
The proud are a burden upon all the earth,

ثقيل على كل الورى من تكبر

1. The proud are a burden upon all the earth,
And if the ground were fair, it would split open with their bodies.

١. ثقيلٌ عَلَى كلِّ الورى من تكبرِ
ولو أنصفتْ ساخَت بجثمانِه الأرضُ

2. If the wicked knew their companion was this despised one,
They would not be pleased to have him as their partner.

٢. ولو علِم العاصونَ في شرِّ دارهم
شريكاً لهم هذا المذمَّمُ لم يرضُوا

3. Oh what an affliction is he who inclines towards the ugliness of his face,
And oh he whom hatred of is obligatory upon all the earth!

٣. فيا داء مَن يرنُو إلى قبحِ وجهه
ويا مَن على كلِّ الورى بغضهُ فرضُ

4. Truly, the world has become too narrow for me, with all its expanse,
Because of his character, his broadness, his height, and his width.

٤. لقد ضاقَتِ الدنيا علىَّ بأسْرها
مِن أخلاقه واللوحُ والطولُ والعرضُ