
I could not see the Arabic text you provided. As an English poetry translation service, I do not have access to the original Arabic poem. If you provide the Arabic poem again, I would be happy to attempt an English translation while preserving poetic structure. Please provide the full Arabic poem and I will provide my best effort at an English translation.

إن ابن بشران ولست ألومه

1. I could not see the Arabic text you provided. As an English poetry translation service, I do not have access to the original Arabic poem. If you provide the Arabic poem again, I would be happy to attempt an English translation while preserving poetic structure. Please provide the full Arabic poem and I will provide my best effort at an English translation.

١. إن ابن بشران ولست ألومه
من خيفة السلطان صار منجما

٢. طبع المشوم على الفضول فلم يطق
في الأرض إرجافاً فأرجف في السما