
They told me you exceed in your praise

قيل لي أنت في مديحك تغلو

1. They told me you exceed in your praise
I said no, praise is due to the virtuous

١. قِيلَ لي أنت في مديحك تَغْلُو
قلتُ كلا مع أُولى الفضل يَغْلُو

2. And they chided me for praising the Exalted One
Whose worth transcends what I say and excels

٢. وَغُسلوىّ في مدح مَنْ يتَعالى
قدرهُ فوق ما أقولُ ويعْلُو

3. He is a rain and we thank Him as
A garden that brings forth flowers, we do not excel

٣. هو غيثٌ ونحنُ نشكرُه كا
لرَّوْضِ يُنْمِى الأزهار لا نحن نَعْلُو

4. You have not ceased being in the shade of a protector
And at the peak of glory that excels

٤. لم تَزَلْ في ظِل ظليلٍ من العَدْ
لِ وفي ذِرْوةِ من العزّ يَعْلُو

5. My poetry was adorned by my praise of the son of the Sultan
As the spear was adorned by its smooth blade

٥. زانَ شعرى بمدحي لابن سلطا
ن كما زانَ بالمهنّدِ نَصْلُ

6. And it is impossible for creation to rival Him
My poetry is but sandals on His feet

٦. ومحالٌ بأنْ يساميه خَلْقٌ
وأديمُ الشِّعْرى لرجليه نَعْلُ

7. Say to those who aspire to compete with Him in character
Can racers compete with steeds?

٧. قلْ لمن رامَ أن يباريه خُلُقا
أيُبارِى سوابقَ الخيل بغلُ

8. Or can the unproven equal those whose right hand is never faulted?
He is a true king while others are but shadows

٨. أَوَ هَلْ يستوى الخضمُّ ومَن لا
يُمْتَرى مِن يمينه قطُّ نَهْلُ

9. O Imam of guidance, descendant of the pleased Sultans
You are for all creation a spouse

٩. هوَ ملكٌ على الحقيقةِ صِدْقاً
وسِوَاه من الخلائق ظل

10. So by the Lord of the heavens, the epitome of righteousness
No man can rival you as a spouse

١٠. يا إمامَ الهدى سلالة سلطا
نِ الرضى أنتَ للخلائقِ بَعْلُ

11. Who has no spouse but you
No mouth with eloquence has comprehended one like her

١١. فوربِّ السماء حِلقةِ بَرٍّ
لا يضامُ امرؤ له أنت بَعْلُ

12. You have adorned her with saying and deed
She cares not for those who roam the earth

١٢. هاكَ منّي عذراءَ بنت قؤولٍ
ما لهَا في الأنام إلاّكَ بَعْلُ

13. For you rightfully deserve glory, so act!

١٣. لم يَفُهْ مثلَها فمٌ بقوافٍ
زانَها من لدبك قولٌ وفعْلٌ

١٤. لا تبالِي بمنْ يَدبُّ على الأرْ
ض فأنتَ المُحق بالمجْدِ فَاعْلُ