
He brought the slain back to life with his promise

أحيى بموعده قتيل وعوده

1. He brought the slain back to life with his promise
A young man whose union is marred by his aloofness

١. أَحيى بِمَوعِدِهِ قَتيلَ وُعودِهِ
رَشَأٌ يَشوبُ وِصالُهُ بِصُدودِهِ

2. A moon that outshines the full moon in his qualities
And surpasses the gazelle in his glances and cheeks

٢. قَمَرٌ يَفوقُ البَدرَ في أَوصافِهِ
وَعَلى الغَزالِ بِمُقلَتَيهِ وَجيدِهِ

3. If only he would promise to banish tedium, for he
Remains eloquent in breaking his vows

٣. يا لَيتَهُ يَعِدُ المَلالَ فَإِنَّهُ
ما زالَ ذا لَهَجِ بِخُلَّفِ وُعودِهِ

4. He distracts from the sweetness of consent with our lives
In his roses, death without his presence

٤. يَفتَرُّ عَن عَذبِ الرِضا بِحَياتِنا
في وَردِهِ المَوتُ دونَ وُرودِهِ

5. An icy wind that melts but does not itself melt, and sometimes
Rekindles the sigh of ardour with its coolness

٥. بَرَدٌ يُذيبُ وَلا يَذوبُ وَرُبَّما
أَذكى زَفيرَ الوَجدِ شَفُّ بُرودِهِ

6. I did not forget him when he came pulling his train
As the night paraded in the excess of its chill

٦. لَم أَنسَهُ إِذ جاءَ يَسحَبُ ذَيلَهُ
وَاللَيلُ يَرفُلُ في فُضولِ بُرودِهِ

7. Likewise, the stars did not sleep for fear
That dawn would free them from their fetters

٧. وَكَذاكَ لَم تَنَمِ النُجومُ مَخافَةً
مِن أَن يُعاني الصُبحَ فَكُّ قُيودِهِ

8. With a yellow wine whose sun
Is a full moon that envies its rising

٨. بِمُدامَةٍ صَفراءَ يَحمِلُ شَمسَها
بَدرٌ يَغارُ البَدرُ عِندَ سُعودِهِ

9. A cup whose wine seems to be from his saliva
A generosity that kisses us on his cheeks

٩. كَأسٌ كَأَنَّ مُدامَها مِن ريقِهِ
كَرماً وَيَلثُمُنا شَفيقُ خُدودِهِ

10. Until drowsiness overpowered the stars
And each pillow was busy with its occupant

١٠. حَتّى تَحَكَّمَ في النُجومِ نُعاسُها
وَالتَذَّ كُلُّ مُسَهَّدٍ بِهُجودِهِ

11. And morning saw itself freed from captivity
And came winding over the darkness with its pillars

١١. وَرَأى الصَباحَ تَخَلُّصاً مِن أَسرِهِ
وَأَتى يَكُرُّ عَلى الدُجى بِعَمودِهِ

12. A moon that obeyed the beauty of his face
As if beauty were part of his armies

١٢. قَمَرٌ أَطاعَ الحُسنَ مِنهُ وَجهُهُ
حَتّى كَأَنَّ الحُسنَ بَعضُ جُنودِهِ

13. In love I am its martyr, nothing harmed him
If only its paradise were for its martyr

١٣. أَنا في الغَرامِ شَهيدُهُ ما ضَرَّهُ
لَو أَنَّ جَنَّة وَصلِهِ لِشَهيدِهِ

14. O Joseph of the age, I who am madly in love
Am Jacob, conveying my sorrows to his David

١٤. يا يوسُفَ العَصرِ الَّذي أَنا في الهَوى
يَعقوبُهُ بَثّي إِلى داوُدِهِ