
Safety to a heart where care for it grew long

أمانا لقلب طال فيه اعتناؤه

1. Safety to a heart where care for it grew long
And woe to a mind where consciousness of God withdrew

١. أماناً لقلبٍ طال فيه اعتناؤهُ
وتبّاً لعقلٍ زال عنه اتقاؤهُ

2. And piety to a man who thought the world is
Abhorrent while the flaw is his reward in it

٢. ورعياً لمرءٍ ظن دنياه إنَّها
منكَّرَةٌ والنقصُ فيها جزاؤه

3. So if one day you freely let overflowing bounty in
It would be as the morning sun erased dusk

٣. فإن سمحت يوماً بنعمة مُفرطٍ
فكان كما نَسْخَ الصباحَ مساؤه

4. No good in a lot that comes late
Like life delayed when its end has arrived

٤. فلا خير في حظٍّ يكون مؤجَّلاً
كتأجيل عُمرٍ آن منه انقضاؤه

5. Leave time be, pay it no heed, for it is cunning
And it will only fool man through its echo

٥. ذرِ الدهرَ لا تحفل به فهو ماكرٌ
ولن يخدع الإنسان إلّا صداؤه

6. Do not build in this life a house, for it
Is ruins and does a dead hope for healing?

٦. ولا تعمُرَنْ في الدهر داراً فإنها
عفاءٌ وهل ميتٌ يرجَّى شفاؤه

7. Remove the sin of your heart from the sun of slander
For its orbit is always turning awry

٧. وزحزحَ جِرمَ القلب عن شمس إفكها
فمركزُها دوماً يحولُ لواؤه

8. It suffices you hoarding wealth for its insignificance
And multiplying it comes and goes in existence

٨. كفى حشدُك الأموالَ إن طريفَها
وتالدَها يغدو ويفنى بقاؤه

9. And listen to what I say in reason and reflection
And lend an ear that does not lack room for it

٩. وأصغ لما أبديه عقلاً وناظراً
ووَجِّهْ سماعاً لا يضيق وِعاؤه

10. Chewing the beads of wisdom in the necklace of resolve
While nothing graces pearls like their shine

١٠. ونُط نفثاتِ الدرّ في جيد حازمٍ
وناهيك من درٍّ يزين حِلاؤه

11. For he who can defeat time, he is the brother
Of confidence, and the free soul prides in its splendor

١١. فمن كان معواناً على الدهر إنه
أخو ثقةٍ والحرُّ يزهو بَهاؤه

12. He who is generous with every breath
Except honor, he needn't fear meeting his God

١٢. ومن يك جوَّاداً بكل نفسيةٍ
سوى العرض لا يخشى الإلهَ لقاؤه

13. He who lives safely with peace of mind
From time, for time muddies its water

١٣. ومن يك ذا سلمٍ يعشْ وهو سالمٌ
من الدهر إن الدهر يكدُرُ ماؤه

14. And he who has sane, solid reason, he is
Safe from misery in an impregnable fortress exalted

١٤. ومن يك ذا عقلٍ رصينٍ فإنه
عن البؤس في حصن مكينٍ علاؤه

15. And he who aspires to vileness, his glance
Is averted to thorny, painful firewood

١٥. ومن يك طمّاحاً إلى الفحش طرفه
يُغَضَّ على شوكٍ أليمٍ قَذاؤه

16. And he who mingles with people is afflicted by their woe
As Jacob was destroyed one day by his mourning

١٦. ومن يختلط بالناس يشمله بؤسُهم
كما يهلك اليعقوبَ يوماً مُكاؤه

17. And he who trusts the wicked one day, indeed
He wakes to a heart seared by its harshness

١٧. ومن يأمن الأشرار يوماً فإنه
يبيت له قلبٌ تُشَبُّ لَظاؤه

18. And be gentle, for a smile on the face, my brother,
Signals, just as its absence signals his coldness

١٨. وكن طَلِقاً فالبِشرُ في الوجه يا أخي
دليلٌ كما قد دل عنه جفاؤه

19. And do not hasten what you wish to accomplish
And walk the path of lucid, pure clarity

١٩. ولا تعجلن فيما تروم صنيعَه
وسر في طريق شفَّ فيه صفاؤه

20. And do not be fooled by fortune in its approach
For many a deserter came to rest at ease

٢٠. ولا تغترر بالحظِّ عند وروده
فكم غادرٍ وافى يهُبُّّ رخاؤه

21. And meet with a smile when you glimpse an eye
Of your enemy, one whose brilliance withers

٢١. وقابل ببشر حين تلمحُ ناظراً
عدوَّك ذا وجهٍ يَهِلُّ ضياؤه

22. And he who digs up the secrets of brethren meets their fate
Full of sorrow, and what people's hidden is lost?

٢٢. ومن يَسبُرِ الإخوان يلق أجلَّهم
خؤوناً وأي الناس بادٍ خفاؤه

23. Protect the free water of your face from you
For no good in a face dirtied in its water

٢٣. وصن حُرَّ ماء الوجه منك صيانةً
فلا خير في وجهٍ يُرقرَقُ ماؤه

24. And extend to generosity a palm and forearm
And suffice you a generosity whose brilliance shone from you

٢٤. ومُدَّ لبذل الجود كفّاً ومعصماً
وحسبُك جودٌ لاح منك ذكاؤه

25. For neither ample giving is its loss
