
A youth consumed by the sorrows of his fickle beloved,

صب تحرقه أسى لرعاته

1. A youth consumed by the sorrows of his fickle beloved,
And a sky adorned by the twilight of its setting sun.

١. صبٌّ تحرِّقه أسىً لرعاتُه
وجوٍ تؤرِّفه هوىً روْعاتُه

2. When the beloved is recalled the youth's breaths quicken,
His regrets echo and his tears scatter.

٢. صبٌّ إذا ذكر الحبيب تصَّدَتْ
أنفاسُه وتردَّدت حسراتُه

3. His times darken and his sighs multiply,
As the games of passion toy with his heart.

٣. وتناثرت عبراتُه وتكدَّرت
أوقاتُه وتكاثرت زَفَرَاتهُ

4. O driver of laments, go gently with them behind you!
A youth fragmented by the anguish of separation.

٤. ومتَّمٌ لعب الغرام بقلبه
لماس استقلت بالحبيب سراتهُ

5. Tormented long by passion though ages have passed
His needs unfulfilled remain fixed in their place

٥. يا سائقَ الأظعانِ مَهْلاً خلفكم
صبٌّ تقطِّعه جَوىً حُرُفاته

6. A lover felled by ecstasy accustomed to the care of his friends
A sick one, made so by the cruelty of his beloved.

٦. ومعذّبٌ طالَ الغرام به وقد
مضت الدهور وما انقضت حاجاته

7. A weakened soul, robbed of the vitality of his heart
Stirred from afar by your leave-taking.

٧. وطريحُ وَجْدٍ مَلّهُ عُوَّاده
ومريض شوقٍ أمرضته أُساتُه

8. No peace remains for the longing one after you are gone
As your caravan departs with all haste.

٨. ومعَلّلٌ ذهبت حُشاشة قلبه
وتحركت من بُعْدِكم مُهجاته

9. If he sought to hide his secret from his friends
His tears would betray the truth he held within.

٩. ما راحة المشتاق بعدكمُ وقد
ذهبت سريعاً بعدكم بُرْحاته

10. O you who fled, disavowing your slaying of me after
Your gaze bore witness to the murder you had wrought

١٠. إن رام يكتم سرَّه عن صحبه
دلَّت على ما كنَّه عَبَراتُه

11. I am the slain one, felled by the sword of your glance
And the harshness of your eyes that gore like horns.

١١. يا هاجري أنكرت قتلى بعد ما
شَهِدَتْ عليه بقتله وجناتُه

12. They said his face shone like the full moon
But they lied, for where is its clarity and perfection?

١٢. فأنا القتيلُ هَوَى بسيف لحاظه
وقساوَةً مثل الظُّبا لحظاتُه

13. This one has a slender neck made to steal minds,
His movements have robbed all reason from the world

١٣. قالوا كبدر النِّمِّ غُرَّةُ وجهه
كذبوا فأين صفاؤه وصفاتُه

14. This one has a languid, doe-like eye that flouts propriety,
Its piercing glances leave modesty confounded.

١٤. هذا له قَدٌّ رشيق مُذْهَبٌ
قد أذهبت عقل الورى حركاتُه

15. An idler, sobered by no wine, lost to the frivolity of youth,
Swept away aimlessly on tides of heedlessness.

١٥. هذا له طرفٌ غضيضٌ أَحْوَرٌ
يَفْرِى النُّهَى مبهورةً شفراتُه

16. If not for the youthful down on his cheek, pale as ivory,
His explosive charms would have stolen the world's sanity.

١٦. نشوانُ لا يصحو بخمر رَضابه
تَثنيه تيهاً في الصِّبا نَشَواتُه

17. On his cheek scurry the moles flanking his temples,
Shielding his lips with their dark beauty.

١٧. لو لم تكن صهباءُ ريقة ثغره
ما أنكرت عقلَ الورى خطراتُه

18. Graceful are his glances, enchanting his movements,
