1. My two friends, turn away in Al-Ghuwair and its sand hills
Do not prevent the longing one from kissing its soil
١. خَليلَيَّ عوجا بِالغُوَيرِ وَكُثبِهِ
وَلا تَمنَعا المُشتاقَ مِن لَثمِ تُربِهِ
2. He is the youth in love without his companions
Take from the youth of Najd security for his heart
٢. هُوَ الصَبُّ يُصبيهِ الهَوى دونَ صَحبِهِ
خُذا مِن صَبا نَجدٍ اَماناً لِقَلبِهِ
3. For the sight of it almost made his mind fly with ecstasy
Deliver to Sahel Al-Hijaz my greetings and sorrow
٣. فَقَد كادَ رَيّاها يَطيرُ بِلُبِّهِ
أَلا بَلِّغا سَهلَ الحِجازِ وَحُزنَهُ
4. The greetings of a youth whose tears have wounded his eyelids
It alleviates the sorrow of the bereaved heart
٤. تَحِيَّةَ صَبٍّ قَرَّحَ الدَمعُ جَفنَهُ
تُخَفِّفُ مِن قَلبِ المُتَيَّمِ حُزنَهُ
5. And beware of that breeze for when it blows
Passion becomes easier in its predicament
٥. وَإِيّاكُما ذاكَ النَسيمُ فَإِنَّهُ
مَتى هَبَّ كانَ الوَجدُ أَيسَرَ خَطبِهِ
6. You both have become exposed to love since you were blamed
A lover whom the love of she who dwells in protection saw
٦. لَقَد جُرتُما في الحُبِّ لَمّا عَذَلتُما
مُحِبّاً بَراهُ حُبُّ ساكِنَةِ الحِما
7. Leave him be and he only increases in bereavement
My two friends, if you saw him you would excuse him
٧. ذَراهُ فَما يَزدادُ إِلّا تَتَيُّما
خَليلَيَّ لَو أَبصَرتُما لَعَذرتُما
8. The abode of passion of the enamored youth is his passion
Oh he who does not recover from passion and separation
٨. مَحَلَّ الهَوى مِن مَغرمِ الصَبِّ صَبّهِ
أَلا مَن لِصَبٍّ لا يفيقُ مِنَ الجَوى
9. A friend of grief carried away by the estrangement of familiarity
When the lightning of Al-Hajriyya flickers in the twisted valley
٩. حَليفُ ضَنىً شَطَّت بِهِ غربَةُ النَوى
إِذا لاحَ بَرقُ الحاجِرِيَّةِ بِاللِوى
10. He remembers and remembrance yearns and the passionate yearns
And he who is afflicted by love is afflicted by it
١٠. تَذَكَّر والذِكرى تَشوقُ وذو الهَوى
يَتوقُ وَمَن يَعلَق بِهِ الحُبُّ يُصبِهِ
11. By my soul, he who has become an affliction upon my soul
I see his love as a duty and tradition upon me
١١. بِروحِيَ مَن أَضحى لِروحِيَ فِتنَةً
أَرى حُبّهُ فَرضاً عَلَيَّ وَسُنَّةً
12. The beautiful repeatedly confuses the rose with his beauty
I am fascinated when I detect liveliness in him
١٢. بَديعُ التَثَنّي يُخجِلُ الوَردَ فِتنَةً
أَغرُ إِذا آنَستُ في الحَيِّ أَنَّةً
13. Be cautious and fearful that his love will be
A prince of beauty who is unjust in his decree
١٣. حَذاراً وَخَوفاً أَن يَكونَ لِحُبِّهِ
أَميرُ جَمالٍ جائِرٌ في قَضائِهِ
14. When he walks, the full moon walks beneath his banner
I say when it touches beneath his abode
١٤. إِذا سارَ سارَ البَدرُ تَحتَ لِوائِهِ
أَقولُ إِذا ما ماسَ تَحتَ قِبابِهِ
15. Passionate despite the desperation of passion and its hopes
And longing despite the distance of pilgrimage and its nearness
١٥. غَراماً عَلى يَأسِ الهَوى وَرَجائِهِ
وَشَوقاً عَلى بُعدِ المَزارِ وَقُربِهِ
16. I did not detect her among the traveling party, weak in determination
She says as traveling intensified from the valley
١٦. وَلَم آنسَها في الرَكبِ واهِيَةَ القُوى
تَقولُ وَقَد جَدَّ الرَحيلُ مِنَ اللِوى
17. It is difficult for us that familiarity stirs us
And in the group is one with crumpled ribs from passion
١٧. عَزيزٌ عَلَينا أَن يَشُطَّ بِنا النَوى
وَفي الرَكبِ مَطوِيُّ الضُلوعِ عَلى جَوى
18. When will he leave him when the caller of love beckons him
I love the one who has the gestures of a gazelle in him
١٨. مَتى يَدعُهُ داعي الغَرامِ يُلَبِّهِ
أُحِبُّ الَّذي فيهِ مِنَ الظَبيِ لَمحَةٌ
19. Serenity comes wherever he settles as well as joy
The eyelids of meaning in him are generous with tears
١٩. يَحَلُّ سُرورٌ حيثُ حَلَّ وَفَرحَةٌ
جُفونُ المُعَنّى فيهِ بِالدَمعِ سَمحَةٌ
20. When a breeze blows from the side of the neighborhood
Carrying an affliction from it besides his companions
٢٠. إِذا خَطَرَت مِن جانِبِ الحَيِّ نَفحَةٌ
تَضَمَّنُ مِنها داءُهُ دونَ صَحبِهِ
21. A beloved to my heart whose actions are the actions of a hater
To his frowning onlooker the attack of a smiling face
٢١. حَبيبٌ لِقَلبي فِعلُهُ فِعلُ مُبغِض
لِناظِرِهِ المُسوَدِّ فَتكَةُ أَبيَضِ
22. I sacrifice myself for him from a blamer and a sick one
And one who is veiled amongst the gossipers, indifferent
٢٢. جُعِلتُ فِداهُ مِن مُعِلٍّ وَمُمرِض
وَمُحتَجِبٍ بَينَ الأَسِنَّةِ مُعرِضٍ
23. And in the heart is the like of his disregard despite his veil
٢٣. وَفي القَلبِ مِن إِراضِهِ مِثل حَجبِهِ