1. Some lands shone as their women grew bright,
While the rough and smooth terrains narrowed for them.
١. وبارقَ بعضُ العالمينَ نساءَهم
وضاقَ بهم من ذلك الوعرُ والسهلُ
2. Few became the buildings and cultivation and crops for people,
While the high and lowlands narrowed for their inhabitants.
٢. وقلّ البِنَا والحرثُ والزرعُ للورَى
وضاقَ بأهليها بها العُلوُ والسُّفْلُ
3. The wells dried up except for a few,
And all people grew hungry and the families dispersed.
٣. وقد يَبِس الآبارُ إلا نوادراً
وأكْدَى جميعُ الخلق وافترقَ الأهلُ
4. Some headed west seeking their livelihood,
While some headed east and the groups got disrupted.
٤. فبعضٌ غدا في الغرب يطلبُ رزقه
وبعضٌ غدَا في الشرق واضطربَ الجُلّ
5. You see people humbled, pleading submissively,
Due to scarcity, even a baby wouldn't cry for them.
٥. ترَى الناسَ سَكْرَى خاشعين تذللاً
مِن القلّ حتى لا يَصيحَ لهم طِفلُ
6. I knew some who picked date fruits to eat,
And drank still, tasteless water that wouldn't quench thirst.
٦. وعهدِي ببعض يلقطُ النخَلَ بلحها
ويشربُ ماءَ لا يُمِرُّ ولا يَحْلُو
7. Some turned to ask people for handouts,
So the disgrace of their shameful request befell them.
٧. وبعضٌ تولى يطلبُ الناس بُلْغَةً
فحلَّ به من سوءِ مطلبه الذل
8. Some have supper with very little and don't ask,
While some appear asking though they have it all.
٨. وبعضٌ تغدى بالقليلِ ولم يسلْ
وبعضٌ تراهُ سائِلاً وهو الكلُّ
9. Some don't cry nor laugh,
Bearing worries that don't cease.
٩. وبعضٌ فلا يبكى ولا هو ضاحِك
يكابِدُ أشغالاً من الهم لا يخُلو
10. Some wished for pigeons due to their poverty,
And what they saw of adversity and dearth that befell them.
١٠. وبعضٌ تمنى للحمام لِفَقْرِه
وممّا رأى السُّوأى وحَل به القُلُّ
11. That was in the year eighty pilgrimage,
And a thousand accumulating with eight they didn't improve.
١١. وذلك في عام الثمانين حجةً
وألف توالتْ مع ثمان وما حلوا
12. Were it not for you Sultan bin Saif bin Salik,
Weakness for what afflicted us would've befallen us.
١٢. ولولاكَ سلطان بن سيف بن سالك
لحلَّ بنا مِن أجْل مَا مَسَّنَا الخبْلُ
13. So you rained upon us from your palms' generosity,
A rain that settles in place of one that wouldn't settle.
١٣. فأمطرْتنا مِن جُود كَفّيْك وابلاً
أقام مقاماً لا يقومُ به الولُ
14. So I congratulate you for reviving God's land with justice and blessing,
Until ignorance passes and justice spreads.
١٤. فأحييكَ أرضَ اللهِ بالعدلِ والندى
إلى أن أمتّ الجهلَ وانتشر العدلُ
15. This is old from you not new,
That's how your glorious ancestors were before.
١٥. وهذا قديمٌ منكم ليس محدثاً
كذَا كانَ أجدادٌ لكَ العزُّ مِنْ قبلُ
16. They are a people no seeker of their help was disappointed,
For them is a sea of generosity no cloud dirties.
١٦. هُمُ مَعشر لا خابَ راجى نوالهم
لهم بحرُ جود لا يكدره مَطْلُ
17. And he whose ancestors were generous and honorable,
Thus would the cub be; fierce lions.
١٧. ومن تكنْ الغُرّ الكرامُ جدودَه
ليوثاً ضوارى هَكذا يكن الشبلُ
18. So live on, my praise of you is true and effective,
While praising others than you is ignorance.
١٨. فعِشْ إِن مَدْحى فيكَ حَقٌّ مؤثرٌ
ومَدْحُ سواى في سواك هو الجَهلُ
19. I prayed my God to immortalize your reign,
And quench us with a rain that would unite us.
١٩. دعوتُ إِلهي أَنْ يخلِّدَ مُلككم
ويسقَينا غيثا به يُجمعُ الشملُ
20. So oh my Lord, my Master, we call upon you so quench us,
With lively youth, the death of dearest wishes.
٢٠. فيا ربِّ يا مولايَ ندعوكَ فاسقما
حياً ذا شآبيبٍ بموتُ بهِ المْحلُ
21. And oh Best of those called upon, we called you so answer,
And Most generous of hopes, in you we trusted.
٢١. ويا خيرَ مسئولٍ دعوناك فاستجبْ
وأكرمَ مأمولٍ به وثق الكُلُّ
22. Your servants oh Lord of servants, save us
With your grace, oh You from whom grace covered us.
٢٢. عبادَك يا ربَّ العبادِ إغاثةً
بِفَضْلِكَ يا مَنْ منه قد عمّنا الفضلُ
23. We called upon you firmly trusting,
In your generosity, oh You whose words are truth and justice.
٢٣. دَعَوناكَ يا رْحمن دعوةَ واثقٍ
بجودِك يا مَن قوله الحقُّ والعدْلُ
24. And oh You who is the Almighty Lord, Majestic His glory,
And in whose hands are creation, command and action.
٢٤. ويا مَن هُو الربُّ العظيمُ جلاله
ومَنْ بيديه الخلقُ والأمرُ والفعلُ
25. So You are the Wise, Creator, Sustainer of people,
Relieve us for from You are generosity and grace our Lord.
٢٥. فأنت الحكيمُ الخالقُ الرزاقُ الورَى
أغثْنا فمنك الجود يا رب والفضلُ
26. You are the Knowing, Able, Giver, whom
Whales in sea and ants praise.
٢٦. فأنتَ العليمُ الفادرُ الواهبُ الذي
تسبِّحه الحيتانُ في البحر والنملُ
27. You are the Bountiful, Master, Eternal, whom
None can equal His pride or be like.
٢٧. وأنتَ الجوادُ السيدُ الصمدُ الذي
تفردَ عزّاً أنْ يكونَ له مِثْلُ
28. Exalted is God of creation, beyond any description,
Of His might or that a mind can encompass Him.
٢٨. تعالَى إلهُ الخلق عَنْ كلِّ واصفٍ
لقدرتِه أو أنْ يحيطَ به عَقْلُ
29. And bless God of creation, Exalted His praise,
Upon Ahmed the Chosen, for whom camels walked.
٢٩. وصلِّ إلهَ الخلق جلَّ ثناؤُه
عَلَى أَحْمَدَ المختارِ ما سارتْ بِه الإبلُ
30. Blessings uncountable in number,
Like drops, twilight, and sand can't be counted.
٣٠. صلاةً توالى ليس يُحصَى عدادُها
كمَا ليس يُحْصَى القَطْرُ ولويْلُ والرمْلُ