1. Death made all the tribes weep,
And saddened all the rulers.
ูก. ุงูู
ูุชู ุฃุจูู ุฌู
ูุฉู ุงูุฃููุงู
ุทูุฑูุงู ูุฃุญุฒูู ุฌู
ูุฉ ุงูุญูููุงู
2. It lamented in every abode,
In every position and honor.
ูข. ูุฃูุงู
ูู ู
ูุฌู ูุนููุงู ุฏุงุฆู
ูู ูู ู
ูุฒูุฉ ููููู ู
3. It quenched the thirst of all creation with a bitter cup,
Making them drink calamity's poison.
ูฃ. ูุณูููู ุฌู
ูุนู ุงูุฎููู ูุฃุณุงู ู
ุดุฑุจุงู ูุทุนู
ู ุณูู
4. After felicity and pleasure,
It showed them misery and clothed them in robes of illness.
ูค. ูุฃุฑุงูู
ู ุจุนุฏ ุงููุนูู
ู ููุฐุฉู
ุจุคุณุง ูุฃูุจุณูู
ุซูุงุจู ุณูุงู
5. With the death of the faithful, the righteous one,
The generous, the gracious, the beneficent,
ูฅ. ุจููุงุฉ ุฐู ุงูุฅูู
ุงูู ูุงูุฅุญุณุงูู
ูุงูุฅุนุทุงุกู ูุงูุขูุงุก ูุงูุฅูุนุงู
6. The one with merit, an expansive heart, pious,
Generous, revered, glorified.
ูฆ. ูุงููุถูู ูุงูุตุฏุฑู ุงูุฑููุญูุจู ูุฐู ุงูุชูู
ูุงูุฌูุฏู ูุงูุฅุฌูุงูู ูุงูุฅุนูุธูุงู
7. The one with honor and noble dignity, protector of the sacred,
Just, well-known for good deeds and wise judgments.
ูง. ูุงูุนุฒู ูุงูุดุฑู ุงูุฑููุน ูุฐู ุงูุญูุฌู
ูุงูุนุฏูู ูุงูู
ุนุฑูู ูุงูุฃุญูุงู
8. The firm one against enemies, his face
Bright to the people of religion and Islam.
ูจ. ุฐุงูู ุงูุฃุดุฏูู ุนูู ุงูุนุฏูู ููุฌููู
ุทูู ูุฃููู ุงูุฏููู ูุงูุฅุณูุงู
9. That trusted ascetic with insight, acceptance,
Worshiper, an abundant ocean, fulfilling, quencher of thirsts.
ูฉ. ุฐุงูู ุงูููููู ุงูุฒุงูุฏู ุงููุทูู ุงูุฑุถูู
ุงูุนุงุจุฏู ุงูุจุญุฑู ุงูุฎุถู
ูู ุงูุทูุงู
10. The scholar, the flag, the teacher who taught us
With his knowledge, learned from the All Knowing.
ูกู . ุงูุนุงูู
ู ุงูุนููู
ู ุงูู
ู ุนู
ูู ุนูู
ุงู ุนู ุงูุนูุงููู
11. I mean by that Rashid, son of the youth
Khalifa son of Rashid the sublime doctrine.
ูกูก. ุฃุนูู ุจุฐูู ุฑุงุดุฏุงู ูุณูู ุงููุชูู
ุฎูููู ุจู ุฑุงุดุฏู ุงูุนููุฏู ุงูุณููุงู
12. That generous beloved, sweet wellspring,
Whose enemies testify to his generosity.
ูกูข. ุฐุงูู ุงููุฑูู
ู ุงูู
ูุฑุฏู ุงูุนุฐุจู ุงูุฐู
ุดูุฏุช ูู ุงูุฃุนุฏุงุกู ุจุงูุฅูุฑุงู
13. The one that people all said,
โThis is the pure, generous best of the generous.โ
ูกูฃ. ุฐุงูู ุงูุฐู ูุงู ุงูุฃูุงู
ู ุฌู
ูุฐุง ุงููุฒููู ูุฑูู
ู ูููู ููุฑูุงู
14. This is the sacred person, son of Rashid,
Free of inward and outward blemishes.
ูกูค. ููุฐุง ููู ุงูุดุฎุตู ุงูู
ูุฏุณู ุงุจู ุฑุงุดุฏ
ู ูููู ุนูุจู ุจุงุทูู ุฃููู ุฐูุงู
15. This is the pure justice, son of Rashid,
Free of grave and minor sins.