Bewitching his looks and his airs.

١٨. في خَدِّه تَسْعَى عقارب صُدْغِه
تحمى بها عن ثغره رشَفاتُه

19. By my life, he is the loveliest of gazelles,
When his cheek and fragrant breath appear.

١٩. مرموقةٌ لفتاته معشوقة
حركاتُه محبوبةٌ نظراتُه

20. O springtime, you who have left desolate
The plains once graced by people's presence.

٢٠. وبنفسيَ الظبيُ الأغَنُّ إذا بدا
من خدِّه وتناوَحَتْ نفحاتُه

21. After their departure, your symbols are transformed,
Your fields gloomy for want of their vitality.

٢١. يا أيها الربْعُ الذي قد أوحشت
من بعد رحلة أهله عَرَصاتُه

22. You host no more the guests you hosted,
Nor do your valleys bear their wild cows.

٢٢. وتنكَّرت من بعده آياتُه
وتكدَّرت من فقدهم ساحاتُه

23. Your days break with no youths,
Your wild does roam no longer.

٢٣. أمسى فلا سُكَّانُه سكّانُه
كلا ولا غاداته غاداتُه

24. Does anguish consume you as it did Mattayam
When the tides of grief engulfed him after their leave-taking?

٢٤. وغدَا ولا فتيانُه فتيانُه
كلا ولا ظبياتُه ظبياتُه

25. As the noon of his youth departed smiling,
And the nights of old age descended upon his brow

٢٥. هل أنت في الأحزان مثل متيَّم
دهمته بعد فراقهم غمراتُه

26. Though refined by love, the brother of old age
Is blemished by its legacies upon his virtues.

٢٦. لما تَوَلّى مسرعاً عصر الصِّبا
وتبسَّمَتْ عن ثغره ليلاتُه

27. Though excessive in disdain, the brother of youth
Is excused, for blameworthy are his rebuffs.

٢٧. وأخو المشيبِ وإن تلطَّفَ في الهَوى
عند الحِسانِ مثالبٌ حسناتُه

28. Though unsightly the state of the old one,
His condition remains benign to the lover.

٢٨. وأخو الشباب وإن تزايد جفوةَ
عند الحِسانِ حميدةٌ جَفَواتُه

29. One cannot complain if vigor departs the mature one,
While the faults of the youth are readily forgiven.

٢٩. وأخو المشيبِ وإن صَفَتْ أَحوالُه
عند الحِسانِ ذميمةٌ حالاتُه

30. Just as freely pardoned are the errors of the child
While the lapses of the old are burdensome indeed.

٣٠. وأَخو الكهولة لا يقالُ إذا هَفَا
وأخو الصِّبا مقبولةٌ هفواتُه

31. They were the cup-bearers of the days of boyhood and youth,
When the heady wine of passion bore its fruits.

٣١. وأَخو الصِّبا مغفورةٌ ذَلاّتُه
وأَخو المشيبِ عظيمةٌ ذَلاّتُه

32. Days of play and joy, fresh and verdant,
Love displayed its wares throughout the land.

٣٢. سَقياً لأيام الشبيبة والصِّبا
إذ مَفْرِقى مسودَّةٌ شعراتُه

33. Life was carefree, fate looked upon us with favor,
As spring scattered before us its blooms.

٣٣. أَيامَ عود اللهو غَضٌّ ناضِرٌ
والحبُّ يائعةُ الجَنا ثمراتُه

34. I was the beloved of the beautiful one, but when
The garb of youth was doffed, the wild cows wandered far.

٣٤. والعيشُ أغيدُ والزمانُ مساعِدٌ
والدهر زاهرةٌ لنا زهراتُه

35. I became as one discarded and felled,
My withered branches intensely anguished by separation.

٣٥. كنتُ الحبيب إلى الحسان فمذ نَضَا
ثوبَ الشبابِ تباعدت ظبياتُه

36. I bear no fault but my age, and thus proceeds
The mortal sphere, when destinations are reached.

٣٦. أَمسيتُ كالملقَى الطريح موسداً
