
He complains of him, but he turns away

ألقاه بالشكوى إليه فيعرض

1. He complains of him, but he turns away
Is he the beloved or the hating enemy?

١. أَلقاهُ بِالشَكوى إِلَيهِ فَيُعرِضُ
أَهُوَ الحَبيبُ اَم العَدُوُّ المُبغِضُ

2. And I say you've made my body sick with love
Intentionally, and he says my eyelids made me sick

٢. وَأَقولُ قد أَمرَضتَ جِسمي في الهَوى
مَتَعَمِّداً فَيَقولُ جَفني أَمرَضُ

3. By my father Ghazal, nothing but mischief appeared
In it the debunker with passion arouses

٣. بِأَبي غزالٍ ما بَدا إِلّا غَدا
فيهِ المُفَنِّدُ بِالغَرامِ يُحَرِّضُ

4. And the cheeks of the lovers' confidant have turned against them
Would that one day with my palms I could grab them

٤. وَآلَ عَلى العُشّاقِ مُشرِفُ صَدغِهِ
يالَيتَه يَوماً بِكَفّي يَقبِضُ

5. He rode love so the knight in the field of my heart gallops
With beauty, connected to it like a branch that droops

٥. رَكِبَ الهَوى فَحَبَّذا مِن فارِسٍ
بِالحُسنِ في مَيدانِ قَلبي يَركُضُ

6. Awake to kill, asleep are his eyelashes
By my father and mother, the sleepy wakeful one

٦. مُستَيقِضٌ لِلقَتلِ ناعِسُ طَرفِهِ
بِأَبي وَأُمّي الناعِسُ المُستَيقِضُ

7. The life of passion in my heart has a dwelling
With intimacy its pact he will not break

٧. عُمرُ الغَرامِ لَه بِقَلبي مَنزِلاً
بِالأَنسِ مَعهَدَ عَهدِهِ لا ينقَضُ

8. He set up beauty with a measure from his stature
Like a branch subordinate to him it sags

٨. نَصَبَ الجَمالَ بِعامِلٍ مِن قَدِّهِ
كَالغُصنِ مِنهُ بِالإِضافَة يُخفَضُ

9. So the sciences of magic from him became frustrated
They began to facilitate passion and impose it

٩. فَنَهَت عُلومُ السِحرِ مِنهُ مُقلَةً
أَضحَت تَسِنُّ لَنا الغَرامَ وَتَفرِضُ

10. Pleased with passion, my heart's zeal since it began
And the cheek by coyness from it is trained

١٠. راضِ الغَرامِ جَموحُ قَلبي مُذ غَدا
وَالخَدُّ مِنهُ بِالعِذارِ مُرَوِّضُ

11. Since it went astray in the dark tresses of his hair
No day for me in life remained white

١١. مُذ تُهتُ وَجداً في غَياهِبِ شعرِهِ
لَم يَبقَ لي في الدَهرِ يَومٌ أَبيَضُ