1. You knew that I was passionate about you, pouring
So you tortured me, though the torture was sweet for you
١. علمتُم بأني مُغرم بكم صبُّ
فَعَذَّبتُموني وَالعَذابُ لَكُم عَذبُ
2. And you brought sleep to my eyes while I was looking at you
So neither my tears would flow, nor my sighs escape
٢. وَأَلَّفتُمُ بَينَ السُهادِ وَناظِري
فَلا دَمعَتي تَرقى وَلا زَفرَتي تَحبو
3. However you wish to hurt me, go ahead since you
Are the darlings of my heart, no blame and no grudge
٣. خُذوا في التَجَنّي كَيفَ شِئتُم فَأَنتُم
أَحِبَّةُ قَلبي لا مَلال وَلا عَتبُ
4. Your aloofness is union, your anger is pleasure
And your injustice is justice, your distance is nearness
٤. صُدودُكُمُ وَصلٌ وَسُخطُكُم رِضىً
وَجَورُكُمُ عَدلٌ وَبُعدُكُم قُربُ
5. In my heart you have a high position
That no happiness or blame can unsettle
٥. لَكُم في فُؤادي مَنزِلٌ مُتَرَفِّعٌ
عَلى العَتبِ لَم تَحلُلهُ سُعدى وَلا عَتبُ
6. And when you settled in my heart, nowhere was left
In my body except love, as though it itself was a heart
٦. وَلَمّا سَكَنتَ القَلبَ لَم يَبقَ مَوضِعٌ
بِجِسمِيَ إِلّا وَدَّ لَو أَنَّه قَلبُ
7. When my eyelids flutter, my tears flow profusely
As clouds drizzle when lightning flashes suddenly
٧. إِذا اِفتَرَّ جادَت بِالمَدامِعِ مقلتي
كذا عند وَمضِ البرق تَنهَمِلُ السحبً
8. Whenever my eyes stay awake for other than your beauty
They do not stop shedding tears copiously
٨. مَتى سَهِرَت عَيني لِغَيرِ جَمالِكُم
فَلا بَرِحَت عِندي مَدامِعُها سُكبُ
9. With whom can I seek helpers to kill you while you are
Along with passion, helpers in killing me, warfare
٩. بِمَن يَطلُبُ الأَنصار قَتلى وَأَنتُم
مَعَ الوَجدِ أَعواناً عَلى قَتلتي حَربُ
10. Maybe an opportunity will come for me to attain my wish
As before, the vale would bring us together
١٠. عَسى أَوبَةٌ بِالشِعبِ أُعطي بِها المنى
كَما كانَ قَبلَ ا لبَينِ يَجمَعُنا الشعبُ
11. A mother bird whose fledglings are away from her
Her occupation becomes weeping and lamenting grievously
١١. وَما ذاتُ فَرخٍ بانَ عَنها فَأَصبَحَت
بِذي الأَيكِ ثَكلى دَأبُها النَوحُ وَالنُدبُ
12. With a passion from my heart to you, if only
I had endured agony or if love had not been
١٢. بِأَشوَقَ مِن قَلبي إِلَيكُم فَلَيتَني
قَضَيتُ أَسىً أَولَيتَ لَم يَكُنِ الحُبُّ
13. I have a thirst that destroys time and expires
And has no day except love of you as sufficient
١٣. وَبي ظَمَأٌ يَفني الزَمان وَيَنقَضي
وَلَيسَ لَهُ يَوماً سِوى حُبِّكُم حَسبُ
14. And I have become pregnant, so whatever touches me
Bows down in shyness, mounts and caravans
١٤. وَبي ثَمِلٌ ما ماسَ إِلّا وَأَطرَقَت
حَياءً لَهُ اللُدنُ الذَوابِلُ وَالقُضبُ
15. My heart guards the pact in its love as protected land
And for passion and chronic disease in it as prey
١٥. فُؤادي لِرَعيِ العَهدِ في حُبّهِ حِمى
وَلِلوَجدِ وَالداءِ الدَفينِ بِهِ نَهبُ
16. When his two tearful eyes reproach me and his cup
I gain a position below which is east and west
١٦. إِذا نادَمَتني مُقلَتاهُ وَكاسُهُ
مَلَكتُ مَكاناً دونَهُ الشَرقُ وَالغَربُ
17. He blames me while the sin in love is his sin
So he returns forgiven while the sin is mine
١٧. يُعاتِبُني وَالذَنبُ في الحُبِّ ذَنبُهُ
فَيَرجِعُ مَغفوراً لَهُ وَلِيَ الذَنبُ
18. May Allah preserve a heart that does not madly love
And madly love those dwellings but does not pour towards them
١٨. لَحى اللَهُ قَلباً لا يَهيمُ صَبابَةً
وَصَبا إِلى تِلكَ المَنازِلِ لا يَصبو
19. Oh breeze blowing from the land of Hajir
I implore you - is that flock still that flock
١٩. أَلا يا نَسيماً هَبَّ مِن أَرضِ حاجِرٍ
نَشَدنَكَ هَل سِربُ الحِمى ذَلِكَ السربُ
20. And are there graceful trees in the valley
That the riding camels relax under and go and return
٢٠. وَهَل شَجراتٌ بِالأَثيلِ أَنيقَةٌ
يَروحُ وَيَغدو مُستَظِلاً بِها الرَكبُ
21. May Allah protect the living in Muhassab
Free of blaming the overseer and no sin
٢١. رَعى اللَهُ حَيّاً بِالمُحَصَّبِ مِن مِنى
خَلِيَّينِ مِن رَعيِ الذِمامِ وَلا ذَنبُ
22. They ignored me though they were my companions
Seeking to turn away from me while they are companions
٢٢. جَفوني وَكانوا واصِلينَ فَاِعرِضوا
يَرومونَ مِنّي جانِباً وَهُمُ الصَحبُ
23. If only you were just and my time oppressive
And you were peace while all the people were war
٢٣. فَلَيتَكُم عُدلٌ وَدَهرِيَ جائِر
وَلَيتَكُم سِلمٌ وَكُلَّ الوَرى حَربُ