
Why, why the wrongdoing, O envious one?

إلام إلام ظلما يا حسود

1. Why, why the wrongdoing, O envious one?
While you have the purest wishes that turn evil.

١. إلام إلام ظلماً يا حسودُ
وعندكمُ الأماني البيضُ سودُ

2. You have betrayed the covenant of faith perfidiously,
My affection for you, though envied, does not avail.

٢. نكثتَ بذمة الإيمان غدراً
حنانَيكَ الحسودُ فما يَسودُ

3. You have slipped out from the church sneakily
Why then do you deviate from its proof?

٣. حللتَ من الكنيسةِ في ذراها
فما لكَ عن محجَّتِها تَحيد

4. Did you not promise it firm loyalty?
Where then is the loyalty and promise from you?

٤. أما واعدتَها بثبات عهدٍ
فأين العهدُ منكم والوعود

5. Did you not adamantly close the door of betrayal?
Where then is the effort and determination from you?

٥. أما أوصدتَ بابَ الغدر جُهداً
فأين الجُهدُ منكم والوصيد

6. The fall of a man can be forgiven but for dishonor,
As can his rise be forgiven before.

٦. هبوطُ المرء يستثنيه عارٌ
كما استثناه من قبلٍ صعود

7. You have sipped the best rainwater from it,
Yet your water after became murky and foul.

٧. قد استسقيتَ منها خيرَ قَطرٍ
وماؤك بعدها ماءٌ صديد

8. I do not see Jews in it, though maligned,
Are there really Jews in it?

٨. فإني لا أرى فيها يهوداً
وقد تُهجَى فهل فيها يهود

9. Why do you slight it when you are from it,
The place of a son who has a blessed fortune?

٩. علامَ تهانُ منك وأنت منها
محلُّ ابنٍ له حظٌّ سعيد

10. Do you deliberately cast the arrows of blame at it?
Going away while being a strong killer?

١٠. أترميها بسهم الذمِّ عمداً
تروحُ وأنت فتّاكٌ عميد

11. Yet the desires of the unjust are soon foiled,
With an avenger against him, formidable and determined.

١١. فإن البغيَ مصرعُه قريبٌ
له في الثأر جبارٌ عنيد

12. You have disgraced a part of it, yet it is a whole,
And to blame the whole for a part is excessive.

١٢. أهنت الجزءَ منها فهو كلٌّ
وذم الكلِّ في جزءٍ مزيد

13. O you who travels east and west randomly,
Your randomness is an aimless act.

١٣. ألا يا سائراً غرباً وشرقاً
شروداً شانَهُ فعلٌ شرود

14. You are like a branch in the wind,
Swaying wherever the winds blow.

١٤. كأنك في مهبِّ الريح غصنٌ
فغصنُك كيفما هبَّت يميد

15. You blame the east among westerners
And malign the fringes of the west, yet the meaning is remote.

١٥. تذمُّ الشرقَ في غربٍ وتهجو
حواشي الغرب والمعنى بعيد

16. You want and don't want, and what good
Do you want when you are among those who do not want?

١٦. تريد ولا تريد وأيَّ خيرٍ
تريدُ وأنت ممن لا يريد

17. When perspectives are doubtful,
No sound opinion appears to him.

١٧. إذا كان المرائي مستريباً
فلا يبدو له رأيٌ سديد

18. O Abu Baraqish, you have exceeded
With increased and exaggerated deception.

١٨. ألا يا اَبا بَراقِشَ قد تناهى
بك المكرُ المزيد المستزيد

19. You came colored in every art
Yet not refined for what you bring about.

١٩. أتيت مُلوَّناً في كل فنٍّ
ولم يُعجَمْ لما تأتيه عود

20. And you walk like a crab, coming and going
With advance and retreat that helps you.

٢٠. وتمشي مشية السرطان فينا
بإقبالٍ وإدبارٍ ينود

21. Once orienting to the east, settling down,
Another time to the west, benefiting.

٢١. فطوراً بالمشارق مُستكِنٌّ
وطوراً بالمغارب مستفيد

22. And you take the trust between this one and that
While you, unlike them, are expelled.

٢٢. وتذهب بالأمانة بين هذا
وذاك وأنتَ دونَهما طريد

