
Radiant suns - but you outshine them all!

باهي الشموس فأنت منها أملح

1. Radiant suns - but you outshine them all!
Earthenware suits the beauty of your face.

١. باهي الشُموس فَأَنتَ مِنها أَملَحُ
إِنَّ الفِخارَ لحُسن وَجهِكَ يصلحُ

2. Give respite to those caught in passion's thrall;
Hearts you've captured should not suffer grace.

٢. وَخُذِ الأَمانَ لِعاشقيكَ مِنَ الهَوى
إِن لا يُغيرَ عَلى القُلوبِ فَتَفضَحُ

3. O swaying branch and graceful stirring roe,
Trilling, when my sadness starts to flow!

٣. يا قامَةَ الغُصنِ الرَطيب وَلَفتَةَ الظَب
يِ الغَريرِ إِذا بَدالِيَ يَسنَحُ

4. You darken souls with your bewitching brow.
You guide the feet that strayed not long ago.

٤. أَظَلَلتَ بِالصَدغِ الأَنامَ فَيا لَهُ
مِن مُرسَلِ طُرقِ الضَلالَةِ يوضَحُ

5. What can be done by one whom love has sped
To youthful madness that is unrestrained?

٥. كَيفَ التَخَلُّصُ مِن هَواكَ لِمُغرَم
داءُ الصَبابَةِ في هَواهُ مُبَرّحُ

6. The day you left, he wept till light had fled,
His riding camel startled, shying, pained.

٦. غادَرتَ أَدمُعَهُ غَداةَ هَجرته
غَدراً تُلِمُّ بِها الرِكابُ وَتَمنَحُ

7. Greet slender form, so gentle is its sway,
While I mourn like a dove at break of day.

٧. بِشَرِّ قَوامكَ وَهوَ غُصنٌ ناعِمٌ
إِنّي عَلَيهِ مِنَ الحَمامَةِ أَنوحُ

8. Why do I not rave, with my vitals burned
By the live coal within his fountain played?

٨. لِمَ لا أَهيمُ بِشادِنٍ نارُ الأَسى
مِن ماءِ وَجنَتِهِ بِقَلبي تَقدَحُ

9. Sweet coquette - how bitter are the spurned!
One exults; one mourns; both are betrayed.

٩. حُلوُ الدَلالِ مَريرَةُ جَفَواتُهُ
لِلصَبِّ فيهِ مُغَمَّمٌ وَمُفَرَّحُ

10. With me you're always grudging of a glance,
Though lives are proffered lovingly to you.

١٠. يا باخِلاً أَبداً عَلَيَّ بِنَظرَةٍ
يُفديكَ مَن بِحَياتِهِ لَكَ يَسمَحُ

11. Your flashing glances have left my heart a lance,
Blood flows, like tears, that never cease to do.

١١. جَرَحَت لِحاظُكَ لُبَّ قَلبي فَاِغتَدى
دَمُهُ في الجَفنِ المُسَهَّدِ يَنضَحُ

12. No blame to you for those whose ardent fire,
I hoped to heal, though they did nothing but tear.

١٢. لامَ الوُشاةُ عَلى هَواكَ وَقَصدُهُم
نُصحي بِذاكَ فأفسدوا ما أَصلَحوا

13. Not one night passes, thanks to your disdain,
That I do not despair to see the dawn again.

١٣. ما تَنقضي بِجَفاك عَنّي لَيلة
إلا وَقَد آيَستُ أَنّي أُصبِحُ