
The ailment of love - my covenant with you is a sojourn,

عريب الحمى عهدي نزيلكم يحمى

1. The ailment of love - my covenant with you is a sojourn,
So why has my heart been unjustly laid bare for you?

١. عُرَيبَ الحِمى عَهدي نَزيلُكُم يُحمى
فَما بالُ قَلبي قَد أُبيحَ لَكُم ظَلما

2. You have learned to plunder hearts, so I sacrifice myself for you,
Though pillage was a sin to you before.

٢. تَعَلَّمتُم نَهبَ القُلوبِ فَدَيتُكُم
وَقَد كانَتِ الغاراتُ عِندَكُم إثما

3. That languid one called you -
To slay me when an arrow was shot from his eyelash.

٣. عَزالُكُم ذاكَ الأَغَنّ دعاكُم
إِلى قتلَتي لَمّا رَمى طَرفهُ سَهما

4. I marveled that killing us comes from his eyelash,
Other than his cheek - that bloodied one is undamaged.

٤. عَجِبتُ لَهُ وَالقَتلُ فينا بِطَرفِهِ
سِوى خَدِّهِ ذاكَ المُضَرَّجِ لا يَدمى

5. I see the tear has bloodied my eye with its point,
So it's no wonder I'm covered in blood from head to toe.

٥. أَرى الدَمعَ أَدمى ناظِري بِمَسلِهِ
فَلا عَجَبٌ مِنّي عَلى الرَشا الأَدَمى

6. I guaranteed him all people would be enthralled,
If the breeze stirred the down on his cheek.

٦. ضَمِنتُ لَهُ أَنَّ الأَنامَ صَبابَةً
عَلَيهِ إِذا رَيحانُ عارِضِهِ نَما

7. Since Qays likened his face to the full moon,
I've been pierced with passion, avoiding his brilliant stars.

٧. بِنَفسي رَشاً مُذ قيسَ بِالبَدرِ وجهُهُ
وَصَلتُ سُهادي مِن تَجَنُّبِهِ النَجما

8. When I drew near him, hoping to embrace him one night,
I didn't forget to say, "What more do you want, after my soul?"

٨. وَلَم أَنسَ إِذ فاتَحتهُ في وِصالِهِ
لَعَلِّيَ أَن أَحظى بِهِ لَيلَةً ضَمّا

9. He said, "My body." I thought if you'd seen my humiliation and honor,
My friend, you would not oppress me unjustly.

٩. وَقُلتُ لَهُ ماذا تُريدُ تَلافَهُ
حَبيبي بَعدَ الروحِ قالَ لي الجسما

10. How strange - it quenches thirst with its downpour,
While my heart toward it is parched.

١٠. أَظُنُّكَ لَو شاهَدتَ ذُلّي وَعِزَّهُ
عَذولِيَ ما أَصبَحتَ تَعذلُني ظُلما

١١. فَوا عَجَبا يَروي العِطاشَ بِفَيضِهِ
وَقَلبي إِلَيهِ وَهوَ صاحِبُهُ يَظما