1. With what can I have patience? There is no bosom friend, no family, no homeland,
No companion, no neighbor, no dwelling, no trusted keeper of my needs in this abode but grief and sorrow.
١. بِمَ التصبرُ لا خِلُّ ولا شجن
ولا صديقٌ ولا أهلٌ ولا وَطَنُ
2. Why this life that has filled me with boredom? Our home and the plains and mountains have become desolate to me,
To the point I feared words and deeds would go to waste.
٢. ولا خليلُ ولا خدنٌ ولا سكنُ
ولا أمينٌ على الحاجاتِ مؤتمَنُ
3. So what is my staying in a land whose people have departed,
And in whose ruins have settled weakness and humiliation?
٣. في هذه الدار إلا الكرب والحزن
لمَ الحياةُ ومنها حل بي مللُ
4. Is there any joy, comfort or delight,
For the heart other than sorrow, sadness and grief?
٤. واستوحشت دارنا والسهلُ والجبَلُ
حتى خشيتُ يضيع القولُ والعملُ
5. Indeed, sincerity left with them, it did not profess,
Since the people of piety and virtue departed out of benevolence.
٥. فما مُقَامِى بدارِ أهلها رَحَلُوا
وحلّ في ذراها الضعف والوهنُ
6. After them, life did not seem sweet nor dwelling pleasant to me.
Virtues of theirs I cannot enumerate in number,
٦. هلْ من سرورٍ ومن راحٍ ومن فرحٍ
للقلب غيرِ الأسى والحزنِ والترحِ
7. If reckoned by counting grains of sand they would not deplete.
I have not found any like them in our time,
٧. والسرُّ من قبلهم حقّاً فلم يبحِ
مُذّ بانَ أهلُ التقى والفضل من منحِ
8. Since they left I said my heart will never settle,
In a paradise settled by sorrows and tribulations.
٨. لم يحلُو لي بعدهم عيش ولا سكنُ
فضائِلٌ منهم لم أحِصها عددَا
9. From pining my ears have become deaf,
And burning anguish I cannot, by God, dispel.
٩. لو عدّ إحصاؤها بالرمْل ما نفدَا
لم ألق مثلَهم في دهرنا احداً
10. A sadness I could not hold back today,
And tears I swore would not stop flowing,
١٠. مُذّ ودعوا قالَ قلبي لمْ أقم أبدا
في جنةٍ حلها الأحزانُ والمحنُ
11. From troubles, until the ships return.
They traveled and settled as neighbors yet did not show sympathy,
١١. مِن النوى أذنى قد صَمَّ مسمعُهَا
وحرقة لم أَطِقْ بالله أدفعُهَا
12. To the one with parched throat and lips.
Good fortune to them, they have truly recognized what they knew.
١٢. كُريةٌ ما قدرت اليوم أدفعُهَا
ومقلةٌ أقسمتُ لم يرقَ مَدْمَعُهَا
13. O you who blame, you travelers, stop!
For one passionately in love, time has been burdensome after you.
١٣. مِن الشُّؤونِ إلى أنْ ترْجِعَ السفنُ
ساروا وحلّوا أصيحاباً وما عطفُوا
14. So tears from every eye lamenting the separation,
Cascade down the cheeks resembling dripping rain,
١٤. على الذي شفه اللأواء والأسَفُ
طوبَى لهم وعدوا حقّاً لما عرفوا
15. As if the cheek were land and the eyes were sky.
Had they not been a cure for hearts they would not have,
١٥. يا أيها الظاعنونَ الراحلون قِفُوا
لمغرم بعدكم قد غالَه الزمنُ
16. Beset them after you with any disease or smoke.
Grief and sorrow appeared since they resolved,
١٦. فالدمعُ من كل عينٍ للفراقِ همىً
ينهل خلف المطايا يشبه الدِّيمَا
17. To depart, and safety and generosity appeared,
And the sweetness of life and bounty disappeared from me.
١٧. كأنما الخدُّ أرضٌ والعيونُ سَمَا
لو لم يكونوا شِفاءً للقلوب لَمَا
18. Had it not been for their separation no illness would have befallen me,
Nor would desolation and loss have saddened my soul.
١٨. قد حلّها بعدهمْ داء ولا دَخَنُ
بانَ العزا والأسى والصبرُ مُذْ عَزَمُوا
19. Who in existence is like our master Abdullah,
The progeny of the pure, righteous Tahir, our Muhammad.
١٩. على الرحيلِ وبانَ الأمْنُ والكَرَمُ
وبانَ عنّي لذيذُ العيش والنعمُ
20. The origin of our faith has been perfumed by the scent of this one,
For he is the devoted guardian, the pure light of our mosque,
٢٠. لولا فراقهمُ ما حلِّ بي سقمُ
ولا شَجَتْ مُهْجَتِي الأطلالُ والدمنُ
21. And he is the pleased, the righteous, the knowing, the perceptive one.
He gives freely of what he possesses, indeed he does not withhold it.
٢١. مَنْ في الورى مثلُ عبد الله سيدنا
سلالةُ الطاهر الزاكى محمدِنَا
22. You will not find him heedless in his qualities.
He led the world with wisdom as a child in his school.
٢٢. قد طابَ من طيبِ هذا أصلُ محِتدِناً
فهو الولى المفدَّى نُور مَسجدِنَا
23. Every matter he sees is unambiguous.
And eloquence is not marred by his diction's blemishes.
٢٣. وهو الرضى الزكى العالِم الفطنُ
يسخُو بما عندهُ بل لا يضنُّ به
24. Then blessings upon the Chosen One from Mudar,
Our intercessor on a day when none shall save another from sin,
٢٤. لم تلقه في المزايَا غير منتبهِ
سادَ الورَى بالحجى طفلا بمكتبهِ
25. Muhammad the Elect, of whom the news has come,
The best of creation, patron of nomads and townspeople alike,
٢٥. وكلُّ أمرٍ يراهُ غيرَ مُشْتبهِ
وليسَ يحرى على ألفاظِه اللحنُ
26. Our Prophet whose excellence deeds do not tarnish.
٢٦. ثمَّ الصلاةُ على المختارِ من مُضرِ
شفيعِنا يومَ لا ينجُو إلى وَزَرِ
٢٧. محمدٍ المصطفى قد جَاء في الخبرِ
خَيْرِ البريةِ مولى البَدْوِ والحضَرِ
٢٨. نبينا لم تُكَدِّرْ فضلَه المننُ