1. O Zarwa, you have inherited
Immunity from any disease
ูก. ูุง ุฒูุฑููุฉู ูุฏ ุฃูุฑุซุชู
ุจูุฑูุกูุง ู
ู ุงูุฏุงุกู ุงูุนูุชู
2. I did not know her speech
Heals hearts better than words
ูข. ูู
ุฃุฏุฑู ุฃู ููุงู
ูุดูู ุงููููุจู ู
ู ุงููููุงู
3. Alas longing for
Those homes and tents
ูฃ. ูุงูุงู ููุง ุดููุงู ุฅูู
ุชููู ุงูู
ูุงุฒูู ูุงูุฎูููุงู
4. My knowledge of them
Was but a dreamโs illusion
ูค. ู
ุง ูุงู ุฅููู
ูู ุจูู
ุฅูุง ูุญูู
ู ูู ู
5. A fair Yemeni woman restrained by shyness
From uttering a word
ูฅ. ุจูุถุงุกู ูู
ูุนูุง ุงูุญูุง
ุกู ุจุฃู ุชุญูุฏููุซ ุจุงูููุงู
6. With cool, refreshing cheeks
That restore the wine-flushed complexion
ูฆ. ูููุง ุฑูุถุงุจู ุจุงุฑุฏู
ููุฒูุฑูู ุนูู ุตูุฑูู ุงูู
7. Or the taste of strewn musk
Sealed tightly in its pod
ูง. ุฃู ุทูุนูู
ุดูููุฏ ูุซุฑูู
ูุณูู ู
ูููุถููุถ ุงูุฎูุชูุงู
8. If the dead tasted it
None would rise from beneath the tombstones
ูจ. ูู ุฐูุงู ู
ููุชู ุทุนู
ูุง ูุณููู ู
ู ุชุญุช ุงูุฑุฌูุงู
9. And a languid, feeble love song
Like my weak body in sickness
ูฉ. ูู
ูุดุญู ูุงูู ุถุนููู
ูุซููู ุฌูุณูู
ู ูู ุงูุณููููุงู
10. Rian burdened, preferring
To sit rather than stand
ูกู . ุฑูุงูู ูุซูููุง ููุชูุฎูุชู
ุงุฑู ุงููุนูุฏู ุนูู ุงููููุงู
11. Complaining of her waistโs pain
Like her passionate loversโ torment in love
ูกูก. ุชุดููู ุงูุฎูุงุตุฑ ู
ูู ุดู
ูู ุนูุงุดูููููุง ูู ุงูุบูุฑุงู
12. How many nights I have stayed awake
Sipping that sweetness from the veil
ูกูข. ููู
ู ูููุฉู ูุฏ ุจุชูู ุฃุฌู
ููู ุงูุดูุฏู ู
ู ุฐุงู ุงููููุซูุงู
13. Until she saw the hoary hair
Showing, like my temples, white
ูกูฃ. ุญุชู ุฑุฃุชู ุดูุจู ููู
ุญู ุจุนุงุฑุถูู ู
ุซูู ุงูุซุบูุงู
14. She said: Still not sated
After so long in dreams?
