
Turn away from the beloved of pleasures, and refrain

فصم عن نسيب الغواني ولا

1. Turn away from the beloved of pleasures, and refrain
From mixing with those who praise the imam.

١. فصم عن نسيبِ الغواني ولا
تخلّط وأعلنْ بمدحِ الإمامْ

2. Instead, praise the just and upright Arab,
The offspring of the sultan, the lineage of nobles.

٢. بلعرب العادل المرتضى
سلالةُ سلطانَ نسلَ الكرامْ

3. Acknowledge his fame at daybreak,
And that all people prefer his great efforts,

٣. أقرّ لهُ بالغدى شهرةً
وفضلَ المساعِي جميعُ الأنامْ

4. His only fault is that he is
The brother of Sharaf, known for his immense generosity.

٤. ولا عيبَ فيه سوَى أنَّهُ
أخُو شرفٍ بالعطايا الجِسامْ

5. He is a young man who sees stinginess as a fault in one
Who claims to be noble, like committing sins.

٥. فتى عنده البخلُ عيبٌ بمن
يسمى فتى كارتكابِ الحرامْ

6. In war, he is a ferocious lion,
And in peace, he is a rain cloud of provisions.

٦. هو الندبُ في الحربِ ليثُ الوغى
وقد صارَ في السِّلم غيثَ الطعامْ

7. In generosity, he is more honorable than Hatim,
And in war, he has might and vengeance.

٧. وفي البذلِ أكرمُ مِنْ حاتمٍ
وفي الحربِ ذُو عزةٍ وانْتقامْ

8. His forefathers are eminent lords
And people of benevolence with strong resolve.

٨. وآباؤه الغرُّ هُمْ سادةٌ
وأهل الندى والجفان الضخامْ

9. A sovereign who the healing of hearts is found in seeing him
And his smile is the cure to illnesses.

٩. فتى لا يبالِي بأعدائِه
وإنْ عَظُم الضربُ عندَ الزِّحامْ

10. His prosperity makes the land thrive with bounty
And in his palm, death to adversities.

١٠. يُنسى المحبينَ أحبابَهم
ويتركُ شجعانَهم كالنعامْ

11. A generous man, yet frugal in his pride
Recognized before the time of weaning.

١١. كريمٌ بخيلٌ بعليائِه
تعرَّفها قبلَ وقتِ الفِطَامْ

12. How can I forget praising him
When their friendship is everlasting upon us?

١٢. فمنْ أينَ أنسى ثنائي له
وَجَدْواه تترى علينا دَوَامْ

13. A king whom seeing brings solace to hearts
And beholding his smile, cures ailments.

١٣. مليكٌ لقاهُ شفاءُ القلوبِ
ورؤيَا محيّاهُ برءُ السقَامْ

14. His prosperity brings abundance to the land,
And in his palm, death to hardships.

١٤. ويمناه تغنى الورَى بالندَى
وفي كفِّ يُسْراه موتُ الزُّؤامْ

15. A brave and strong man of formidable bearing,
Taking the place of the protector on Fridays.

١٥. شجاعٌ قوىٌّ له هيبةٌ
يقومُ مقامَ الخميسِ اللُّهَامْ

16. And the supporters of the eminent are victorious
With the army of the Guardian during skirmishes.

١٦. وأنصارُ الغرُّ منصورةٌ
بجند المهيمنِ عند اللطامْ

17. The banners of glory are unfurled
With the justice of the son of the sultan, pure in purpose.

١٧. وألويةُ العزِّ منشورةٌ
بعدلِ ابن سلطان وافِى الذمامْ

18. And the hands of his enemies are subdued
By the striking blades and sharpened swords.

١٨. وأيدِي أعادِيه مقهورةٌ
بزُرْقٍ العوالي وحَدّ الحُسَام

19. Upon him, prayers from his Lord,
And the finest approvals and purest peace.

١٩. عليه صلاقانِ مِنْ ربه
وأطيبُ رَدٍّ وأزكى سَلامْ

20. And below them, the only ambition of a lad like me
Is to praise you in verse and poetry.

٢٠. ودُونَكَها مِنْ فتى مالَهُ
سِوى مَدْحِكم بالقوافي مَرَامْ