ูกูฅ. ููุฐุง ููู ุงูุนุฏูู ุงูู
ุทูุฑู ุงุจูู ุฑุงุดุฏู
ู ุฌู
ูุฉู ุงูุฃูุฐุงุฑู ูุงูุขุซูุงู
16. O you who revived much frailty with his munificence,
Yes, o you who made poverty and annihilation die.
ูกูฆ. ูุง ู
ุญููู ุงูุณููุจู ุงููุซูุฑู ุจุฌูุฏูู
ุจู ูุง ู
ูุชู ุงูููุฑู ูุงูุฅุนุฏุงู
17. O reliever of the weak, o refuge of the poor,
O guardian of orphans.
ูกูง. ูุง ู
ูุซู ุงูุถุนูุงุก ุจู ูุง ู
ุงูููุฑุงุกู ุจู ูุง ู
ูุฑุฏู ุงูุฃูุชุงู
18. O master of lords, essence of companions,
Yes sanctuary of Islam.
ูกูจ. ูุง ุณูุฏู ุงูุฃุฑุจุงุจู ุจู ูุง ุตููุฉู
ุงูุฃุตุญุงุจู ุจู ูุง ูุนุจุฉู ุงูุฅุณูุงู
19. O model for leaders, yes best of ministers,
Yes standard bearers of standards.
ูกูฉ. ูุง ูุฏูุฉู ุงูุฃูู
ุฑุงุกู ุจู ูุง ุฎูุฑุฉู
ุงููุฒุฑุงุกู ุจู ูุงุฏุฉ ุงูุฃูุนููุงู
20. Your tragedy covered the lands until
Day clothed itself with robes of darkness.
ูขู . ุนู
ูุชู ู
ุตูุจุชูู ุงููุฑูู ุญุชู ููุฏ
ูุจุณ ุงูููุงุฑู ุจูุง ุซูุงุจู ุธูุงู
21. My eye sheds tears, I have let flow
A stream of tears that are not forbidden.
ูขูก. ูุง ุนููู ุฌูุฏู ุจุงูุฏู
ูุนู ูุฅููู
ุฃูููุชู ุฌูุฑูู ุงูุฏู
ุนู ุบูุฑู ุญูุฑูุงู
22. I see weeping for you as an incumbent duty
Upon me by necessity and requirement.
ูขูข. ูุฃุฑูู ุงูุจูุงุกู ุนููู ูุฑุถุงู ูุงุฒู
ูุนููู ุญู ุฅูุงู
ุฉ ุงูุฅูุฒุงู
23. Since God magnified his prominence
And chose him from among all the people,
ูขูฃ. ู
ููู ุญูุซ ุฅูู ุงูููู ุนุธููู
ูุงุฎุชุงุฑููู ู
ู ุฌู
ูุฉู ุงูุฃููุงู
24. The one most resembling him of all people in both
States of building and tearing down,
ูขูค. ู
ููู ูู ุฌู
ูุน ุงูุฎูู ูุดุจู ุฎููู
ูู ุงูุญุงูุชูู ุงูููุถู ูุงูุฅุจุฑุงู
25. And in justice, views, management,
Planning, resolve, and judgments.
ูขูฅ. ูุงูุนุฏูู ูุงูุขุฑุงุกู ูุงูุชุฏุจูุฑู
ูุงูุชูุฏูุฑู ูุงูุชุดู
ูุฑู ูุงูุฃุญูุงู
26. Firm in resolve, his words cannot be opposed,
His opinion like the blow of a sharp sword.
ูขูฆ. ู
ุงุถู ุงูุนุฒูู
ุฉ ูุง ูุฑุฏ ู
ูุงูุฑุฃูู ู
ูู ูุถุฑุจุฉ ุงูุตููู
27. I weep for you, whose justice and good treatment
Have spread in the lands to Syria itself.
ูขูง. ุฃุจููู ูุง ู
ู ุนุฏููู ูููุงููู
ูุฏ ุดุงุนู ูู ุงูุฃู
ูุตูุงุฑู ุญุชู ุงูุดุงู
28. I weep for you, cave of orphans and of all people,
With tears flowing like heavy rainclouds.
ูขูจ. ุฃุจููู ูุง ูููู ุงููุชุงู
ู ูุงููุฑู
ุนู ุชูู
ู ููุจูู ุบู
29. And my sadness will remain as long as I live,
Flowing over your memory before I even speak.
ูขูฉ. ูุชุญุณููุฑูู ู
ุง ุฏู
ุชู ุญููุงู ุฏุงุฆู
ููุชูุฑูู ุนููู ูุจู ุจุฏุก ููุงู
30. Death has burned my insides and intestines
Melting my joints and bones.