ูกูค. ูุงูุชู ููู
ุฃููุน ุฃุฒู
ุฑู ุจุนุฏู ูู ุญููู
ู ุงูู
15. As if her falling tears blended
With the imamโs dew
ูกูฅ. ููุฃูููู
ุง ุงุชุตูู ุงูุณููุงุจู
ูุนูุง ุจูุฏู ุงูุฅู
16. The just sultan
Pride of the glorious, son of the glorious, son of the glorious
ูกูฆ. ุฐูู ุงูุนุฏูู ุณูุทุงูู
ู ุจู ุงูููู
ู ุจู ุงูููู
17. People of superiority, merit
And magnificent gifts
ูกูง. ุฃููู ุงูููุงุถูู ูุงููุถุง
ุฆูู ูุงูุนุทูุงุชู ุงูุนูุธูุงู
18. And brother of feasts and bounties
And magnificent manliness
ูกูจ. ูุฃุฎูู ุงูู
ูุงุฆุฏู ูุงูููุง
ุฆูุฏ ูุงูู
ุฑูุกูุงุชู ุงูุฌูุณูุงู
19. His noble, generous ancestors
The generous people, sons of the generous
ูกูฉ. ุฃุฌุฏุงุฏูู ุงูุบูุฑ ุงููุฑุงู
ู ููู
ู ุจูููู ุงููุฑุงู
20. Their palms overflow with munificence
Like the downpour of clouds
ูขู . ุชูุณุฏู ุฃูููููู
ู ุจุฌูุฏู
ุซูู ู
ูููููู ุงูุบูู
21. Pillars of patience in battle
And oceans of generosity at meals
ูขูก. ุฃุทูุงุฏู ุญููู
ู ูู ุงููุบูู
ูุจุญูุฑู ุฌูุฏู ูู ุงูุทุนูุงู
22. They outranked the noble clan
Like fresh dates outrank dried dates
ูขูข. ููุถููููุง ุงููุฑูู ุจุฃุจููุฉู
ูุถูู ุงููููุถูุงุฑู ุนูู ุงูุฑููุบูุงู
23. They knew authority and rule
And bounty before weaning
ูขูฃ. ุนูุฑูููุง ุงูุณูุงุฏุฉู ูุงูุณูุง
ุณุฉู ูุงููุฏู ูุจูู ุงูููุทุงู
24. Their natures inclined to charity
To reform the people
ูขูค. ุฌุจูุช ุดู
ุงูุฌูุฏููู ูุฅุตูุงุญู ุงูุฃูููุงู
25. O foremost son of the eminent
Foremost in leadership and turban
ูขูฅ. ูุง ุงุจูู ุงูุฃููู ู
ู ูุนุฑุจู
ูุฃููู ุงูุฅู
ุฉู ูุงูุฐููู
26. You are the supported, ever we pray
For the eternity of your reign
ูขูฆ. ุฃูุชู ุงูู
ุคูุฏู ูู
ูุฏุนู ููู
ูููููู ุจุงูุฏูุงู
27. Time wandered in your acclaimed
Justice, in Egypt and Syria
ูขูง. ุชุงูู ุงูุฒู
ุงูู ุจุนุฏูู
ุดููุฑ ูู ู
ุตุฑู ูุดุงู
28. All who confess are obliged
To you, outstripping Shem and Ham So the lofty were lowered
ูขูจ. ูููู ุฃูุฑู ููู
ู ุชููู
ุจุงููุถู ู
ู ุณุงู
29. For your sake, stern warrior,
You routed the army of unbelief and idolatry
ูขูฉ. ูุงูุญุทูู ุนุงูู ุงูู
ููู ูุงุฑุนูู ุตูุนูุจู ุงูู
30. With the intrepid troops
You exposed each disowned
ูฃู . ููุฒู
ุช ุฌููุดู ุงูููุฑ ูุงูุฅุด
ุฑุงู ุจุงูุฌูุด ุงูููููุงู
31. Among them without preamble
You stripped their plots
ูฃูก. ุนุฑูููุช ููู ู
ุจููุงู ุฃููู ููุงู
32. As sunlight strips away darkness
The structure of their regime dissolved
ูฃูข. ูุณูุฎุช ููุฏูู
ู ูู
ุงูุณูุฎู ุงูุถูุงุกู ู
ู ุงูุธูุงู
33. Beforehand in terrible death
They aspired to fight you
ูฃูฃ. ูุงูุญููู ุนูุฏ ูุธุงู
ูู ูุจูู ุจุงูู
ูุชู ุงูุฒุคุงู
34. Then recklessly advanced leaderless
Pride deluded them, so you inflicted
ูฃูค. ุฑุงู
ููุง ูุชุงูู ูุจู ูุฅูู
ููุงุฏููุง ุฅููู ุจููุงู ุฒูู
35. Utter defeat
O rain of the people of earth
ูฃูฅ. ุบุฑุชููู
ู ู
ููู ุงูุฃูุง
ุฉู ูุฃููุนุชูู
ูู ุงููุฒุงู
36. A day of dew and rain in the throngs
You were gladdened by the Feast
ูฃูฆ. ูุง ุบูุซู ุฃููู ุงููุฃุฑุถ
ู ููุฏูู ูุบูุซุงู ูู ุงูุฒููุญุงู
37. For which yearning to greet you in peace
And may each Festival of Fast-Breaking be joyous
ูฃูง. ููููููุชู ุจุงูุนูุฏ ุงูุฐู
ูููู ููุงุกู ุจุงูุณูุงู
38. For you are its feast every year
ูฃูจ. ููููู ุนูุฏู ุงููุทุฑ ุฃูู
ู ุนูุฏูู ูู ูููู ุนุงู