1. Spend what you can afford, for the generous
In giving increase in rank and breadth.
١. أنفقْ من المالِ ما استطعتَ فذو ال
إنفاق يزدادُ رُتْبةً وسَعَهْ
2. Whoever desires good in their tomorrow, let them give
To the destitute what they have gathered.
٢. فمنْ أرادَ الخيراتِ في غده فليعط
أهلَ الإفتارِ ما جَمَعَهْ
3. And let them fear God, their Lord, for He is the Creator,
And learn from what they have heard.
٣. وليتق الله ربَّهُ فهو الخلاقُ
وليَعْتَبر بما سمعَهْ
4. Like the guardian, our Imam Sir,
Of generosity, kindness, and piety brought together,
٤. كمثل والى الإمام سيدنا
ذِى الفضلِ والجودِ والتقى جُمعَهْ
5. You will not find stinginess in his nature,
Look and see if any beggar was denied by him.
٥. لا تجد المنعَ في سجيته
انظرْ ترى أي سائل مَنَعْه
6. God has increased his wealth and riches,
As He has raised every ruler He honored,
٦. قد زاده الله ثروةً وغنىً
كما علا كلَّ حاكمٍ رَفَعَهْ
7. No poor man you see in hardship
Meets him except he clothes or helps him.
٧. ولا فقيرٌ تراه ذَا عُسُر
يلقَاهُ إلا كساهُ أو نفعهْ