1. Al-Hasan wrote in your cheek a line
It is the letter noon relaxed, an eye and a meem
١. كتب الحسنُ في محياكَ سطراً
وهو نونٌ تبْرِى وعينٌ وَميمُ
2. An eyebrow is a mascaraed eyelash, a mouth like pearls
Its fragrance is musk, its essence well-composed
٢. حاجبُ مقلة فمٌ لؤلؤى
نشْرُه المسكُ درُّه منظومُ
3. Two drops fell from the pen of passion
On your cheek, it is a great secret
٣. قُطرتْ قطرتانِ من قلم الحس
ن بخديك وهو سرٌ عظيمُ
4. Say "yes" in our meeting, do not say "no" to me
After "no" comes ugly manners
٤. قل نعم في لقائِنا لا تقل لي لا
إنَّ لا بعدها لَخُلقٌ ذَمِيمُ
5. The universe contains the image of a bow
Who in the two worlds is safe from it?
٥. عنون الكون فيه صورة قوسٍ
مَنْ مِنَ العَالَمَينَ مِنهُ سَليمُ
6. Its bows are its eyebrows, its nose is its string
Under it a sick eyelid
٦. قوسُه حاجباه والأنفُ تشا
بتُه تحتهن جَفنٌ سقيمُ
7. Strange is he, distant yet present
Absent yet residing in the heart
٧. عجباً منه وهو ناءٍ بعيدُ
حاضرٌ وهو في الفؤادِ مُقيمُ
8. May God have mercy on those who respond generously
And upon him be peace and safety
٨. رحمَ اللهُ مَن سخَا بجوابٍ
وعليه السلامُ التسليمُ