1. I remember our games on the sands of Hajir
You deserted the traits of intimacy
١. اذكر مَلاعِبَنا بِرَملَةِ حاجِرِ
حوشيتَ مِن شِيَمِ الخؤونِ المُغادِرِ
2. And pledged allegiances with restrictions after you covenanted me
The days when you were my boon companion and night-talk mate
٢. وَاِحفَظ عُهوداً بِالحِمى عاهَدتَني
أَيّامَ كُنتَ مُنادِمي وَمُسامِري
3. The traces of that closeness between my feelings
And the phantom of that life afterwards in my sights
٣. آثارُ ذاكَ القُربِ بَينَ جَوانِحي
وَخَيال ذاكَ العَيشِ بَعدُ بِناظِري
4. I hoped for patience from you in passion
What is not expected from the recompense of the patient
٤. جوزيتُ مِنكَ عَلى التَصَبُّرِ في الهَوى
ما لَيس يُعهَدُ مِن جَزاءِ الصابِرِ
5. Every wonder has occurred to my heart from you
Except your separation, it had not been in my thoughts
٥. خَطَرَت بِقَلبي مِنكَ كُلِّ عَجيبَةٍ
إلّا فِراقَكَ لَم يَكُن في خاطِري