
Your blame and firmness established my excuse

عذارك والقوام أقام عذري

1. Your blame and firmness established my excuse
I was passionate for it and through it I tore my veil

١. عِذارُكَ وَالقَوامُ أَقامَ عُذري
شغِفتُ بِهِ وَفيهِ هَتَكتُ ستري

2. O sun of beauty, be to a lover
Who sees in your glances the battle of Badr

٢. أَيا شَمسَ المَلاحَةِ كُن لصَبٍّ
يُعايِنُ مِن لِحاظِكَ حَرب بَدرِ

3. You were created for my misery, sweet of waist
Like kohl on the two eyelids, delicate of waist

٣. خُلِقتَ لِشَقوَتي حُلوَ التثنى
كَحيلَ المُقلَتَينِ رَقيقَ خَصرِ

4. You hope I live while you are aloof
How can one live who is worn out by abandonment?

٤. تُؤَمِّلُ أَن أَعيشَ وَأَنتَ جافٍ
وَكَيفَ يَعيشُ مَن يَبلى بِهَجرِ

5. I used to be patient of wrong, hardy
Yet here I am in youth a sister of rock

٥. وَكُنتُ عَلى اِحتِمالِ الضَيمِ جَلداً
فَها أنا في الصَبابَةِ أُختُ صَخرِ