صفر البنان شديدةٌ لوعاتُه

37. Thus time fractures and binds anew,
Such are the ways of this world and its people.

٣٧. لا ذَنْبَ لي إلا المشيبُ وهَكذا
كل الأنام إذا انتهت غاياتُه

38. Had it not been for the son of the Yemenite Sword,
The rightly guided path would not have regained its parts.

٣٨. وكذا الزمان مُفَرِّقٌ ومؤلِّفٌ
هذا الزمانُ وهذه عاداتُه

39. Through him every grim age smiles,
Through him the darknesses enshrouding our faith are dispelled.

٣٩. لولا ابن سيفِ اليعربيُّ لما غدا
شملُ الهدى مجموعةً أشتاتُه

40. Through him the concord of lovers regained its form
After integration, though now its term has elapsed.

٤٠. فيه تبسَّمَ كل دهرٍ عابسٍ
وبه انجلت عن ديننا ظُلُماتُه

41. That rightly guided Imam, intrepid and bold,
Whose strikes against injustice will always be told.

٤١. وبه تبدَّد شملُ أَرباب الهوى
بعد التِئام وانقضى ميقاتُه

42. And so his son, the pure one, the hero of the Arabs
The lord of dew upon whom fearsome attacks were launched.

٤٢. ذاك الإمامُ العادلُ الشهمُ الذي
دون الورى مشهورةٌ كرَّاتُه

43. O House of Yemen, you are the downpour of mankind,
Through you our time regained its wholesomeness.

٤٣. وكذا ابنه الزاكى أبو العرب الفَتى
ربُّ النَّدَى مرهوبةٌ سطواتُه

44. The days turned just and prosperous with your justice and munificence,
Through you the kingdom grew upright and the law held its balance.

٤٤. يا آل يعربَ أَنتمو غيثُ الورى
بكم استطابَ بدهرنا ساعاتُه

45. Through you faith emerged from the darkness of concealment,
Without you its signs would not have been illuminated.

٤٥. أَضحى الزمان بعدلكم ونوالكم
وبعطفكم محمودةً أَوقاتُه

46. Through you justice was upheld and guidance was spread,
Without you its tree would not have borne fruit.

٤٦. بكم استقام الملكُ واعتدلَ القَضَا
وغدت بكم منشورةً راياتُه

47. O lords of realms, you tower above mankind,
Blessed is the age that claims you as its lords.

٤٧. بكم استنارَ الدينُ بعد طُموسه
لولاكمُ ما أُوضحت آياتُه

48. No wonder that fate bows to you in your time,
When you are its heroes, lions and protectors.

٤٨. وبكم أُقيم العدلُ وانتشر الهدى
لو لاكم ما أورفت شجرانه

49. Let fate be gentle in the age that counts you
As its kings, governors and judges.

٤٩. يا سادة الأملاك طرا في الورى
طوبَى لدهرٍ أنتمُ ساداتُه

50. You who thwart the wiles of the envious one,
Whose plots against you come to nothing.

٥٠. لا غروَ إن دان الزمانَ وأنتمُ
أبطالُه ولَيوثه وحُماتُه

51. You who melt the hearts of the envious,
Foiling those who doubt and scheme against you.

٥١. فَلْيَهْنَ دهرٌ أنتمُ أَقيلُه
ومُلوكه ووُلاتُه وقُضاتُه

52. If my devotion cannot comfort you,
My words at least will dash the hopes of your foes.

٥٢. مدحي لكم أبداً لأكبتَ حاسداً
ذهبتْ بفطنة قلبِه سكراتُه

53. Accept them as a bride adorned by her splendor,
As the full moon enhanced the light in its halo.

٥٣. وأُذيبَ قلبَ الحاسدين بمدحكم
وأُذِلَّ مَن لعبت به شبهاتُه

٥٤. إن لم تُغنِكُم راحتي بمهنَّدٍ
فبقْوَلِي ترُدى العِدَى كلماتُه

٥٥. خذها عروساً تُزْدَهِى قسماتها
كالبدر زانَتْ نورَه هالاتُه