسى
مُتَلفِّعاً بمَساءَةٍ دَكناءَ

51. Your suns have appeared in the horizons of their settings
And your brilliant dawn has become evening.

٥١. هذا وقد وَفَدَت عليكَ نجائِبُ ال
آجالِ مُسرِعَةً وكُنَّ بِطاءَ

52. The judgments were reversed in you so consider
From their truthfulness the giving and tempting.

٥٢. وَبَدَت شُموسُكَ في مَغارِبِ أُفقها
وَصَباحُك الوَضّاحُ عادَ مَساءَ

53. Tread the serious journey in the new devotions
With smiles that scatter the poisons comfortably.

٥٣. وتَعاكَسَت فيكَ القضايا فاعتبر
من صِدقِها الإيجابَ والإِغراءَ

54. I yearn for a time which I clothed
Its foundation in sin that changes purity into disgrace.

٥٤. وَخِدِ المَسيرَ الجِدَّ في جَدَدِ التُقى
بَمناسِمٍ تَذَرُ السَمومَ رُخاءَ

55. How many times I have spent the night untangling its puzzle
With shortcomings not accustomed to elevation.

٥٥. لَهفي على زَمَنٍ كَسوتُ أَديمَهُ
إِثماً يحيلُ الوَشيَ مِنهُ عَفاءَ

56. And the dye of the night changed to the dye of my worries
So its darkness from its inkiness has vanished.

٥٦. كم بِتُّ أَنزِعُ فيهِ قَوسَ ضَلالَتي
عن ساعدٍ أُصمي بهِ اللأواءَ

57. I sipped in it the stale water of life
The heart has become with its bitterness picking itself apart.

٥٧. وَنَصبتُ أَحشائي على بُعدِ المدى
غَرَضاً فكُنتُ لِمَصرَعي إيماءَ

58. I have made repentance reside in it extensively
And grief intimates that I increase my crying.

٥٨. حَتّى رَجَعتُ وفيَّ أَصرُ كِنانَتي
نُثِلَت وَأَصمَى سَهمُها الأَحشاءَ

59. O Lord grant me a repentance by which I erase
A text whose content became misfortune.

٥٩. وَتَمَزَّقَت من قبلِ تَمزيقِ الحَشى
نَفسٌ رَأَت غُصَصَ المَنونِ ظِباءَ

60. O Lord the repentance of an advisor slipping away
Who sheds hot, burning tears.

٦٠. إِن كان شَخصي عن ذُنوبي سائِراً
قدماً فَلي قَلبٌ يَحِنُّ وَراءَ

61. O Lord I am leaning on Your protection
And Your protection, my Lord, aids the weak.

٦١. فَلِذاكَ عُجتُ وفي فُؤادي صَبوةٌ
تَلهو وشوقٌ لا يَمَلُّ شَقاءَ

62. O Lord, I have ridden my hopes to You before dawn
And have increased tempting them.

٦٢. كم ليلةٍ قد بِتُّ أَفتُقُ رَتقَها
بنَقائِصٍ لا تَألَفُ الرَفّاءَ

63. O Lord return me at my death, I am evil
And return me after it to the most High.

٦٣. وَأَحالَ صِبغَ الليلِ صِبغُ فَعائلي
فظَلامُهُ من دَجنِها قد فاءَ

64. O Lord strengthen my resolve in You and suffice me
Harm which has provoked illness upon my body.

٦٤. وكرعتُ فيهِ ماءَ عيشٍ آجناً
أَضحى الفُؤادُ بسُؤرهِ يتقاءى

65. O Lord the doctor has failed so cure me
Of an illness which You were its remedy.

٦٥. فغَدَوتُ أوسِعُهُ إِقامةَ تَوبَةٍ
وَأَشارَ يوسِعُني أَسىً وبُكاءَ

66. O Lord departure has drawn near arousing me
A lightning in the edges of fever appearing.

