
O source of virtues and traditions

حي المعاليم والرسوما

1. O source of virtues and traditions
Descend with them to dispel sorrows

١. حَيِّ المعاليم والرسومَا
وانزل بها تَنْفِ الهُمُومَا

2. And gain insight from its lights
For its air heals the sick

٢. واسْتشفِ مِن أنوارها
فهواؤها يشفى السقيما

3. And ask the journeyer about his Lord
The bygone days, and ask the settled one

٣. وسلِ المسافرَ عن ربو
عٍ قد خَلَتْ وسلِ المقيما

4. I studied an era I will not see
Except ruins with it lying down

٤. درست زماناً لَنْ ترَى
إلا الأثافِيَّ بها جُثُومَا

5. My era with it is lovely houries
Resembling scattered blossoms

٥. عَهْدي بها حورٌ حِسَا
نٌ تشبه الزهرَ النجومَا

6. It prevents every part of the body
Lest sorrows befall it

٦. من كل بض الجسم تمنع
ها الروادفُ أن تقومَا

7. Was the era of the slanderers
An old era with the most virtuous

٧. هلْ كان عهدُ الظاعنينَ
بذى الغَضَا عهدا قديمَا

8. They left the heart of the upright
To their home, an upright heart

٨. قد غادرُوا قلبَ السليمِ
لبيتهم قلبا سليما

9. They exposed their chests, so
Sulayman's rope became frail

٩. رامُوا صدورَهُم فأضْحَ
ى حبلُ سُلْوَاني رَمِيما

10. They came to my estrangement, yet
Did not preserve their old talk

١٠. قدموا عل هجرِي ومَا
حفظوا حديثهمُ القديمَا

11. Their love was great, so the torment of their separation was tremendous
I concealed their secret, and will I find a discreet brother?

