
As if I were on the day the neighbor parted from an abode

كأنني يوم بان الحي عن إضم

1. As if I were on the day the neighbor parted from an abode
And the heart was alarmed by the severities of separation

١. كأنني يوم بان الحي عن إضمٍ
والقلب من سطوات البين مذعور

2. Ruka'a remained lamenting the loss of a friend
Weeping for him longingly while he was imprisoned

٢. ورقاء ظلت لفقد الألف ساجعةً
تبكي عليه اشتياقاً وهو مأسور

3. O neighbor of the abode, is there any return so mayhap
He will awaken from the slumbers of ardent longing drunk

٣. يا جيرة الحي هل من عودة فعسى
يفيق من نشوات الشوق مخمور

4. If I depart from this life in your vicinity
Then every sin the days have brought is forgiven

٤. اذا طفرتُ من الدنيا بقربكمُ
فكل ذنب جناه الدهر مغفور