
He who forbade you is ever-present

إن الذي نهواه منك لحاضر

1. He who forbade you is ever-present
In your generous hand, and time aids you.

١. إنّ الذي نهواهُ منك لحاضرٌ
في فيضِ كفِّك والزمانُ مُساعِدُ

2. Strengthen your hand over us, for you are our neighbor;
Do not despair, for your fortune is rising.

٢. واشْدُد يديك بنا فإنّك جارُنا
لا تيأسنَّ فإن حظَّكَ صاعدُ

3. Hearken and be compliant to the beloved, and welcome
His neighborhood, for nearness to him helps.

٣. سَمْعاً وطوْعاً للحبيبِ ومرْحباً
بجواره فالقربُ منه مساعد

4. You remain delighted with us and our meeting,
And for us are lasting benefits with you.

٤. لا زِلْت مسروراً بنا ولِقَائِنَا
ولنَا دواما من لديك فوائِدُ