1. God arose and every dead one settled
In his eternal grave with the dust of his soil
١. قام الإله وكلُّ ميْتٍ رابضٌ
في قبره الثاوي بطيِّ ترابهِ
2. God arose confirming with His arising
An evident resurrection, erect for His reckoning
٢. قام الإله مؤكداً بقيامه
بَعثاً جليّاً ناهضاً لجوابه
3. God arose and His messengers in awe
Of Him, and His enemies endured His torment
٣. قام الإله ورسلُه في رهبةٍ
منه وأعداه بُلُوا بعذابه
4. God arose and His guards were confused
By His light, presence and absence
٤. قام الإله وحارسوه تحيّروا
من نوره وحضوره وغيابه
5. God arose and by His resurrection He restored
The children of Adam, so they were guided by His side
٥. قام الإله وقد أقام ببعثه
أولاد آدم فاهتدَوا بجنابه