1. The gazelle appeared, so it showed me the branch and the full moon
So shame on a heart that doesn't harbor passion within
١. بَدا فَأَراني الظَبيَ وَالغصَن وَالبَدرا
فَتَبّاً لِقَلبٍ لا يَبيتُ بِهِ مغرى
2. A prophet of beauty, everything about him is miraculous
With beauty, but his face is the greatest miracle
٢. نَبيّ جَمال كُلّما فيهِ مُعجزٌ
مِنَ الحُسنِ لَكِن وَجهُهُ الآيَةُ الكُبرى
3. Bilal stayed in the field of his cheek
Observing the dawn from the radiance of his light
٣. أَقامَ بِلال الخالي في صَحنِ خَدِّهِ
يُراقِبُ مِن لَألاءِ غَرّته الفجرا
4. He did not leave me with any composure towards him
Languor in his eyelids, illness, and no patience
٤. مِنَ التركِ لَم يَترُك بِقَلبي تَجَلُّداً
فتورٌ بِجفَنَيهِ المِراضِ وَلا صَبرا
5. I pretend with my friends when they mention him
Talk, as if I don't love the mention of him
٥. أُغالِطُ إِخواني إِذا ذَكروا لَهُ
حَديثاً كَأَنّي لا أُحِبُّ لَهُ ذِكرا
6. And I listen when they come with talk other than his
With my hearing but I melt for him in thought
٦. وَأصغي إِذا جاءوا بِغَيرِ حَديثِهِ
بِسَمعي وَلَكِنّي أَذوبُ لهُ فِكرا
7. Do I blame - have you seen before his face
And opposed it with fire surrounding a green garden
٧. أَعاذِل هَل بَصَرتَ مِن قَبلِ وَجهِهِ
وَعارِضه ناراً حَوَت جَنَّةً خَضرا
8. He rose above the level of flirtation
So I praised the deed when it settled in the chest
٨. تَرَفّعَ عَن حَدِّ الملاحَةِ رُتبَةً
فَأَحمَدتُ فِعلاً حَيثُ أَسكنَتهُ الصَدَرا
9. With my spirit and heart, the glance of his eye
Teaches Harut and Marut sorcery and magic
٩. بِورحي وَقَلبي شادِنٌ غَنجُ طَرفِهِ
يُعَلِّمُ هاروتَ الكَهانَة وَالسِحرا
10. The coquetry of his charm sways
As Nushwan shook his clothes in thanks
١٠. يرَنّحُ عَطفَيهِ الدَلال فَيَنثني
كَما هَزَّ نَشوانٌ مَعاطِفهُ شُكرا
11. I see justice known through Chosroes so why do I see
I was wronged by eyelids I saw Chosroes with
١١. أَرى العَدلَ مَعروفاً بِكِسرى فَلِم أُرى
ظُلِمتُ بِأَجفانٍ شَهدت بِها كسرى
12. It was as if we opposed illness out of need
So it sickened my body and melted my waist
١٢. كَأَنّا تَعادينا السَقامَ لِحاجَةٍ
فَأَمرَضَني جِسماً وَأَنحَلتهُ خَصرا
13. The specter of him came to me at night renewing
The pledges of love, oh the blessed night of intimacy
١٣. سَرى طَيفُهُ لَيلاً إِلَيَّ مُجَدِّداً
عُهودَ الهَوى يا حَبَّذا ليلَةَ الإ سرا