23. You have pilfered from the church some people
Who are pure and upright in it.

٢٣. ثلبتَ من الكنيسة بعضَ قومٍ
همُ فيها طريفٌ أو تليد

24. They are the edifice in it, while you are rubbish,
Far apart are foxes and lions.

٢٤. هُمُ فيها البنونَ وأنتَ سِقطٌ
وشتان الثعالبُ والأسود

25. When an intruder has no origin to protect him
A rough unleashed wind blows him away.

٢٥. إذا كان الدخيلُ بغير أصلٍ
يقيه جفَّ من مجناه عود

26. When the slave-trader sees him a slave
He says I am charred, even if he were a master.

٢٦. إذا النخّاس أبصرَه رقيقٌ
ولو سَيداً لقال اَنّي مَسود

27. We have seen before you an exemplary people
Who in the matter of meaning are witnesses.

٢٧. رأينا قبلَكم قوماً مثالاً
هُمُ في معرض المعنى شهودُ

28. You have maligned the Romans and the Orange savagely
And claim it is a good deed.

٢٨. هجوت الروم والإرنج طرّاً
وتزعمُ أنه فعلٌ حميد

29. The utmost of my death wish is to see you
Holding an opinion in which you believe.

٢٩. قصارى مُنيَتي أني أراكم
على رأيٍ لكم فيه وجود

30. Justice has disavowed its sons
As the new testament has disavowed.

٣٠. تبرأت العدالة من بنيها
كما يتبرأ العهد الجديد

31. And truth has been blocked from all sides
As delegations have turned away from its paths.

٣١. وأضحى الحق مُنسدَّ النواحي
فولَّت عن مناهجه الوفود

32. And wrongdoing has turned the face of truth backwards
With no objections to it before you.

٣٢. وردَّ الخُلفُ وجهَ الحقِّ ظَهراً
ولم يكُ قبلكم عنه رُدود

33. The clauses of tyranny have fluttered victoriously
With its clauses made to flutter from it.

٣٣. وقد خفقت بنود الجَورِ نصراً
وقدماً أخفقت منه البنود

34. This then is your fire, and in it is extinction,
So how will it be when there is no extinction?

٣٤. فهذي ناركم وبها خمودٌ
فكيف إذاً وليس بها خمود

35. You have left the boundaries of honorable forefathers,
Who have reached the pinnacle of nobility.

٣٥. تركت حدودَ آباءٍ كرامٍ
لهم في ذروة الفضلِ الحدود

36. When the causes of arrogance grew, it pained
A heart that had been covered in silence.

٣٦. دواعي الكبر حين نَمَت ألَمَّت
بقلبٍ قد تغشاه كُمود

37. So do not be arrogant, for your father is but dust,
And do not take pride, for the origin of dried wood is worms.

٣٧. فلا تكبُرْ فإن أباك أرضٌ
ولا تفخر فأصل القَزِّ دود

38. It is worthless earth that does not grow plants,
And rain that does not water it, however much.

٣٨. فأرضٌ لا تُرِي عُشباً سباخٌ
وغيثٌ لا يروّيها هُمود

39. And a mind that does not see reason is ignorance,
And a thought without guidance is ineffective.

٣٩. وعقلٌ لا يرى العقلاءَ جهلٌ
وفكرٌ غير وقّادٍ بليدُ

40. You have made sharp, O you, a tongue
Whose echo is blame, if the iron rusts.

٤٠. لقد أرهفتَ يا هذا لساناً
صداه الذمُّ إن صدِئ الحديد

41. You have pilfered God's hoped-for church
In which is a blessed heavenly King.

٤١. ثلبتَ كنيسةَ اللَه المرَجَّى
بها ملِكٌ سماويٌّ سعيد

42. With your claim that it deceived and was deceived
As Calvin the obstinate has said.

٤٢. بزعمك أنها غَشَّت وغُشَّت
كما قد قال كَلْوينُ العنيد

43. I will be amazed if people of merit and faith
Do not see it, whose forefathers had covenants.

٤٣. فواجِئُ لن يراها أهلُ فضلٍ
وإيمانٍ لهم فيه جدود

44. So I am embarrassed by it among the wilds
As if I were Peter and it were denial.

٤٤. فأستحيي بها بين البرايا
كأني بطرسٌ وهيَ الجحود

45. Does an empty caller convey to me in the evening
