1. The lights dawned in its mansions
And the good news spread in its shadows
١. بَزَغَت في بروجها الأَضواءُ
وَسَرت في ظِلالها البُشْراءُ
2. And its light grew to every horizon
And its long night has passed
٢. وَنَما نورُها إِلى كُلِّ صُقعٍ
وَطَوَت ذيلَ سَجفِها الظَلماءُ
3. And creatures flocked to it, longing
Like a sick man who found the cure
٣. وَرَدَت نَحوَها الخَلائِقُ شَوقاً
كَسقيمٍ لَهُ اِستَقام الدِواءُ
4. It came between one who is wrong and one who is right
And it corrected the mistakes of the one who is wrong
٤. وَأَتت بَينَ مُخطئٍ وَمُصيبٍ
وَأَحالَ المُصيبَ مِنها الخَطاءُ
5. With teeth showing death
And a sword bringing affliction
٥. بِسِنانٍ تَلوحُ فيهِ المَنايا
وحُسامٍ يَدِبُّ فيهِ البَلاءُ
6. The blind man came to it, and the Messiah
Healed him, and was his remedy
٦. عَمِيَت والمسيحُ لَما أَتاها
قَد شَفاها وَكان مِنهُ الدَواءُ
7. The prophets came before Him in succession
And each had a sign and news
٧. قَد أَتى قبلَهُ النبيّون طُرّاً
ولكلٍّ إِشارةٌ وَنَباءُ
8. No era of the messengers passed
Except their peoples were given good news by the prophets
٨. ما مضَت فَترةٌ مِنَ الرُسلِ إلّا
بشَّرت قومَها بِهِ الأَنبياءُ
9. Oh Judah, your kingdom will last, but
With the coming of the Messiah will be destruction
٩. يا يهوذا يَدوم مُلكُك لكن
بِمجيءِ المسيح يأتي الفَناءُ
10. And the Word says, after me will appear
One with a book, whose law is the best
١٠. ويقول الكليمُ يَظهَرُ بَعدي
ذو كتابٍ وشَرعُهُ النَعماءُ
11. God has appeared and He is the Son of a Virgin
Daughter of Huwah, and her grandfather is Yashah
١١. ظهَرَ اللَهُ وَهوَ إِبنُ بَتولٍ
بنت حَوّا وَجَدُّهُ يساءُ
12. He preached the truth, bright and shining
Clear and adorned with moderation
١٢. أنهَج الحقَّ ظاهراً وَمُضيئاً
وجَليّاً يَزينُهُ الإِستِواءُ
13. And Isaiah speaks words of a truth teller
Which he utters clearly with gestures
١٣. وأَشَعيا يَقولُ قَولَ صَدوقٍ
وصَريحٍ يَبُثُّهُ الإيماءُ
14. That a virgin will conceive and be pregnant
With a boy in whom is salvation
١٤. إنَّ بَكراً تكونُ عَذرا وحُبلى
بوَليدٍ يكون فيهِ النجاءُ
15. Emmanuel is His name and title
The meaning of a name is its sign
١٥. عَمنُوِيلٌ هُوَ اِسمُهُ وكُناهُ
رُبَّ إِسمٍ دَليلُهُ المَعناءُ
16. The Lord Messiah has explained to us
What the prophecies and prophets concealed
١٦. نَشَرَ السيدُ المسيحُ علينا
ما طَواهُ النَباءُ والأَنبياءُ
17. And by Him, the symbols were fulfilled and validated
What minds and opinions have conveyed
١٧. وَبهِ تَمَّتِ الرُموزُ وحقَّت
ما رَوتهُ العُقولُ والآراءُ
18. The universe gave each other good news that
God has come and prosperity is straight
١٨. بَشَّرَ الكونُ بعضُهُ البَعضَ أَن قد
وَفَدَ اللَهُ وَاِستقامَ الهناءُ
19. The Magi’s embers have become ashes
And smoke and extinction are over it
١٩. أَصبَحَت جَمرةُ المجوس رَماداً
وَعَلاها الهُمودُ والإِطفاءُ
20. And the idols were struck by a devastating wind
That pulverized them, so they became dust
٢٠. وعرا الأوثانَ ريحٌ سَحوقٌ
سَحقتهُم فَهُم لذاكَ هَباءُ
21. So it deserted them at dawn
And destruction watered them that evening
٢١. فغزاها البَوارُ مِنهُ صَباحاً
وَسقاها الدَمارَ ذاك المساءُ
22. Oh Shauqi, for the House of Judah
Many a desire is destroyed by false hopes
٢٢. آلَ شَوقي لآلِ بَيتِ يَهوذا
رُبَّ شَوقٍ تُبيدُهُ الدَعواءُ
23. And the beloved of my heart recognized me when
The sneaky one branded me with her tears
٢٣. وَعَرَفْنِي حبيبُ قلبيَ لمّا
وَسَمَتني بدَمعِها الخَنساءُ
24. So my love for them is like my heart
And my heart is melted by tribulation
٢٤. فغَرامي بحُبِّهِم كَفُؤادي
وفؤادي تُذيبُهُ البَلواءُ
25. My God, I came to Your door willingly
And the confused found tranquility in Your pool
٢٥. يا إلهي أَتيتُ بابَكَ طَوعاً
واطمأَنَّت بِرِفدك الحَوباءُ
26. So You filled time with safety and success
O Messiah, whom the touchers could not touch
٢٦. فملأتَ الزَمان أَمناً وَفَوزاً
يا مَسيحاً لم تَرْقَهُ المُسحاءُ
27. So the age took pride in You and wandered confused
And it was exalted by splendor and glory
٢٧. فخرَ الدهرُ فيك واهتزَّ تيهاً
وعلاهُ البهاءُ والإزدهاءُ
28. The earth was named since You walked its soil
And the firmament was named before it
٢٨. سَمَتِ الأَرضُ مذ وطِئتَ ثَراها
وسما قبلَها العُلا والسماءُ
29. And we carried to You the burdens of sin
And for each his desires are burdens
٢٩. وحملنا إليك أعباءَ إثمٍ
ولكلٍ لشوقهِ أعباءُ
30. And we shed tears from the springs of eyelids
Many an illness has in it the cure
٣٠. وذَرينا الدموعَ من مأْقِ جفنٍ
رُبَّ داءٍ يكون فيه الدَواءُ
31. And the ships of passion are in every ravine
And valley misled by enemies
٣١. ورِكاب الغرامِ في كلِّ خَبتٍ
ووِهادٍ تُضِلُّها الأعداءُ
32. So guide them to the path, O best guide
And relieve them, O You in whom is guidance
٣٢. فاهدِها للسِراطِ يا خيرَ هادٍ
وأَرِحها يا مَن بهِ الإِهتداءُ
33. Mary the Virgin, of all glory
The earth serves her shoes and the sky
٣٣. مريمُ البِكرُ ذاتُ كلِّ سناءٍ
تخدِمُ الأرضُ نَعلَها والسماءُ
34. A deep sea, its stillness endless
A secret of the Lord, feared by the wise
٣٤. لُجُّ بَحرٍ قَرارُهُ مُستمِدٌّ
سِرَّ ربٍّ تَهابهُ الحُكماءُ
35. Upon her is peace, whenever lightning flashed
Under a night whose dress is darkness
٣٥. فعليها السلامُ ما لاحَ بَرقٌ
تَحتَ ليلٍ وِشاحُهُ الظَلماءُ