1. The heart of meaning is ever throbbing
When the dear one smiles, its lightening flashes
١. قَلبُ المُعَنّى دائِمٌ خَفوقهُ
إِذا الغُوَيرُ اِبتَسَمَت بروقُهُ
2. So let no blamer blame me for loving
Love is an intoxicating cup, its wine excellent
٢. فَلا يَلُمني في الغَرامِ لائِمٌ
الحُبُّ كَأسٌ مُسكِرٌ رَحيقُهُ
3. O flex of the alive one, without any veil
Nestling between the ribs, its bending
٣. يا بانِ بانِ الحَيِّ دونَ حاجِرٍ
راتِعَةٌ بَينَ الضُلوعِ نوقُهُ
4. The lodger in their meadows knows not
What passion drives him to them
٤. لا يَعلَمُ النازِلُ في رُبوعِهِم
بِدَلِّها أَيَّ هَوىً يَسوقُهُ
5. The minds of men march towards it
When its young camel slows down its troop
٥. تَسيرُ ألبابُ الرِجالِ نَحوَهُ
إِذا اِستَقَلَّ ظاعِناً فَريقُهُ
6. And between those domes there is an open space
Forbidden like flowing water its path
٦. وَبَينَ هاتيكَ القِباب أَهيَفٌ
مُمَنَّعٌ كَالسَلسَبيلِ ريقُهُ
7. His cheek takes the place of spring roses
As if his anemone were his anemone
٧. يَنوبُ عَن وَردِ الرَبيعِ خَدُّهُ
كَأَنَّما شَقيقُهُ شَقيقُهُ