1. O Muhammad son of Muhammad son of al-Murtada
We are indeed preoccupied, and you know
١. أمحمدُ بن محمدِ بن المرتضى
إنا لفي شُغُلٍ وإنك تَعلمُ
2. Sorrow plays with our hearts and minds
When we heard you were in pain
٢. لعب الأسَى بقلوبنا وعُقُولِنا
لما سمعنا أنّك المتألّمُ
3. If fever would accept ransom or bribe
To stop afflicting you and let you be well
٣. لو تقبل الحمى فدىً أو رشوةً
لتكفَّ عنك نزولها فَتُسَلِّمُ
4. But if it prevails, it is sweet to it
In whichever body, as the resigned Muslim says
٤. لكنها إن سلطتْ يحُلو لها
في أيّ جسمٍ ما يقولُ المُسْلِمُ
5. When you were in pain, we were all busy
Almost overwhelmed with chores, unable to talk
٥. لما تألَّمْتُمْ شغلنا كلُّنا
كِدْنا من الأشغالِ لا نتكلمُ
6. And our thoughts and minds were confused
Blessed is he who is called yet does not complain
٦. وتحيرتْ أفكارُنا وعقولُنا
طوبَى لمن نُودِى ولا يتظلَّمُ
7. But God's decree over us comes first
No scholar can be of help, nor can the learned
٧. لكنْ قضاءَ الله فينا سابقٌ
لا عالم يُجْدى ولا مُتَعَلَّمُ
8. You are wise, and we cannot increase your wisdom
Beyond what you deserve, being the learned
٨. أنت الحكيم ولا نزيدُك حكمةً
فوق الذي تجزى وأنتَ معَلَّمُ
9. Then prayer upon the Prophet Muhammad
Reviver of guidance, pray and salute him
٩. ثمَّ الصلاةُ على النبيِّ محمدٍ
محي الهدى صَلُّوا عليهِ وَسَلِّمُوا