
O You who has possessed me and strayed from the path of loyalty,

يا من ملكني وعن طرف الوفا عرج

1. O You who has possessed me and strayed from the path of loyalty,
And released my slumber and paired my eyelids with wakefulness,

١. يا مَن مَلَكَني وَعَن طَرفِ الوَفا عَرَّج
وَأَطلَقَ رُقادي وَجَفني بِالسَهر زَوَّج

2. And You who with Your beauty has been crowned with the crown of beauty,
The dawn of yearning has adorned the morning of reunion.

٢. وَمَن لِحُسنِك بِتاجِ الحُسنِ قَد تَوَّج
عيدُ الوِصالِ فَجرُ الشَوقِ قَد مَوَّج