
Who is this son of thunder yet no lightning bolt is he,

من ذا ابن رعد وهو ليس بصاعقه

1. Who is this son of thunder yet no lightning bolt is he,
Though lightning bolts do chase the thunder ceaselessly,

١. من ذا ابنُ رعدٍ وهو ليس بصاعقهْ
وترى الصواعق للرعود ملاحقهْ

2. And who is this son of the Goddess, tell me and don't
Let him be called a god whose maker he comes to be,

٢. ومن ابنُ أم اللَه أخبرْني ولن
يُدعَى إلهاً فيه ذاتٌ خالقه

3. He has a brother who of his own free will is set fully free,
The first born he, alone, and true is this story certainly,

٣. وله أخٌ وأخوه حرٌّ مطلقٌ
بِكرٌ وحيدٌ والقضية صادقه

4. And we see he has a mother who saw him as a son to her,
At the very time his brother Bakr breathed his last breath fleetingly,

٤. ونرى له أمّاً رأته ابناً لها
في وقتِ موت أخيه بكراً عاتقه

5. And one day he loved his mother before ever he
Could be her son, and the mother was kind-hearted and gentle certainly,

٥. وأحبَّ يوماً أمَّه من قبل أن
كان ابنَها والأم كانت وامقه

6. Of wonders is that he was not aware
Save for an eye in slumber sunk completely,

٦. ومن العجائب أنه لم ينتبه
إلا بعينٍ في رقادٍ غارقه

7. And he learned faithful love from a wink
Drowsy, and love's rule is a barely open eye certainly,

٧. وتعلم الحبَّ الوفيَّ بمقلةٍ
هَجْعَى وشرطُ الحب عينٌ رامقه

8. When he was exiled from his land and home
He drew near it, though from him it did flee,

٨. لما نُفي عن داره وبلاده
منها دنا والدار منه موافقه

9. And he saw life's span a scant two hundred years, not
As a life whose taste is death's adversity,

٩. ورأى حياة الكون مائتةً ولم
تكن الحياة لطعم موتٍ ذائقه

10. Dispute fell on his death, though by nature
He was dead, and from life cut off utterly,

١٠. وقع الخلاف بموته مع أنه
بالطبع ميتٌ والحياة مفارقه