1. They burdened me with passion beyond my capacity,
So because of them my resurrection was upon me.
١. هُم حَمَّلوني في الهَوى فَوقَ طاقَتي
فَمِن أَجلِهِم قامَت عَلَيَّ قِيامَتي
2. And I would not have been, were it not for their estrangement and aloofness,
An ally of grief that the healer despaired of curing me.
٢. وَما كُنتُ لَولا هَجرِهِم وَصدُودِهم
حَليفَ ضَنىً مَلَّ الطَبيبُ إعادَتي
3. I implore you, oh you who have done me wrong, be kind
For I am saddened by every gloating enemy of yours.
٣. بِحَقِّكُم يا جائِرينَ تَعَطَّفوا
فَقَد رَقَّ لي مِن جَورِكُم كُلُّ شامِتِ
4. Do not be stingy to allow me a glance
That might alleviate my sorrows and the excess of my youth.
٤. وَلا تَبخَلوا أَن تَسمَحوا لي بِنَظرَةٍ
تُخَفِّفُ أَشجاني وَفَرطِ صَبابَتي
5. I asked my heart to be patient with you, but it said to me
“To you, for patience is not of my making.”
٥. سَأَلتُ فُؤادي الصَبرَ عَنكُم فَقالَ لي
إِلَيكَ فَإِنَّ الصَبرَ مِن غيرِ عادَتي
6. I conceal the chronic illness in my bosom
And I feign cheerfulness fearing the watchman.
٦. أَضُمُّ عَلى الداءِ الدَفينِ جَوانِحي
وَأُظهِرُ مِن خَوفِ الرَقيبِ بَشاشَتي
7. And since you estranged me I have not found
Solace, but the wonder is my deliverance.
٧. وَلَيسَ تَلافي مُذ رُميتُ بِهَجرِكُم
عَجيبٌ وَلَكِنَّ العَجيبَ سَلامَتي
8. And how can I be distracted from thoughts of you when you are not here
While the fire of anguish and longing fills my senses?
٨. وَكَيفَ اِشتِغالي عَنكُم لا عَدِمتكُم
وَنارُ الأَسى وَالشَوقِ مِلءُ حَشاشَتي
9. Oh what regrets! Sorrows have lasted long
And my days have gone by without fulfilling my wishes from you.
٩. فَوا حَسرَتي طالَ الأَسى وتَصَرَّمَت
دُهوري وَلا قَضَّيتُ مِنكُم لُبانَتي
10. He has the grace of a honey bee and the beauty of a gazelle,
While I have a sorrowful heart and a fading glance.
١٠. لَهُ قَدُّ عَسّالٍ وَحُسن مُعَيشِقٍ
وَلي قَلبُ مَحزون وَنَظرَة باهِتِ