1. Shall I compose a pearl necklace I see delightful,
Or a pearl necklace that charms souls?
١. أفنظمُ درٍّ ما أره نفيسا
أم درُّ نظمٍ يستميل نفوسا
2. Or a string of praises wherein lies a knot, my oaths knotted
In parts while sincerity's been immersed?
٢. أم عِقد مدحٍ فيه عَقدُ أليَّتي
قسماً وقد كان اليمين غموسا
3. Shall not its knots remain pearly
With which to adorn the most eminent and heads?
٣. أفلا تزال عقوده دريةً
وبه تزين أكلَّةً ورؤوسا
4. If you aim at its center, below you a pearl,
From a familiar sea you see it friendly.
٤. إن رُمتَ مركزَه فدونَك درةً
من بحر مأنوسٍ تراه أنيسا
5. With the highest rank in the horizon of glory
Hence over it he stood guard.
٥. ذي الرتبة العلياء في أفق النهى
فلذاك كان عَليَّها المحروسا
6. Through him the religion of Christ was supported
And the most precious allegiance remained base.
٦. أضحى به دين المسيح مؤيَّداً
والبِيعةُ الغراء صارت خيسا
7. You did not come to him while your own luck's crescent was rising
In its mansion except it returned eclipsed.
٧. ما جئتَه وهلال سعدك طالعٌ
في برجه إلّا وعاد شُموسا
8. Its horoscopes cast the dice of his determination
Whereby the times grew calm while they were eclipsed.
٨. ألقت طوالعُه عواملَ جزمه
سكن الزمان بها وكان شَموسا
9. When I was asked about him, I was told:
An inkwell that writes messages and poetic genres.
٩. وسألتُ حين سُئلتُ عنه فقيل لي
حِبرٌ يوشّي رسائلاً وطروسا
10. Through him I believed that piety is a haven
Had it not been for piety, I would have deemed him forgotten.
١٠. وبه اعتقدتُ اَنَّ التقَى متنفِّسٌ
لولا التقي لظننتُه مرموسا
He revived of merits a studious one,
١١. أحيا من الفضلاء فضلاً دارساً
فكأنما العازارُ قام بعيسى
12. It is as though al-`Azar rose with Jesus.
A merit to be recited, a favor to be revealed,
١٢. ففضيلةٌ تُتلى وفضلٌ يُجتلى
ببهائه السامي وداءٌ يوسى
13. Due to his most lofty dignity and Moses' disease.
١٣. رقَّت أناملُه لرقة طرسِه
فأقرَّت الكتّابُ أنك موسى
14. His fingers were soft because his page was delicate,
So the writers said that you indeed are Moses.
١٤. ما زانَ ديوانَ الملوك وأمرَهم
إلّاك لما أن دعوك رئيسا
15. None adorned the kings' registry and their command
Except you, when they named you their chief.
١٥. يا طيب أيامٍ حبَتني مجلساً
من قربكم والسعد كان جليسا
O days whose goodness made me love a session
١٦. وجنيت منك معارفاً ومناقباً
أضحى بها الجهل الشرود خسيسا
17. In your presence while happiness was the companion;
And I earned from you knowledge and attributes
١٧. قد بوركت أيامكم وتقدست
أعماركم بعماركم تقديسا
18. Through which ignorance and alienation became base;
Your days were blessed and your ages sanctified
١٨. فتهنَّ في فخرٍ جَذبت بضبعه
فأطاع ثم عصى سواك نفيسا
19. By your building them, with consecration;
You took pride in a pride whereby you attracted
١٩. وطلعتَ في دين ابن مريم بغتةً
بدراً يشقُّ الظلمة الحنديسا
20. So he obeyed, then disobeyed except yours sincerely.
And you rose in the religion of Mary's son suddenly
٢٠. فيسوع عاد مؤيَّداً والدين عا
د موطَّداً والكفر عاد دريسا
21. Like a moon splitting the gloomy darkness.
Jesus returned supported and the faith returned strengthened
٢١. فكأنَّ إيلِيّا تولَّت نارُه
أوثانَ قومٍ كذبوا إدريسا
22. While disbelief returned vanquished.
It is as though the fire of Elijah undertook
٢٢. كانت لحزب اللَه سعدَ سعودهم
ولعصبة الكفّار كن نحوسا
23. The idols of folk who belied Idris.
To the party of God belonged the good omen of their happiness
٢٣. رُدَّت عيونُ المبدعين خواسئاً
بك يا أمين وكُنَّ قبلَك شوسا
24. While for the confederacy of unbelievers be ill omened.
The eyes of the liars were driven away in gloom
٢٤. سادت بك الفيحاءُ لما زرتَها
يوماً وكانت قبل ذاك وطيسا
25. Because of you, O trustee, while they were before you forgotten.
٢٥. إذ شُرِّفَت شرفاً جليلاً باذخاً
بوجودكم وتأسست تأسيسا
26. The barrens were settled by you when you visited them one day
While they were before that a mire.
٢٦. يا كوكباً ما شامَ ماردَ حاسدٍ
وانقضَّ إلّا راجماً إبليسا
27. As they were honored with a great, obvious honor
By your presence and were founded firmly.
٢٧. حتى غدا وتُقاك أوهى خُبثَه
وتنكَّست أعلامُه تنكيسا
28. O planet that no cursed devil's tide opposed
Without being stoned except Iblis.
٢٨. سُدتم على الأعداء طرّاً مثلما
ساد الزمانُ بكم وصار رئيسا
29. Till he became through your truth weaker than his malice
And his banners crumbled in defeat.
٢٩. فلذاك واجَهكم بوجهٍ شاكراً
آلاءكم طلقٍ وكان عبوسا
30. You ruled over the enemies absolutely as
You ruled over the times and became its chief.
٣٠. أودعتُكم للَه يوم فراقنا
وتركتني بك مولعاً وحبيسا
31. Therefore I faced you thankfully, with a face
Radiant while I was before you frowning.
٣١. شوق الهوى العذري أصبح شامتاً
ببني كنانة حين صار رسيسا
32. I entrusted you to God the day we parted
And He left me infatuated with you and incapable.
٣٢. جاد الزمان بكم وضنَّ بقربكم
يا ليته في البدء كان خسيسا
33. The passion of innocent love started gloating
With Bani Kinanah when it had as chief.
٣٣. وقد ارتحلنا الشعرَ نحو جنابكم
شوقاً ولولاه ارتحلنا العيسا
34. The times brought you as their substance and were miserly by your nearness
I wish they were lowly from the start.
٣٤. فهلم من لبنان يا ابنة لُبِّنا
وتكلَّلي إذ كنت فيه عروسا
35. We migrated poetry to your honor
Yearningly, else we would have migrated to Jesus.
٣٥. ما ساغ فيكِ سبكُ مدحٍ مطلقٍ
إلّا ليَفدي مدحُكِ المحبوسا