
My soul, leave your vain desires,

دعي يا نفسي لهوا فيك طالح

1. My soul, leave your vain desires,
Do not transgress, for God is the Bestower of success.

١. دعي يا نفسي لهواً فيك طالحْ
ولا تطغي فإن اللَهَ صالحْ

2. Strive with the effort of one who hopes for good,
Let the tears flow down from your eyes.

٢. وإسعي سعي من بالخير راغبْ
وأجري الدمع عن عينيك غاربْ

3. If you strive you will gain the reward of an ascetic,
Tomorrow fleeing from the world of passions.

٣. فإن تسعي ظفرت بأجر راهب
غدا عن عالم الشهوات هارب

4. The night passes in wakefulness and lamentation
Over its sins - it is remorseful and regretful.

٤. ويطوي الليل سهراناً ونائحْ
على آثامه وبهن بائحْ

5. I saw this fleeting world as an enemy to us,
Bearing hidden malice.

٥. رأيت العالم الغرّار فينا
عدوّا قد حوى داءً دفينا

6. It promises us joy but does not fulfill us,
And when it saw we were cured,

٦. يعدْنا بالسرور ولا يفينا
ولما أن رآنا قد شفينا

7. It bared its evil and attacked us with it,
Casting into perdition those who befriend it.

٧. يجردُ شره وبه يكافح
فيردي بالهلاك لمن يصافح

8. Tomorrow it threatens us, so flee from it,
Strengthen its harsh injustice and severity.

٨. غدا متهدداً فعدا وهددْ
وشد بظلمه القاسي وشددْ

9. It has repulsed our joy and driven it away,
Scattered the resolves for good in our souls and destroyed them.

٩. ورد سروره منا وردد
عزائم خير أنفسنا وبدد

10. It has squandered the treasures of our goodness while life is fleeting,
And destroyed kings and wanderers with its evil.

١٠. ذخائر خيرنا والعمر رائح
وهدَّ بِشرِّه مَلِكاً وسائح

11. Where are the kings of earth yesterday,
And where are those who made good into evil?

١١. فأين ملوك أهل الأرض طرّا
وأين الجاعلون الخير شرّا

12. Where are those who milked sorrow and harm,
And where are those who embittered people?

١٢. وأين الحالبون أسىً وضرّا
وأين مجرِّعون الناس مُرّا

13. They lie under the earth, and the matter is clear,
The heat of Hellfire burns and exposes them.

١٣. غدوا تحت الثرى والحال واضح
وحرُّ جهم النيران فاضح

14. The cup of death came around to them and greeted them,
Leaving no life for them here.

١٤. فكأس الموت طاف بهم وحيّا
فما أبقى بهم في الحي حيا

15. It emptied the places and the lives,
And the poison in that oblivion corrupted souls and limbs.

١٥. وأخلى منهم ربعاً وحيا
وكان السمُّ في تلك الحميا

16. Destructive hands were embedded in them.
My God, protect us from those sins

١٦. فأفسد بالنفوس وبالجوارح
وقد نشبت بهم أيدٍ جوارح

17. And make us fortunate over those tribulations,
That we may attain the wishes in our deaths,

١٧. إلهي وقِّنا تلك الرزايا
وأسعدنا على تلك البلايا

18. For You are the best granter of gifts.
For the sanctity of Mary, forgive and pardon,

١٨. لنحظى بالمنى عند المنايا
لأنك خير من يهب العطايا

19. And turn away from us, O Most Forgiving.

١٩. بحرمة مريمٍ فاغفر وسامح
وغُضَّ الطرف عنا يا مسامح