
Spring swore by its enchanting splendor

حلف الربيع بقده الفتان

1. Spring swore by its enchanting splendor
And the fluttering of branch by branch

١. حَلَفَ الرَبيعُ بِقَدِّهِ الفَتّانِ
وَتَحَرُّشِ الأَغصانِ بِالأَغصانِ

2. And by the joy of elegant flowers when
Their breath spreads musky scents

٢. وَبَهجَةِ الزَهرِ الأَنيقِ إِذا سَرَت
أَنفاسُهُ مِسكِيَّةُ الأَردانِ

3. And by the yellow flowers scattered about
And the red rose and green basil

٣. وَبِصُفرَةِ المَنثورِ مِنهُ وَحُمرَةِ ال
وَردِ الجَنِيِّ وَخُضرَةِ الرَيحانِ

4. And the birds singing, we'd think
They are the voices of singers of melodies

٤. وَتَرَنُّم الأَطيارِ نَحسِبُ أَنَّها
أَصواتُ شادٍ مُطرِبُ الأَلحانِ

5. And the gurgling of water over pebbles
Like pearls, rubies and coral

٥. وَتَرَقرُقِ الماءِ القَراح عَلى حَصى
كَالدُرِّ وَالياقوتِ وَالمَرجانِ

6. I will entertain the mate of playfulness and youth
With the most delightful life and time

٦. لَأُمَتِّعَنَّ أَخا الخَلاعَةِ وَالصَبا
مِنّي بِأَطيَبِ عيشةٍ وَزَمانِ

7. I am the joy of days, my value is known
To the chivalrous who won the virtues of youth

٧. أَنا بَهجَةُ الأَيّامِ يَعرِفُ قيمَتي
جَذلانُ حازَ خَلائِق الشَبانِ

8. The hand of playfulness took from him a pact
That he will never cease to be high-spirited

٨. أَخَذَت عَلَيهِ يَدُ الخَلاعَةِ موثِقاً
أَن لا يَزالُ مُشَمِّرَ الأَردانِ

9. God is Greatest! How delicious for the drinker
Is the springtime and company of friends

٩. اللَهُ أَكبَرُ ما أَلَذّ لِشارِبٍ
زَمَنَ الرَبيعِ وَصُحبَةَ الإخوانِ