
Say to the unjust Pilate for his deed

قل ويك بيلاطوس الباغي بفعلته

1. Say to the unjust Pilate for his deed
You were requited with evil for lessening and crippling

١. قل ويك بيلاطوسُ الباغي بفعلته
جزيتَ شرّاً بإقلالٍ وإعوازِ

2. How did you dare against the one who came redeeming
Our souls to meet him with mortifying

٢. كيف اجترأت على من جاء مفتدياً
نفوسَنا أن تلاقيه بإبهاز

3. You judged that they correct his doctrine with beating
While you, O insulter, are more deserving of the lashing

٣. حكمتَ أن يُصلحوا بالضرب مَعْرَتَهُ
وأنت بالجلد أولى منه يا هازي

4. This one whom the spheres dread his might
And his sublime sanctuary anoints with honor

٤. هذا الذي ترهب الأفلاكُ سطوتَه
وتُطْرِي مَقدِسَهُ العالي بإعزاز

5. You exposed his eternality today stripped with humiliation
Willingly to save eves from the grip of the insulter

٥. أبديتَهُ اليومَ عُرياناً به وَهَنٌ
طوعاً لينقذ حَوّا من يد الهازي