
A gazelle has raided my heart with the swords of his eyelids

غزال غزا قلبي بخيل صدوده

1. A gazelle has raided my heart with the swords of his eyelids
And gashed my insides with the roses of his cheeks

١. غزالٌ غزا قلبي بخيْلِ صُدودِه
وخدَّد أحشائي بورْدِ خدودِه

2. And my chest grew tough with the stature of his height
And he lined up my livers with the spear of his flexing

٢. وقدَّ قُوَى صدرِي بقامةِ قدِّه
وأردفَ أكبادي برمح نُهودِه

3. He plays with me if I try to fulfill his promise
A gazelle not a man to keep his word

٣. يماطلني إنْ رُمت إنجازَ وعده
بنفسي غزالٌ لا بقي بوعوده

4. And he disappoints me when I ask for his union
And fulfills for me from his promise only threats

٤. ويُخْلِفني لما طلبتُ وصالَه
وينجزُ لي من وَعده بوعيده

5. I envy him for my glances, so how can I not
Envy him for the necklaces on his neck

٥. أغارُ عليه من لِحَاظي فكيف لا
أغارُ عليه من قلائِد جيده

6. God bless the day he glanced with love
Despite the envy of foes and the envious

٦. رعى اللهُ يوم البين جادَ بنظرةٍ
على رَغم واشية ورغم حسوده

7. He appeared and the sun faded under his sky
He turned away and I lost the moon in his distance

٧. تَجلّى فخلت الشمسَ تحتَ سمائه
وولّي فخلتُ البدرَ تحتَ بروده

8. And if you come to Ghuwayr, and it is well known
Stop by the valley of Al-Munhana and its flowers

٨. ولا تنس إن جئتَ الغويرْ ولعلماً
فعرّجْ بوادي المُنْحَنَى وزَرُودِه

9. There an old love of mine, and for so long
My heart's thirst was quenched by kissing its soil

٩. هنالك لي وُدّ قديمٌ وطالمَا
شفيت جَوَى قلبي بِلَثْم صِعيده

10. Say hello to the pastures of Najd and the sands of ‘Alaj
Pass by Naiman and circle its gazelles

١٠. وحيِّ رُبَى نجد ورَملة عالجٍ
ومرَّ بنعمانٍ وطُفْ بنجودِه

11. Send regards to Rabia and Salma in the ruins
Where he triumphed with his lions over its blacks

١١. وسلّم على رَبْع لسلمى وزينبٍ
به فتكتْ آرامُه بأسودِه

12. Tell of my fervor for Al-Hayy Al-Hilool in Dharidh
And inform him of my heart's love and its renewal

١٢. وحدثْ عن الحيِّ الحُلُول بضارح
وأخبرْه عن بالِي الهوَى وجديده

13. Mark lightning in Raqmtayn and Hajir
And do not ask if he fulfills his vows

١٣. وشِمْ بارقاً بالرقمتين وحاجرٍ
ولا تَسْلُ عنه إنْ وَفَى بعهودِه

14. And pass by Wadi Ghadha and its shadows
And take news of it and the beauty of its hand

١٤. وعرِّج على وادي الغضا وظلاله
وخذْ خبرا عنه وعن روعة بيده