Nor hoarding its collection, and wealth, miserable is its accumulation

٢٥. فلا البَسطُ مفنيه ولا القبض جامعٌ
لأشتاته والمالُ شينٌ ثواؤه

26. And the sons of the world incline toward the wealthy
And turn away from bare sir whose misery spread

٢٦. وإن بني الدنيا تميل لموسرٍ
وتعرضُ عن خلٍّ أُذيعَ شقاؤه

27. For its clouds in hardship are at their driest
And its driest in luxury, lost is their watering

٢٧. فسَحبانُها في العسر باقلُ عصرِه
وباقِلُها في اليسر بادٍ رُواؤه

28. And do not string secrets on any thread but their own
And their pearls to a person of abundant wisdom confide

٢٨. ولا تنظمِ الأسرارَ في غير سلكها
ونُطها بشخصٍ جل فيه ذَكاؤه

29. And though the type of people in people is one
The wise of mind are hard, difficult to meet

٢٩. وإن كان نوع الخلق في الخلق واحداً
فإن ذكي العقل عَسْرٌ لقاؤه

30. For not every lightning that flashes brings rain looming
Nor every clear water flowing in it purity blooming

٣٠. فما كل برقٍ لاحَ بالغيث هاملٌ
ولا كل ماءٍ راق منه صفاؤه

31. And do not blemish benevolence by delaying it
For many who procrastinate, their call is flawed

٣١. ولا تخدشنَّّ البرَّ منك بمطله
فكم ماطلٍ قد عيبَ منه نَداؤه

32. And do not seek counsel in grave matters except from one refined,
Experienced, awake and judicious is his argument

٣٢. ولا تستشر في الخطب إلّا مهذَّباً
خبيراً بما يقضيه يَقْظاً حِجاؤه

33. And be content with a meager living and pleased with its breadth
For many a coveter, his greed destroyed him

٣٣. وإرْضَ بنزر العيش واقنع ببَرْضِه
فكم نَهِمٍ قد أهلكته مِعاؤه

34. And do not, my lad, accept ignorance that demeans him
The brother of opinion from a high worth makes him remote

٣٤. ولا ترض يا هذا بجهلٍ يحطُّه
أخو الرأي عن قدرٍ رفيعٍ ذُراؤه

35. And if you are wronged, your Lord is just
And if you are the wronger, the test is yours

٣٥. وإن كنت مظلوماً فربك عادلٌ
وإن كنت ظلّاماً عليك بلاؤه

36. Your delight, my friend, in abstaining
From the blameworthy mistake, your conscience calls you away

٣٦. سرورك يا هذا بأنك مقلعٌ
عن الخطأ المذموم منك جَناؤه

37. For the soul of a lad gloats in the repentance of one who advises
When the mind inhales it, sobbing ensues

٣٧. فنفس الفتى تزهو بتوبةِ ناصحٍ
متى شامها العقل استهلَّ بكاؤه

38. And deter him from the burden of sin, make it light
For it was ruining him, his regrets were profound

٣٨. ونهنهَ عنه عبءَ إثمٍ أقلَّهُ
لقد كان يوهيه أسىً إقواؤه

39. O you who wears the fur coat of youth boastfully
Your coat, this will lose its splendor

٣٩. ويا لابساً بُرْدَ الشباب بزهوةٍ
فبُردُك يا هذا يَرِثُّ بهاؤه

40. May you do favors in youth
That will protect you when the time of old age nears

٤٠. عساك تُعبِّي في الشبيبة أنعماً
تقيك إذا ما العمر حان ذَواؤه

41. For what excuse for white hair that creeps on a lad
And make it white, for its darkness fades away

٤١. فما عذرُ شيبٍ لاح في لمَّةِ الفتى
فحوَّلها بيضاً فملَّّ قِواؤه

42. The best deeds of a lad in his life
Are his honesty and affection, then his hope

٤٢. وأرفع أعمال الفتى في حياته
أمانته والوُدُّ ثم رجاؤه

43. And hold on to the religion of the son of Mary
And his lofty way, one day its banner will rise

٤٣. وكن ماسكاً في حبل دينِ ابن مريمٍ
ومذهبِه المرفوعِ يوماً لواؤه

44. And take what his supporters established
And when adversaries refuted them, his defenders rose

٤٤. وخذ بالذي أنشاه أنصارُهُ وما
أيِمَّتُهُ نصّوه لا خُصماؤه

45. Confessing the four schools of law are
Corrected, and the truth they witnessed

٤٥. مقرّاً بأربعة المجامع أنها
محققةٌ والحق هم شهداؤه

46. And the eighth that spread through earth, his mention
Is water to a man who cared for it

٤٦. وثامنِها المنبثِّ في الأرض ذكرُه
فسَقياً لمرءٍ كان فيه اعتناؤه

47. My brother and cousin, here is some advice from me
Polished, and advice is supreme in degrees

٤٧. أخي وابن عمي هاك مني نصيحةً
مهذبةً والنصح يعلو علاؤه

48. For it did not harm, though sin shackled its luck
If so, no flaw in a pearl will its oyster one day contain

٤٨. فما ضرها والإثم غلَّلَ ربَّها
إذاً لن يَعيبَ الدرَّ يوماً وِعاؤه