
O heedless one, while sin has settled in his land

يا غافلا والإثم حل بأرضه

1. O heedless one, while sin has settled in his land
How many heedless tasted defeat in their blink

١. يا غافلاً والإثم حل بأرضهِ
كم غافلٍ ذاق الحمام بغمضهِ

2. So wake up from your sin that if
You commit injustice, it will cast him down by his honor

٢. فق مستفزّاً عن خطيتك التي
إن باشرت حرّاً رمته بعِرضهِ

3. Or calamities and afflictions, the worst of which
Fills the horizon in its length and width

٣. أم الرزايا والبلايا شرُّها
ملءُ الفضاءِ بطوله وبعَرضهِ

4. It is as if it and the evil in it are latent
A raging sea and evil is the foam of its surge

٤. فكأنها والشر فيها كامنٌ
بحرٌ طمى والشر زبدة مَخضه

5. Its pleasures are ephemeral, so it is as if they are
Lightning that disappeared with the speed of its flash

٥. لذّاتُها وقتيةٌ فكأنها
برقٌ تغيَّبَ عند سرعة ومضه

6. It passes and leaves bitterness in the souls
And the heart of its victim melts from its burning

٦. تَمضي وتُبقي في النفوس مرارةً
ويذوب قلبُ قتيلها من مَضِّه

7. It is as if the sting of conscience and its bite
Is a throbbing vein continuously provoked from its pulse

٧. وكأنما لدغُ الضمير ونخسُه
عِرقٌ يدوم محرَّكاً من نبضه

8. Reflecting on what he sees of decay
From his Lord on Judgement Day and his dignity

٨. متفكّراً فيما يراه من البلى
من ربه يوم الحساب وعَرضه

9. With a sin, Adam denied happiness
And was barred from it by his death and his rejection

٩. بخطيَّةٍ عَدِمَ السعادةَ آدمٌ
واعتاض منها بِموته وبرفضه

10. He kept running in the fields of misery
Regretfully, and death was the end of his running

١٠. ما زال يركضُ في ميادين الشقا
ندماً وكان الموت غايةَ ركضه

11. He rejected the commandment by neglecting its obligation
And forgot that Hell is on its course

١١. رفض الوصية حين أهمل فرضَها
ونسِي بأن جهنماً في فرضه

12. O son of Adam, wake up, for you are his son
And each one enters into some of the other

١٢. إيه ابن آدم فِق لأنك إبنُه
والكل يَدخل بعضُه في بعضه

13. If you disobey the commandment like him
You share in his expulsion and his downfall

١٣. إن أنت خالفت الوصية مثلَه
شاركته في طرده وبدحضه

14. And you turn away from the inheritance of sonship when
You betrayed the God, turning away from His embrace

١٤. وعدلت عن إرث البُنوَّة عندما
خنتَ الإله منكِّباً عن حضِّه

15. And you hated His fatherly love
And accepted His distance and His hatred

١٥. وكرهت منه محبةً أبويةً
ورضيت منه ببعده وببغضه

16. And you forgot yourself when you made your beauty ugly
And dwelt in the harm of torment and its severity

١٦. وأنست نفسك مذ أَحلت جمالَها
وأقمتَ في ضر العذاب ورضِّه

17. And you denied good and powerful deeds
And you satiated yourself with the bitterness of aloes and its acidity

١٧. وعدمتَ أفعالَ الصلاح وقوتَه
وكرعتَ من مرِّ الطلاح وحمضِه

18. You defiled a gown you adorned with baptism
With a sin that condemned the purity of its adornment

١٨. دنَّستَ ثوباً بالعِماد رَحَضتَه
بخطيّةٍ عابت نقاوةَ رَحضه

19. With a sin that made God become our enemy
How can there be salvation while our soul is in His grip

١٩. بخطيّةٍ صار الإلهُ عدوَّنا
كيف الخلاصُ وروحنا في قَبضه

20. O wretched sinful one, do you not see
What you are in of misery and its burn

٢٠. يا أيها الخاطي الشقيُّ ألا ترى
ما أنت فيه من الشقاء ومضِّه

21. Where is the total goodness and kindness that
You had when you were comfortable in His bosom

٢١. أين الصلاح الجمُّ والخير الذي
لك حين كنت منعَّماً في رُبضه

22. Where is piety and worship when
You became a monk in its performance

٢٢. أين التقى وجمالُ نفسك يانعٌ
غصنٌ يروق بهاؤه من غَضِّه

23. Where is supplication while you were humble in it
Bowing down and comfortable in its lowering

٢٣. أين الزهادة والعبادة عندما
أصبحت فيها راهباً في فَرضه

24. So you undid, O owner, what you built and how miserable
Is what you suffered from demolishing the building and its undoing

٢٤. أين القنوت وأنت فيه خاشعٌ
في راكعٍ ومنعَّمٌ في خَفضه

25. And you lost the vast comfort of livelihood from yourself
And sufficed yourself from that livelihood with its meagerness

٢٥. فنقَضتَ يا ذا ما بنيتَ وبئسما
عانيتَ من هدم البناء ونقضه

26. You resembled Adam in disobedience, and it is only fitting
For the branch to be like its origin

٢٦. وأضعت منك رخاء عيشٍ واسعٍ
وقنعت من ذاك المعاش ببَرضه

27. This is the error, and you accepted doing it
And Hell is an offshoot from another offshoot

٢٧. أشبهت آدم في الخلاف وإنما
للفرع حقٌّ أن يكون كإضِّه

28. What did it benefit you but tearing apart the intestines
And the soul with the cracking of the heart and its fracture

٢٨. هو ذا الخَطاء وقد رضيت بفعله
وجهنمٌ هي بضعةٌ من بعضه

29. So weep and moan for tears are the trait of a penitent
And make your tears a tool in its dripping

٢٩. ماذا أفادك غيرَ تمزيق الحشا
والنفس مع صدع الفؤاد ورضِّه

30. And knock on the door of the side of Mary, she is
For the repentant fast walker the end of his running

٣٠. فابكي ونحْ فالدمع شيمةُ تائبٍ
واجعل دموعَك آلةً في رَحضه

31. You will find complete salvation in her, she is
A sword the enemy fears from its slashing

٣١. واقرع رتاجَ جنابِ مريمَ إنها
للتائب المحضير غايةُ رَكضه

32. With her the misguided are confused, her arrows
Protect you from the sharpness of his claws and his wrath

٣٢. تجد الخلاصَ التامّ فيها إنها
سيفٌ يخاف عدوُّنا من قَرضه

33. So get up and pay no heed to the words of a skeptic
And mix the coarseness of yourself with its delicacy

٣٣. فهي المجنُّ بها تطيش سهامُه
وتقيك حِدَّةَ ظُفرِه مع غَضِّه

٣٤. فانهض ولا تحفل بقول مفنِّدٍ
وامزج غليظ العمر منك بغَضِّه