1. The Yemeni lightning flashed,
Agitating me, perturbing me,
١. لَمَعَ البَرقُ اليماني
فَشَجاني ما شَجاني
2. Reminding me of my past days and time
In Al-Hima, oh what days!
٢. ذِكرُ دَهري وَزَماني
بِالحِمى أَيَّ زَمانِ
3. O flickering lightning, can
The days of intimacy return,
٣. يا وَميضَ البَرقِ هَل
تَرجِعُ أَوقاتُ التَداني
4. And the pleasures come together,
That I may attain my wishes?
٤. وَتَرى يَجتَمِعُ الشَم
لُ وَأَحظى بِالأَماني
5. Which arrow surpassed the others,
Striking me, wounding me,
٥. أَيُّ سَهمٍ فَوَّقَ البَي
نَ مُصيباً وَرَماني
6. And the bitterness of a cup
Whose drinking intoxicated me?
٦. وَمَراراتِ كُؤُسٍ
مِن تَجَنّيهِ سَقاني
7. It distanced the loved ones from me
And showed me what it showed me.
٧. أَبَعدَ الأَحباب عَنّى
وَأَراني ما أَراني
8. O my two friends, if you will not
Make me happy, then leave me.
٨. يا خَليلَيَّ إِذا لَم
تُسعِداني فَذَراني
9. These are the ruins of Sa’da,
Al-Hima and the flags.
٩. هَذِهِ أَطلالُ سُعدى
وَالحِمى وَالعَلَمانِ
10. Where are the days of friendliness
And the vigorous youth?
١٠. أَينَ أَيّامُ التَصابي
وَالشَباب العُنفُوانِ
11. Where the course of amusement was spacious
And passion had free rein,
١١. حَيثُ مَجرى اللَهوِ رَحبٌ
وَالهَوى طَلقُ العِنانِ
12. And hopes were safe
From the vicissitudes of events?
١٢. وَالأَماني في أَمانٍ
مِن صُروفِ الحَدَثانِ
13. Those joys went away
With the beautiful songs.
١٣. ذَهَبَت تِلكَ البَشاشا
تُ مَعَ الغيدِ الحِسانِ
14. And the pleasure of life is a life
That passes away and perishes.
١٤. وَأَمُرُّ العَيشِ عَيشٌ
ذاهِبٌ بِالبُعدِ فانِ
15. Who can aid a frightened one,
With blood flowing freely,
١٥. مَن لِمَرعوبٍ طَليقِ الدَم
عِ مَأسورِ الجِنانِ
16. Whose soul is imprisoned,
Always sorrowful, unique
١٦. دائِمُ الحُزنِ فَريدٌ
في أَعالي حَفِتيانِ
17. On the summits of Hafiteen*
The sons of separation have judged me
١٧. حَكَمَت فينا بِما تَخ
تارُ أَولادُ الزَواني