
We stood to bid farewell, their riding beasts were saddled,

وقفنا للوداع وقد أثيرت

1. We stood to bid farewell, their riding beasts were saddled,
And setting forth was stirred,

١. وَقَفنا لِلوِداعِ وَقَد أُثيرَت
مَطِيُّهُمُ وَجَدَّ الإرتِحالُ

2. Secrets in us they sowed, and beauty's soft complaining
Seemed ready to break into tears.

٢. نَبُثُّ سَرائِراً فينا وَكادَت
تَنوحُ لِرِقَّةِ الشَكوى الجَمالُ