
One whose longing arose in grief,

من لصب تصاعدت حسراته

1. One whose longing arose in grief,
whose lover's tears fell,

١. مَن لصَبٍّ تصاعدت حسراتُه
ومُحبٍّ تساقطت عَبَرَاتُه

2. one whose beloved's glances revived him when estranged,
my soul is stirred by his tread, like a wandering gazelle,

٢. مَن له إن رماه بالهجر وال
بين حبيبٌ معشوقةٌ لمحاتُه

3. if he stirs his lips with a word,
our bodies swoon at his motions.

٣. وبنفسي الظبيُ الأغَنُّ إذا ما
قامَ يمشى تهزُّني خطراتُه

4. I'm his victim of passion and ecstasy,
and the companion of passion - his life cannot be hoped for.

٤. وإذا حرَّكَ الشفاهَ بلفظٍ
منه أضنت جسومَنا حركاتُه

5. Wondrous is he who denies the slain,
while my witnesses against him are his spear-thrusts.

٥. أنا منه قتيلُ شوقٍ ووَجْدٍ
وأَخو الشوق ليس تُرْجَى حياتُه

6. I'm drunk with love like him, but
his intoxications do him no harm.

٦. عجباً منه كيف ينكِرُ قتلى
وشُهودِي عليه لي وَجَنَاتُه

7. I'm delighted by him, but he was bent
in youth by the flexing of his figure.

٧. أنا سكرانُ مثله في الهَوى لك
نّه لا تضرُّه سكراتُه

8. His glances kill the lovers if he unsheathes
a sword from their lives for a moment.

٨. أنا نشوانُ منه لكنه زا
نَتْ بعطِفَيْه في الصبا نشواتُه

9. A beloved who increases my love when he spurns me
after nearness with affection then estrangement.

٩. يقتلُ العاشقين إن سلَّ سيفاً
مِن جفونِ حياتهم لحظاتُه

10. My death is his abandonment and turning away,
and my life is in his intimacy after turning toward me.

١٠. وحبيبٍ يزيدُني إن جفاني
بعدَ قُرْبٍ مودةً جفواتُه

11. How sweet is meeting him after being apart,
were it not for his enviers and slanderers.

١١. فمماتي هجرانُه ونَوَاهُ
وحياتي بعدَ النَّوَى خلواتُه

12. My heart is weakened with love for him had it not been for his love
that gave me the wine of passion to drink.

١٢. ما أَحْلَى لقاءَه بعد بَيْنِ
منه لولا حُسَّاُده ووشاتُه

13. Perhaps one day I'll be successful in meeting him
and his melodies will revive my joyousness,

١٣. أَنا مُضْنَي الفؤاد لولا هواه
ما سقتني كاسَ الغرامِ سقاتُه

14. by a miser I sent my tears toward his rainclouds
and his meadows were watered.