٦٦. يا رَبِّ هَب لي تَوبَةً أَمحو بها
نَصّاً غدا مَضمونُهُ الأَسواءَ

67. Interceding in that sin of mine which
Saw people satisfied with it through its excellence.

٦٧. يا ربِّ تَوبَةَ ناصِحٍ مُتَنَصِّلٍ
يَذري الدُموعَ سَخينةً حَرّاءَ

68. That one which stepped with the sole of its foot
The sphere of good fortune and the settledness of harm.

٦٨. يا رَبِّ إِني في حِماكَ مُوَلَّهٌ
وحِماكَ رَبّي يُنجدُ الضُعَفاءَ

69. It filled the bellies of the earth with abundant safety
When its abdomen was filled with blessings.

٦٩. يا رَبِّ قد وَخدَت إِليكَ مَطيَّتي
سَحَراً وزدتٌّ بحثِّها الإِغراءَ

70. It assumed the nobility of thrones one night
When the giver of glad tidings came carrying the good news.

٧٠. يا رَبِّ عُدني عِندَ مَوتي إنَّني
سَوءٌ وعِدني بَعدَها العَلياءَ

71. This is the leader of messengers proclaiming a warning
With insights scattering the lowly ground to the sky.

٧١. يا ربِّ أُشدُد فيكَ أَزري واكفِني
ضُرّاً أَثارَ عَلى ضَنائي الداءَ

72. Peace be upon you, O pride of the world
When you were Mary the chaste.

٧٢. يا ربِّ قد عَجَزَ الطبيبُ فَداوِني
سَقياً لداءٍ كُنتَ فيهِ دَواءَ

73. O throne of God’s glory, O sun of guidance
That tore the darkness with its emergence.

٧٣. يا رَبِّ قد قَرُبَ الرَحيلُ وهاجني
برقٌ بأَكنافِ الحِمى يَتَراءى

74. I came to her while my eyes were thankful with tears
Sadly as if their edges were wounded.

٧٤. مُستَشفِعاً في زَلَّتي تِلكَ التي
رأَتِ الأَنامَ بفَضلِها الإِرضاءَ

75. If my sin necessitates an intercessor for me
Truly, then your grace combines intercessors.

٧٥. تلكَ التي وَطِئَت بأَخمصِ رِجلِها
فَلَكَ السُعودِ وآسَتِ الضَرّاءِ

76. Grant, O most clement, that I am listening to you
What is the excuse of old age that voids the fulfillment.

٧٦. مَلَأَت بُطونَ الأَرض أَمناً وافِراً
عندَ اِمتِلاءِ حَشائها نَعماءَ

77. Youth has passed and the time of poverty returned me
As if I am looking at myself in its fold.

٧٧. وتَوَسَّدَت شَرَفَ الأَرائِك ليلةً
وَفَدَ المُبشِّرُ يَحمِلُ البُشراءَ

78. The tongue of old age appeared to me chanting
You have attained your goal, so beware misfortune.

٧٨. هذا زَعيمُ الرُسلِ يَهتِفُ مُنذراً
بأَلوكَةٍ تَذرُ الحضيضَ سماءَ

٧٩. أهدى السلامُ عليكِ يا فخرَ الورى
إذ كُنتِ أَنتِ مريمَ العَذراءَ

٨٠. يا عَرشَ مجد اللَهِ يا شَمسَ الهُدى
قد مزَّقت ببزوغِها الظَلماءَ

٨١. وافيتُها والعَينُ شَكرى بالدِما
أَسَفاً كأَنَّ بطَرفِها الأَقذاءَ

٨٢. إِن كانَ ذَنبي يَقتَضي لي شافعاً
حَقّاً ففَضلُكِ يَجمَعُ الشُفَعاءَ

٨٣. هَب يا عَذولي أَنَّني لكَ سامعٌ
ما عُذرُ شَيبٍ يَنسخُ الأَفياءَ

٨٤. فَنَأى الشَبابُ وعادني زَمنُ الضنى
وكأَنَّني في طَيِّهِ أَتراءى

٨٥. وبدا لسانُ الشيب نَحوي مُنشِداً
أَدرَكتَ شَأوكَ فاتَّقِ الأَسواءَ