
A letter came to me from my brother and father

أتاني كتاب من شقيقى ووالدى

1. A letter came to me from my brother and father
So my joy exceeded that from my friends and comrades

١. أتاني كتابٌ من شقيقى وَوَالدِى
فصارَ أُحَيْلى من طَرِيفى وَتَالِدِى

2. And when it came to me, it revealed my worries to Allah
Like the joining of a lover to a distant beloved

٢. ولما أتاني صارَ للهمِّ كاشِفاً
كَوَصْلِ حبيب من حبيب مُبَاعدِ

3. I turn it over again and fold it at times
And unfold it again at those sights

٣. أقلِّبُه طَوراً وأطْويه تارةً
وأنشره أُخْرى بتلك المَشاهِد

4. So I became full of intense longing as if I were
A loving brother stirred by the mention of covenants

٤. فأصبحتُ ذَا شَوْقٍ شديد كأنني
أخو وَلَهٍ أشجاهُ ذكرُ المعاهِد

5. Oh one who is alone in his estrangement and aloofness
I am sympathetic in longing to a sympathizer

٥. أَيَا واحداً في هَجْرِه وجَفَائِه
أنا واجد في الشوق رفقا بواجد

6. And I have from burning longing what has denied
Slumber to my eyelids from the sweet sleeping places

٦. وَعِندي مِن الشوقِ المبرّح مَا نفَى
رُقَاد جُفوني عن لذيذ المراقد

7. And if a thousand lines would not give pleasure to our hearts
With them, lines on paper would not console us

٧. ولو أَلُف خطٍّ ما تسلَّت قلوبنا
بها ليس تُسْلِينَا سُطورُ الكواغد

8. And if before union there were impassable ravines
We would cross, creeping through the impassable ravines

٨. ولو أنَّ دونَ الوَصْل قطع فَدَافِدٍ
قطعنا بتدآب شِدَاد الفَدَافِد