1. His cheek was watered by the finest wine
That left no weakness that could change his mind
١. سَقى حِماكَ مِنَ الوَسمِيِّ أَغزَرُهُ
وَلا أَلَمَّ بِهِ وَهنٌ يُغَيِّرُهُ
2. The wind blew gently through his dwelling
Like musk it spread its scent around each corner
٢. وَأَجرَتِ الريحُ في أَرجائِهِ أَرجاً
كَالمِسكِ نَشراً عَلى الأَرجاءِ تَنشُرُهُ
3. The abode of love for me has always been a burden
O you of singular beauty, remembering you makes me yearn
٣. دارُ الهَوى وَرَبوعاً لَم أَزَل كَلَفاً
يا واحِدَ الحُسن يُصبيني تَذَكُّرُهُ
4. I miss you though you're in my heart, and I'm not
Distant that I'd forget and need to be reminded
٤. أَشتاقُ وَهوَ في قَلبي وَلَستُ عَلى
بُعدِ المَسافةِ أَنساهُ فَأَذكُرُهُ
5. I protect him from the youths I'm tasked to watch over
For him my long nights awake I suffer
٥. أُعيذُهُ مِن صَباباتٍ كُلِفتُ بِها
فيهِ وَلَيلٌ طَويلٌ بِتُّ أَسهَرُهُ
6. He wrongs me though I'm innocent, and strangely
I see the wrong as kindness and am thankful
٦. يَجني عَلَيَّ بِلا ذَنبٍ وَمِن عَجَبٍ
أَرى الجِنايَةَ إِحساناً فَأَشكُرُهُ
7. Who can help me when he reigns supreme
Over the hearts of lovers, his beauty their regime
٧. مَن لي بِهِ وَهوَ سُلطانٌ يَمُرُّ عَلى
قُلوبِ أَهلِ الهَوى وَالحُسنُ عَسكَرُهُ
8. When he sings and sways, his glances shine white
His stature amidst tumult shows darkness of night
٨. إِذا رَنى وَاِنثَنى فَاللَحظُ أَبيَضُهُ
وَالقَدُّ في حَومَةِ الهَيجاءِ أَسمَرُهُ
9. Not once did I complain of his watcher's cruelty
Except his brow would swiftly turn to stare at me
٩. ما جِئتُهُ شاكِياً مِن جَورِ عامِلِهِ
إِلّا وَحاجِبُهُ في الحالِ ناظِرُهُ