
Why does the bright sun at noon in her dwelling-place

ما بال شمسِ ضحانا في منازلها

1. Why does the bright sun at noon in her dwelling-place
Seem as though she had been overcome from the height of her course by swooning?

١. ما بالُ شمسِ ضحانا في منازلها
قد غالها من أعالي جريها السَّلْخُ

2. And the full moon after she has let flow her rays
Has darkened the beauty of her face and quenched her light with eclipse?

٢. والبدر من بعد ما هلّت أشعته
أطفا جمال محيّا نوره المَسخُ

3. And the night in the midst of the day draws her skirt
And the sleepers have risen, though the trumpet sounded them not.

٣. وأَليلَ الليلُ في وسط النهار وقد
قام الرقود ولم يُنهضْهمُ النفخ

4. For they say, “We have seen the Lord crucified
And the spear pierced His side, breaking the bones.”

٤. فقيل إنا رأينا الرب مرتفعاً
على الصليب وأوهى جنبَه الشدخ

5. No wonder if the worlds fall into chaos and decay
And their splendor is spoiled and turned into nothingness.

٥. لا غرو أن تنطوي الأكوان في نفقٍ
ويعتري نورَها التكوير والنسخ