To whom I had a pact?

٤٥. فهل خلٌّ يبلِّغُني مساءً
إلى من كان لي معه عهود

46. To recite to him, with the walking companions, a poem
That has in every rhyme a composition,

٤٦. لأنشدَهُ مع السارين بيتاً
له في كل قافيةٍ قصيد

47. That has in every meter every meaning
As if, when I recite it to him, it is Labid's.

٤٧. له في كل نظمٍ كلُّ معنىً
كأني حين أُنشدُه لبيد

48. Do you deny the right of a pure and chaste saint
Who has the feast of first fruits?

٤٨. أتنكر حقَّ قدّيسٍ طهورٍ
له في بِيعَة الأبكار عيد

49. Who has a line in the register of the righteous,
For whom our rabbis are forever witnesses?

٤٩. له في مَدرَجِ الأبرار سطرٌ
له أحبارُنا أبداً شهود

50. For you is the patriarch Satan the misguided,
And for me Saint John the right-minded.

٥٠. لك البطريقُ شيطانٌ مضلٌّ
ولي القديسُ يوحنّا رشيد

51. Do you follow an originator who misguided you deceitfully
And leave a church in which is a pillar?

٥١. أتتبع مُبدِعاً أغواك مَكراً
وتترك بِيعةً فيها عَمود

52. So do not wish safety upon the abode of evil
In which are grunting angels from it.

٥٢. فلا ترج السلامَ بدار شرٍّ
بها منها ملائكةٌ قرود

53. May God guide you, O one who has strayed willingly
With an invented opinion in which is stagnation.

٥٣. هداك اللَه يا من ضل طوعاً
برأيٍ مُبدَعٍ فيه جمود

54. Are not the inventors stubbornly disobedient?
Each of them is a rebel and obstinate.

٥٤. أليس المبدعون ذوي عنادٍ
وكلٌّ منهمُ باغٍ عنيد

55. Obey the view of the caliphate regarding its sons,
And do not let the new perspective take you away.

٥٥. أطع رأي الخلافة في بنيها
ولا يذهب بك الرأي الجديد

56. If it says lies, then believe it,
For what it has said is the conclusive words.

٥٦. إذا قالت حذامِ فصدِّقوها
فما قالت هو القولُ الوكيد

57. Everyone whose resolve is deficient,
And everyone whose fire has died down,

٥٧. وكُلٌّ عزمُه فيه قصورٌ
وكلٌّ نارُه فيها خمود

58. And everyone whose view contains corruption,
And everyone whose mind has become desolate,

٥٨. وكلٌّ رأيُه فيه فسادٌ
وكلٌّ عقله فيه سُمود

59. O you who casts doubts, no greetings of peace
Or compassion when the anklets are shaking.

٥٩. أيا مُلقي الشكوك فلا سلاماً
ولا رَعياً إذا قام الرُقود

60. On a day you will not see an escape,
And a time that will have no deviation.

٦٠. بيومٍ لا ترى فيه مجالاً
ووقتٍ لا يكون له محيد

61. So excuse me, my brother, and do not blame me,
For the wound of truth, its pain is severe.

٦١. فإعذرني أخيَّ ولا تلمني
فجرحُ الحقِّ مألمُه شديد

62. For I thought the crown was above my head,
But it was a delusion and does not avail.

٦٢. فكنتُ أظنُّ تاجي فوق رأسي
فهبهُ كان لكن لا يفيد

63. I thought our shepherd was faithful,
But the faithful one has covenants.

٦٣. وكنت إخالُ راعينا أميناً
ولكنَّ الأمين له عهود

64. And I thought you a loving leader,
But no - by your father - the loving are of no use.

٦٤. وكنت أعدُّ رأسي لي ودوداً
فلا وأبيك ما نفعَ الودود

65. If the imam has no merit or faith,
My prayer niche is rejection.

٦٥. إذا كان الإمام بغير فضلٍ
وإيمانٍ فمحرابي الصدود

66. Leave me be from judging the enemies,
For them is a Lord who will judge them soon.

٦٦. دعوني من محاكمة الأعادي
لهم ربٌّ يَدينهمُ عتيد

67. It is enough for man on judgement day what he has done,
Be it good, faithful and firm.

٦٧. كفى الإنسان يوم الدين فِعلاً
له فضلٌ وإيمانٌ وطيد