ูฃู . ุงูู
ูุชู ุฃุญุฑูู ู
ูุฌุชู ูุญูุดุงุดุชู
ุญุชู ุฃูุฐุงุจ ู
ูุงุตููู ูุนูุธุงู
31. And death has shocked me and spoiled my livelihood
At the loss of the full moon's perfection.
ูฃูก. ูุงูู
ูุชู ุฃูุฌุนูู ููุฏููุฑ ุนูุดุชู
ููู ุจุฏุฑู ุงูุชููู
ุจุนุฏ ุชู
32. And death has made me inherit weeping
When it descended upon that pure sublime one.
ูฃูข. ูุงูู
ูุชู ูุฃุฑูุซูู ุงูุจููุง ุจูุฒูููู
ุจุนุฏ ุงูุตูุงุกู ุนูู ุงูุฒูู ุงูุณุงู
33. And death has extinguished every shining light,
And death has withered every abundant sea.
ูฃูฃ. ูุงูู
ูุชู ุฃุทูุฃู ูููู ููุฑู ุณุงุทุนู
ูุชู ุฃูุจุณู ูููู ุจุญุฑู ุทุงู
34. True are the words rightly said by one who said:
โThis life is no abode of permanence.โ
ูฃูค. ุตุฏูู ุงูุฐู ูุงูู ุงูุตูุงุจู ูููููู
ุง ูุฐู ุงูุฏููุง ุจุฏุงุฑู ุฏูููุงู
35. Everything in it and the pleasure of living here
Are nothing but fantasies of dreams.
ูฃูฅ. ูุฌู
ูุนู ู
ูุง ูููุง ููุฐุฉ ุนูุดูุง
ุฅูุง ูุฃุถุบุงุซู ู
ู ุงูุฃุญูุงู
36. They follow one another to the places of death,
Like feet following feet.
ูฃูฆ. ูุชุชุงุจุนููู ุฅูู ุงูู
ูุงููุง ุจุงูู
ูุชุชุงุจุนู ุงูุฃูุฏุงู
ู ุจุงูุฃููุฏุงู
37. So reflect while you enjoy good health, remember
As long as the souls remain in the bodies,
ูฃูง. ูุชููุฑููุง ููุฏ ุจุฑููุง ูุชุฏูุฑููุง
ุง ุฏุงู
ุชู ุงูุฃูุฑูุงุญู ูู ุงูุฃูุฌุณุงู
38. Before words are cut off from your mouths,
And the bitterness of death throes and illnesses,
ูฃูจ. ูุจูู ุงููุทุงุนู ุงูุตูุช ู
ู ุฃููุงููู
ุฑุงุฑุฉู ุงูุฃููุตุงุจ ูุงูุฃูุณูููุงู
39. And the descent of the Angel of Death into your hides
And the humiliation of diseases and pains.
ูฃูฉ. ูุญูููู ุนุฒุฑุงุฆููู ูู ุฌูู
ุฐูุฉ ุงูุฃูู
ุฑุงุถู ูุงูุขูุงู
40. I never imagined that the full moon would be buried in the earth
And I see it shrouded in winding sheets and fragrances.
ูคู . ู
ุง ุฎูุชู ุฃู ุงูุจุฏุฑู ููุจุฑ ูู ุงูุซุฑูู
ูุฃุฑุงู ุทููู ุฌูุงุฏูู ูุฑูุบุงู
41. Pouring water upon a grave containing an abundant sea
Watering it with torrent rains from prominent clouds,
ูคูก. ุณููุงู ููุจุฑู ุถูู
ูู ุจุญุฑุงู ุฒุงุฎุฑุงู
ูุณูุงูู ููุณูู
ููู ุงูุณุญุงุจู ุงููุงู
42. Pouring water on a grave containing the best of justice
And a great helper and steadfast companion.
ูคูข. ุณููุงู ููุจุฑ ุถู
ูู ุฃูุถู ุนุงุฏู
ุคุงุฒุฑู ูู
ุฑุงูู ููููุงู
43. Pouring water on a grave containing the best of our governors
Of any excellent or devout faster.
ูคูฃ. ุณููุงู ููุจุฑ ุถู
ูู ุฎูุฑู ููุงุชูุง
ููู ูุงุถูู ุฃู ุนุงุจุฏู ุตููุงู
44. Pouring water on a grave containing the best of the righteous
The most just imam, and he is the best imam.
ูคูค. ุณููุงู ููุจุฑ ุถู
ูู ุฃูุถู ุตุงูุญู
ู ุนุฏูู ูููู ุฎูุฑู ุฅู