١٤. فلعلى أَفوزُ يوما بلقيا
هُ وتُحيى حَشاشتي نغماتُه

15. As if the Imam Sultan bestowed generosity,
for generosity is his nature.

١٥. وبخيلٍ بالوصل أَرسلْتُ دمعي
نحو مَغْناه فارتوت عرصاتُه

16. Comfort, dew, favor, kindness, glory and loftiness
are his habits.

١٦. فكأن الإمامَ سلطانَ أعدا
هُ سخاءً فإنما الجودُ ذاتُه

17. The heart finds rest with him though empty
of wealth, family, and oases.

١٧. والنَّدَى والإنعامُ والفضلُ والإ
حسانُ والمجدُ والعُلا عاداتُه

18. He is the lord of dew, lord of generous hands,
feared by the deer for his raids.

١٨. راحةُ القلبِ عنده إن خَلَتْ من
ماله أو لُجَيْنِه واحاتُه

19. A just imam who is unjust with wealth,
generously, as if it were his disobedience.

١٩. هو ربُّ الندى وربُّ الأيادي
الغُرِّ مرهوبةُ الظبا غاراتُه

20. A governor good in rule, spending freely -
obedience to God among people is his obedience.

٢٠. وإمامٌ عدل يجورُ على الأموا
لِ جُوداً كأنهن عُصاتُه

21. Pleased, whose pleasure is God’s pleasure,
and devout, whose deeds are desired.

٢١. وولىٌّ يولى جميلا ويسخو
طاعةُ الله في الورى طاعاتُه

22. A sovereign whose sovereigns are servants,
generous, the meadows are his open hands.

٢٢. ورضىٌّ رضا الإله رضاه
وتقيٌّ أَعمالُه مرضاتُه

23. Valiant, who wades into the sea of death,
his firmness not weakened by its waves.

٢٣. ومليكٌ له الملوكُ عبيدٌ
وسخىٌّ كل البرايا عُفاتُه

24. Stalwart, who withstands souls with power,
in a dark battle whose raids are blackened.

٢٤. وشجاعٌ يخوضُ بحر المنايا
لم تَهِلْهُ من الردى غمراتُه

25. Stout of heart, who has no peer,
his famous generosity widely known.

٢٥. وقويٌّ يجشِّمُ النفس بأْساً
في وَطيسٍ مسودةٍ غاراتُه

26. He leads the nomads, enslaves the settled,
his grace and affection hoped for.

٢٦. باسِلُ القلبِ ما له من نظير
في سَظاهُ مشهورةٌ كرَّاتُه

27. His concern is the rule of kingdoms -
his struggle, fasting, and prayers.

٢٧. يعربىّ الأعراب يستعبدُ الأح
رار تُرْجَى أفضالُه وصِلاتُه

28. His state is one whether prosperous or wretched,
his states are equal in both.

٢٨. هَمُّه تدبيرُ الممالك في
الملك اجتهاداً وصومُه وصلاتُه

29. For glory he is an asset, and for the heights
his aims in the land are endless.

٢٩. حالُه في السراءِ حالٌ وفي الضرَّا
ءِ سيانِ فيهما حالاتُه

30. To him belong grandeur, kingdom, and praise -
flags exalted and renowned.

٣٠. فهْو للمجد غلةٌ والمعالي
في البرايا لا تنتهى غاياتُه

31. Descriptors fall short describing him,
his attributes too majestic for them.

٣١. وله الكِبْرياءُ والملكُ والحمدُ
علاءٌ مشهورةٌ راياتُه

32. Through him our age was adorned and by his
law, his words about our religion clarified.

٣٢. يعجزُ الواصفونَ أن يصفره
بصفاتٍ تجلٌّ عنهم صفاتُه

33. The times grew straight after crookedness
and its nights were illuminated by his justice.

٣٣. فبه زانَ دهرَنا وتجلَّتْ
بسناه عن ديننا كلماتُه

34. The pillar of the deceitful collapsed,
their courts emptied and abandoned.

٣٤. واستقامَ الزمانُ بعدَ اعوجاجِ
وأنارت بعدله ليلاتُه

35. Justice prevailed in the regions
through his judgments, and his governors were set right.

٣٥. وبه انهدَّ ركْنُ أهل المخازي
فتداعَى وأقفرت ساحاتُه

36. Passion faded, and its people censured ignorance
and injustice, and its term expired.

٣٦. وغدا العدلُ في النواحي عميماً
بقضاياه واستقامت ولاتُه

37. Whoever supports him is always laden
with good deeds on his balance.

٣٧. واضمحلَّ الهوى وأهلوه أه
لُ الجورِ والجهل وانقضَى ميقاتُه

38. Whoever disobeys the imams in religion
grave are his stumbles.

٣٨. إن مَن والاه على كل حالِ
ثقلت في مَعاده حسناتُه

39. Whoever breaks from them is misguided,
his life and death equal.

٣٩. إن مَن عَصَى الأئمة في الدي
ن الحنبفيِّ عظيمةٌ زَلاَّتُه

40. His nearness enriched me with his generosity,
and dispelled my heart's doubts - without his justice

٤٠. ومَن انسلَّ عنهمُ فهو مَغْبو
نٌ سواءٌ حياتُه وحماتُه

41. doubts would not have been dispelled.
My heart desires none but praising him

٤١. قرَّبتْني زُلْفَى إليه فأمسيتُ
غنيّاً بجوده قرباتُه

42. and praising him is its passion.
O Imam of the people, Sultan of the sword,

٤٢. وانجلت شبهةُ الفؤاد ولولا
عدلُه الحقُّ ما انجلت شبهاتُه

43. through you our time was adorned and its moments made virtuous.
You are the best imam for us, for

