1. Beware the medicine of Ibn Sham’un, for he has sworn
That it shall not leave a body visited by illness.
١. حَذارِ طِبَّ اِبنَ شَمعونَ فَقَد حَلَفَت
أَن لا تُفارِقُ جِسماً زارَهُ العِلَلُ
2. It stilled the pulse of no man but recited him verses,
Bid farewell to Hareerah, for Al-Rakalb departs.
٢. ما جَسَّ نَبضَ فَتىً إِلّا وَأَنشَدَهُ
وَدِّع هَريرَةَ إنَّ الركَلبَ مُرتَحِلُ