
Who can lend me a heart to which I profess

من لي بقلب أستميحه

1. Who can lend me a heart to which I profess
My love, so that its praise may delight me,

١. من لي بقلبٍ أستميحُهْ
حبّاً فيطربني مديحُهْ

2. And the breeze of morning blows to me
Its fragrance, filling me with joy,

٢. وتعيرني ريح الصبا
نشراً ينم إلي ريحه

3. As if its rapture in the early dawn were with me.
Longing for the one who wounded my heart

٣. ويهزني طرباً كأن
نَ غبوقه عندي صبوحه

4. With his love, while I remain his wounded one.
Let it go, my reproacher, for I have

٤. شوقاً لمن جرح القلو
ب بعشقه وأنا جريحه

5. A heart that melts, so who can comfort it
Except the Most High Refuge, the Most Beautiful forever.

٥. دع يا عذولي إن لي
قلباً يذوب فمن يريحه

6. O Peter, the exalted and most noble,
With his vast and spacious dignity.

٦. إلّا الملاذ الملتجا
ومليحه أبداً مليحه

7. O rock of faith, speak,
For who can violate the rock?

٧. يا بطرس السامي الذرى
وجنابه رحبٌ فسيحه

8. He illuminated the world with good tidings
And spread its fragrance throughout the universe.

٨. يا صخرة الإيمان قل
والصخر من ذا يستبيحه

9. The Teacher suddenly denied
And turned back weeping in sadness.

٩. وأنارَ بالبشرى الورى
وأجالها في الكون ريحه

10. So his denial benefited us
With his evident, exposed weeping.

١٠. جحد المعلم بغتةً
وارتد في وعيٍ ينوحه

11. Be not surprised at what transpired,
For who can move the rock against its will?

١١. فأفادنا بجحوده
وبنَوحه البادي صريحه

12. He took the absolute authority,
And the truth cannot be obscured or concealed.

١٢. لا تعجبوا مما جرى
فالصخرُ مَن يقوى يزيحه

13. The tongues of the world praised him,
Adorned by his praise.

١٣. أخذ الرئاسة مطلقاً
والحق لا يخفى وضوحه

14. From the era of Adam, his mention
Was in the first generations until the days of Noah.

١٤. مدحته ألسنة الورى
قد زانها منه مديحه

15. They continued to the point
When the Messiah came among them.

١٥. من عهد آدم ذكره
في البِكر حتى جاء نُوحه

16. His Master gave him authority
And the caliphate which he desired.

١٦. يتسلسلون لغايةٍ
حتى أتى فيها مسيحه

17. "Here are my keys, and whatever
You order, I make permissible."

١٧. أعطاه مولاه الولا
ية والخلافة تستميحه

18. You truly guide whomsoever is lost,
And you are his sincere advisor.

١٨. هذي مفاتيحي وما
تأمرْ به فأنا أبيحه

19. I will be among your fortunate caliphs,
And the disobedient one I will remove.

١٩. من ضل أنت هداؤه
حقّاً وأنت له نصيحه

20. My Master, preserve my obedience
In its shade one day when I call out.

٢٠. وأكون من خلفائك ال
سعداء والعاصي أُزيحه

21. This is my success, if I obey
Its laws, for I will be successful.

٢١. مولاي إحفظ طاعتي
في ظله يوماً أَصيحه

22. Blessed is the land one day inhabited,
And his tomb was in it.

٢٢. هذا نجاحي إن أطع
تُ رسومه فأنا نجيحه

23. Oh, most blessed is his tomb
I visited, while I am preparing to depart.

٢٣. طوبى لأرضٍ حلها
يوماً وكان بها ضريحه

24. In the land of Rome was what I wished,
And its clarity was evident.

٢٤. يا حبذا منه ضري
حٌ زرته وأنا نزيحه

25. This is my praise, which does not suffice,
For the one to whom this praise belongs.

٢٥. بديار روما كان ما
أمَّلته وبها وضوحه

26. For the sword, no matter how the swordsman waves it,
Is dazzled by its blade.

٢٦. هذا مديحي لا يفي
عني لمن هذا مديحه

٢٧. فالسيف مهما هزه ال
سياف يبهره صفيحه