٤٣. إن قلبي لا يشتهي غير مدحيه
وإنِّي ومدحَه شهواتُه

44. the times were defiant with troubles.
So decide in life what you will, for

٤٤. يا إمامَ الأنامِ سلطانَ سيفِ
بِكَ زانت زماننا أوقاتُه

45. life is a submissive slave whose steps are controlled.
O finest of the noble, blessed is the age

٤٥. أنتَ نِعْمَ الإمامُ فينا لأن
الدهرَ عنَّا مأْسورةٌ آفاتُه

46. for you are its masters today in the world.
For you are the imams of justice in religion,

٤٦. فاقضِ في الدهر ما تشاء فإنّ
الدهرَ عبدٌ مقِهورةٌ خطواتُه

47. its shelter and guardians.
For you are its cavaliers and governors,

٤٧. يا فَتى الأكرمين طُوبَى لدهرِ
أنتمُ اليومَ في الورى ساداتُه

48. its stalwarts and guardians.
O nobles of mankind, an age grew mighty

٤٨. ولأنتم أئمةُ العدلِ في الدين
وأنتم ليونُه وحماتُه

49. when you reformed it, for you are its nobles.
O suns of time, were it not for you,

٤٩. ولأنتم قصاتُه وولاتُه
ولأنتم شجعانُه وكُماتُه

50. time would be stripped of light and its splendor darkened.
For our religion was made straight,

٥٠. يا سراةَ الأنامِ عزَّ زمانٌ
قد أقمتم به وأنتم سَراتُه

51. and its fruits ripened for us.
May God eternalize your kingdom and be pleased with you

٥١. يا شموسَ الزمانِ لولاكُمُ
الدهرُ تَعَرَّى وأظلمت بهجاتُه

52. in an age adorned by your groups.
Our age fears you - if you abandoned it,

٥٢. ولما كان دينُنا مستقيماً
ولما أينعت لنا ثمراتُه

53. none of its hours would flow.
How can time disobey you while you are

٥٣. خلَّدَ الله ملككم وارتضاكُم
في زمانٍ زانت بكم جُمْعَاتُه

54. its party, even its champions and guardians?
Command it, for it obeys you in all

٥٤. هابكم دهرنا فلو أنكم تَنْهَوْ
نَه لم تَجُرْ بنا ساعاتُه

55. you order - none of its moments disobey.
Shall I blame time when justice

٥٥. كيف يعصيكم الزمانُ وأنتم
حِزْبه بل لُيوثه وكُماتُه

56. reigns among us and you are its confidants?
Time is in your hands, as are its people,

٥٦. فمُرُوه فهْوَ المطيعُ لكم في
ما أمرتم وليس تُعْصَى سُعاتُه

57. as are its life and death.
Advance in peace to the highest degree,

٥٧. أأذمُّ الزمانَ والعدلُ فيه
قائمٌ بيننا وأنتم ثِقاتُه

58. for the Highest degree belongs to you.
The earth and time are adorned with you, and

٥٨. وبأيديكم الزمانُ وأهلوهُ
ومنكم حياتُه ومماتُه

59. knowledge - its scattered parts collected through you.
its breaths exuded musk,

٥٩. وارفقوا سالمين في دَرَج العَليا
فإن العُلَى لكم درجاتُه

60. In lines as if hidden pearls,
adorned by its components.

٦٠. زانت الأرض والزمانُ بكم والْ
عِلْمُ صارت مجموعةً أشتاتُه

61. With folds telling of the folds of a beloved,
nay, depicted by its sips.

٦١. هاكَ مدحاً يا ابن الكرام كأن
المسك منه تضوَّعَت نفحاتُه

62. It is sweeter than rest for the loyal,
and for foes, its heat suffices you.

٦٢. بقَوَافٍ كأنها اللؤلؤ المكنون
نظماً قد زينته مَهاتُه

63. It surpassed all poetry, and people busied
themselves with interpreting it, while its narrations wandered.

٦٣. وثنايا تحكى ثنايا حبيبٍ
بل حكَتْه من ثغره رشفاتُه

64. Truly, composing poetry is little,
many are its narrations and links.

٦٤. فهو أحلى من المُنَى للموالي
والمعادي تكفيكمُ حُرقاتُه

٦٥. فاقَ كل القريض فاشتغل النا
سُ بتفسيره وتاهت رُواتُه

٦٦. إنما صاغَةُ القريض قليلٌ
وكثيرٌ رُواتُه وشُداتُه