١١. عظمتْ مودتهم فصَا
رَ عذابُ فرقتهم عظيما

12. I lost my patience after them
So my heart became devoid of them

١٢. فكتمتُ سِرَّهمُ وهَلْ
تلقى أخَاً وَجْدٍ كَتُومَا

13. And their breeze blew
Restoring the sorrows to my heart

١٣. وعدمتُ صبري بَعْدهم
فغَدا الفؤادُ بهم عديمَا

14. A word for them I have abandoned
Due to their betrayal, my heart is forbearing

١٤. وسرَى نسيمُهمُ فَعَا
دَ بقلبيَ المضْنَى سُمُومَا

15. They said: "Be upright always", but will
Separation remain upright?

١٥. كَلِمٌ لهم قد غادرتْ
مِنْ غدرهم قَلْبي كَلِيما

16. Blame the loving one, even if he knows
There is no blame in the sand dunes

١٦. قالوا اسْتقم ديماً وهل
تُبقى القطيعةُ مستقيما

17. You are the one to blame
And you have become the forebearing one

١٧. لامَ العذولُ ولو دَرَى
ما بالكثيبِ فلَن يَلُومَا

18. Stop blaming me, and be reasonable
If you are of sound mind

١٨. أنْتَ الغريمُ على الغرا
مِ وأنتَ قد صرتَ المُليما

19. And recall the virtues of one who became
Submitting to him brings good fortunes

١٩. دعْ عَنك لومِي واتئل
إنْ كنتَ ذَا عقل حليما

20. I mean the Imam of the Arabs
The transforming king, the upright one

٢٠. واذكرْ فضائلَ من غدا
هتَّانُ نائلِه سُجُومَا

21. The brave Sultan bin Saif
The just, the wise, the prudent

٢١. أعنى الإمام اليعربيّ
الحوّلَ الملكَ القويمَا

22. His virtues have spread, so he
Granted the creation a general favor

٢٢. الشهم سلطانَ بن سيف
العادلَ الفطنَ الحكيما

23. May the Guardian have mercy on his soul
Since with us he has become merciful

٢٣. عمّت فضائِلُه فأجز
لَ للورَى فضلا عَميما

24. And his talents have been completed, so
His assistance came to him in throngs

٢٤. رَحِمَ المهيمنُ روحَه
من حيثُ صار بنا رحيما

25. He who brought back after crookedness
The straight branch of our nation

٢٥. وتمت مواهبُه فصا
رَ عليه جدواه نمومَا

26. And today he made our night,
With his guidance, lasting light

٢٦. ذاك الذي نعماؤُه
صرنا بها نرعَى النعيما

27. May his kingdoms last, so I have
No claim but that they endure

٢٧. فأعاد من بعد اعوجا
جٍ غصنَ ملتنا قويمَا

28. He brought wellbeing to creation, and was not
Seen in creation as deficient

٢٨. واليومَ صيَّرَ ليلنا
بِهداهُ نوراً مستديمَا

29. And through the benefit of his hands, we almost
See no wretched person

٢٩. دامتْ ممالكه فما
دعواى إلا أن تدومَا

30. If he settles in a land,
Breezes of prosperity blow in it

٣٠. أعدى الورى بندىً فلم
تر في الورى شيئاً عديمَا

31. My praise of him is a duty, and I
Do not fear to become wicked by it

٣١. ونكَادُ من جدْوى يد
يه لا نرى شخصاً لئيما

32. And if I praise anyone else
I become an unjust lad

٣٢. إن حلَّ في أرض جرَى
ربَّا روائحها نسيما

33. So by praising him I hope for salvation
And will not be blamed for it

٣٣. مَدحى لهُ دين ولا
أَخْشى أصير به أثيما

34. They said: "You have learned," so I said: "Teach me,
Through his wisdom, knowledge."

٣٤. وإذا مدحت من الأنا
مِ سواه صرت فتىً ظلومَا

35. And I understood every detail
From him, so became wise through it

٣٥. فبمدحه أرجو النجا
ةَ ولنْ أكونَ به مَلُومَا

36. I mastered my poetry about him until
I became through him a prudent lad

٣٦. قالوا علمت فقلت علّم
ني بحكمته العُلُومَا

37. O son of the foremost Arabs
Who ruled the world long ago

٣٧. وفهمت كل دقيقةٍ
منه فصرت بها فهيما

38. You have appointed the people with talents
That seem inherent to their core

٣٨. أحكمت شعرى فيه حتى
صرتُ منه فتىً حكيما

39. And you have provided the people
Of the lands and cities general favor

٣٩. يا ابن الأولى من يعربٍ
سادُوا الورَى دَهراً قديمَا

40. And your supreme virtues have reached high
So time became handsome through them

٤٠. فقتَ الأنامَ مواهباً
تَتْرى وفقتهمُ صميما

41. You pardoned the foolish people
When you subjugated the rational minds

٤١. وعمَمتَ أهلَ الأرضِ
والبلدان بالجدوى عمومَا

42. You have a fierce, angry sword
With which you strike skulls and bodies

٤٢. وسَمَتْ فضائلك العلى
فالدهرُ صارَ بها وسيما

43. It is like lightning that illuminated
Never sleeping nor slumbering

٤٣. وحلمت عن أهلِ السفا
هِ إذاً وسفهت الحُلُومَا

44. O House of Arabs, I have lived
Thanks to your justice, a secure life

٤٤. لك صارمٌ عضبٌ تقدُّ
به الجماجمَ والجسوما

45. Neither lived as your opponent,
Nor saddened him my poetry's sorrows

٤٥. فكأنه برقٌ أضاءَ
فلا ينَام ولن يُنيما

46. I am under your protection, so
Hardships cannot trouble me

٤٦. يا آل يعربَ عِشْتُمُ
عيشا بعدلكمُ سَلِيما

47. And your flowing bounty resides
Lest my worries stand up

٤٧. لا عاشَ ضدُّكمُ ولا
جلّى له شعرى هُمُومَا

48. Stop the calamities of fate from me
If I remain patient, wretched

٤٨. أنَا في جوارِكمُ فلا
عفت ليَ العسرى رُسُومَا

49. I have attained from my love of you
And my devotion great success

٤٩. ونوالك المدرارُ يقْعُ
د خلّتي أن لا يَقُومَا

50. So people are under your hands
And time has become your servant

٥٠. كُفُّوا خطوبَ الدهرِ عنّي
أن أصبر بها كَظِيما

٥١. قد نِلْتُ من وُدِّى لكم
وتقربى فوزاً عظيما

٥٢. فالخلقُ طوعُ يديكمُ
والدهرُ صارَ لكم خَديمَا