
The book came from the confident beloved

ورد الكتاب من الحبيب الواثق

1. The book came from the confident beloved
By Allah, Lord of the worlds, the Creator

١. وَرَد الكتابُ من الحبيبِ الواثقِ
باللهِ ربِّ العالمينَ الخالقِ

2. The book came from my brother, the virtuous one
Of the guidance's knowledge, the generous discerning one's lineage

٢. وردَ الكتابُ من الحبيبِ أخِي التقَى
علمِ الهُدَى نسلِ الكريمِ الحاذِقِ

3. The people of wisdom, eloquence and guidance
And my eloquent and truthful spoken brother

٣. أهلِ النباهةِ والبلاغَةِ والهدى
وأخِى الفصاحةِ والمقالِ الصادقِ

4. And the son of the loyal ones whom I knew
Before, the people of resolves and pacts

٤. وابن الأَخِلاّءِ الذين عهدتهمْ
مِن قبلُ أهلُ عزائمٍ ومُوَاثقِ

5. And the son of those whose deeds are appreciated
Among people in both east and west

٥. وابنِ الذين فِعالُهم مشكورةٌ
بين الورَى بمغاربٍ مَشارقِ

6. I mean the astute, brilliant, content one
And the brother of contentment, the people of eminence and precedence

٦. أَعْنِي به الفَطِنَ اللبيبَ المرتضَى
وأخَا الرضىّ أهل النجَارِ السَّابقِ

7. And his noble nature almost excuses him
But he is the ruin of every hypocrite

٧. ويكادُ مِن كرمِ الطباعِ تُسِيغُه
لكنّه حَتْفٌ لكلِّ مُنافِق

8. He is more generous than a companion or befriender
Kinder than a truthful or befriending one

٨. أكرمْ به مِنْ صاحبٍ ومُصاحبٍ
أحسنْ به مِنْ صادَقٍ ومُصَادِق

9. When his writing and book came to me
Like fresh, gentle, flowing pearls

٩. لما أتاني خطُّهُ وكِتابُه
كاللؤلؤ الرطْب اللطيف الرائقِ

10. My eyelids shed tears remembering
An old pact in the high place

١٠. ذرفتْ مدامعُ مُقْلتِي متذاكراً
عَهداً قديماً بالمكان السَّامِقِ

11. So I opened its seal and unfolded it
And I recognized it was from my master and confidant

١١. ففضضتُ خَتْمَ كتابِه ونشرتُه
فعرفتُه مِنْ سيدِّي ومُوابِقي

12. I revealed the gems of my speech in reply
And my heart throbbing like the fervent one's heart

١٢. أبدي جواهرَ منطِقي لجوابهِ
وخفوقَ قلبي مثلَ قلبِ الوامِقِ

13. So for days I was bewildered by it
And my thoughts were chained in a choking heart

١٣. فَطَفِقْتُ أياماً بهِ متحيراً
وأجيلُ أفْكارِي بقلبٍ خانِقِ

14. And I, the eloquent one, counted myself skillful
In poetry, Lord of rarities and subtleties

١٤. وأنا القَؤُول أعدُّ نفسي ماهراً
في الشعرِ رَبُّ نوادرٍ ودَقائِق

15. But I see leaving the reply as foolishness
And I say leaving no response is the renegade's nature

١٥. لكنْ أرَى تركَ الجوابِ سفاهة
وأقولُ ترْكُ الرد طبعُ المارِقِ

16. Forgive and pardon me, for I am pretentious
But I managed it with the Sustainer's help

١٦. واعذرْ وسامحْ إنني متكلفٌ
لكنْ ظفرتُ به بعونِ الرازِقِ